Will someone get high the first time they smoke weed ??
2008-05-08 19:51:46 UTC
and how do oyu make sure u get high the first time u smoke it ... thanks
24 answers:
2008-05-08 19:54:39 UTC
No, you don't. That's a stupid assumption.


And to the person below me, you're also wrong. You DON'T get high every time you smoke pot. That's like saying you'll get drunk every time you drink alcohol.
2008-05-08 20:17:29 UTC
I'll answer your question and then I'll tell you what my opinions are on the practice and this is speaking from experience ... First of all, the first time usually takes a while before anything will happen because you have a clean system and it takes a while for the THC to hit you. You'll know if you are going to get high when you inhale and you start coughing almost in a convulsive manner as if choking. After that, you will act like an idiot and laugh at stupid things and waste a lot of valuable time. I got caught up in that practice for a very short time thankfully. I had a very popular heavies rock band at the time and everyone around me was getting high so I plunged right in. I noticed that after using, I got nothing productive done musically. I also suffered vocally. My normally 4 octave range would shrink from the squeezed feeling that smoking that crap caused. I also noticed that the people around me who smoked bud on a regular basis were all losers and tended to lie a lot. They seemed to stay at the same maturity level as they were when they started smoking. My boyfriend became REALLY boring in bed when he got hooked on it. That sucked to high hell. I quit doing it after only about a handful of times and guess where those other bud heads are now? No where! I, on the other hand, ended up getting full membership status with ASCAP who is the society that gives all the rockstars their royalties. You have to have international distribution in order to have full membership status (and I'm a hard rocker CHICK! The discrimination in this business is something else!) I also ended up getting a guitar endorsement which means free ****! All those other pot heads are still working at Kinko's in their 30's or mooching off their friends and families. I have my own fitness business and make more money per hour than someone at kinko's does in a full day. Please trust me ... pot makes you not care about anything. If you are passionate about something like art, music, political ideals, a lover, ANYTHING, it will fall by the wayside and you will care no more. You will become very milk-toast and boring and a liability to others but of course, they won't have the heart to tell you because you'll be such a wimp and so "nice" because your high all the time. Oh yeah, if you are a guy ... pot also lowers your testosterone levels and so you may even grow ***** **** like this dealer I know of. That's really sexy. He's a paranoid old fart who sits in a rocking chair with a shot gun over the armrests waiting for the neighborhood budheads to steal his stash. Lame. Get out and get a life and be passionate. Let yourself get angry, sad and happy and madly in love with a girl or guy or music or art or whatever. Life is too short but it's ridiculously short when it's spent in a haze of smoke and one day you wake up and wonder what the hell you ever did with your life.
2008-05-09 14:44:15 UTC
OMG WEED IS SO BAD. iv been smokin for 3 years gettin high bout evry day. and my life is ruined. i killed my lungs, i can only run the mile in 5:40 and i made a B in AP chemistry. my advice dont do it cuase it causes cancer. and ps DONT STEAL the goverment doesnt want competion.

btw smokin weed is waaay better then any other thing. iv gone mountian biking and white water rafting rank 4. and iv hiked 100 miles straight.

on ur first time u either get high as ****, sick as ****, or nuttin at all. and ya ul caugh. and ya it is legal to be high in public but if u got it on u a cop can just say ur eyes and red and can search u so say ur gay and be like call my lawyer and the cop will usally leave.
2008-05-08 19:54:23 UTC
of course u will get high. if you dont u r doing it completey wrong (*** knows how u can do that though) or its very very crap weed.

inhale deeply and hold in the smoke for as long as u can 8 secs or longer. the more u cough the higher u will get.

also note

if these people commenting did some actual reseach and not believe government b.s they would know it is not harmful, u will not ruin your life and it doesnt make you dumb.

been smoking it for a long time. have a high paying job, have a masters degree and i also get high every do the maths
2008-05-08 20:03:16 UTC
ive been smokin for quite a while. the time i got high most was my first time. some people say they didnt get high theyre first time. just make sure u get good bud, and hold ur smoke for as long as u can, ull probably swallow the first few times, but it doesnt matter. and make sure ur organized before u smoke, kuz its easy to loose stuff.

stay green, peace.
Jesse B
2008-05-08 19:56:17 UTC
just try not to think about it so much. If you try to hard to get high your first time chances are you wont, or you will but you will be so concentrated on thinking if your high or not you wont notice. Just lay back and let the high take you in. And for amount, dont keep on smoking if you dont get high right away, it doesnt come into affect right away, be patient
2008-05-08 19:55:16 UTC
I heard a long time ago that you can't get high the first time you smoke it but I'm not sure. Weed sucks.
2008-05-12 00:00:52 UTC
not usually. i didn't. but i know some people that did.

you will most likely get high if you do a bong.

be careful.

it also depends on the type of weed you are smoking.

so if you want to get high.

bong bong bong. go go gooooooooo!!!!
2008-05-08 20:08:58 UTC
of course, you will get paranoid, probably freek out at first, it will not last long because your body is not use to it and then the guilt will set in and then you will realize this is good weed.
bobo s
2008-05-08 19:53:41 UTC
r u retarted dont fall 2 peer pressure itll ruin ur life
2008-05-08 19:54:48 UTC
everyone is different if you want to make sure of it eat it instead of smoking it, like in brownies or something.
2008-05-08 19:54:44 UTC
It is my understanding that you get high everytime you smoke pot. Don't be a pothead. Get high on life.
2008-05-08 19:55:24 UTC
Well it doesn't matter one deep puff will make you high.....

But it also horrible for your body it very harmful. Please don't go out and get high it make you a couch potato. It just not good. Your brain will distillate.
2008-05-08 19:54:19 UTC
um . . yes . . . there is no tolerance to a drug you've never done . . . i would say first time, take 2 hits and your good. If you cough alot you'll get a bigger buzz.
2008-05-08 19:54:45 UTC
you will get high but then it gets boring. so only do it once. and dont cough cuz then peoplke are like damn rookie and its real gay.
2008-05-08 19:54:32 UTC
Hell yeah and they will get addicted too. My sister dated three druggies and is dating one right now.
2008-05-08 21:51:38 UTC
-yes u will if you know how to inhale it right. (into your lungs)

-no u wont if u just suck it in and blow it out fast.
2008-05-08 19:54:12 UTC
yes dont try it you will get busted by the cops and get fat
Gruntled Employee
2008-05-08 19:54:06 UTC
yes, it is weed therefore you will get high. you will probably vomit too.
2008-05-08 19:54:57 UTC
yeah but it sucks dont try it
2008-05-08 19:54:28 UTC
lol, maybe a lil, wanna know how it feels? try it!
2008-05-08 19:54:15 UTC
not always, but you'll get light headed
2008-05-08 19:53:42 UTC
Yes. When you feel happier, lol.
2008-05-08 19:54:32 UTC
who cares. dont do it.

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