2006-07-04 10:34:31 UTC
i stupidly got into to smoking weed and straights and stuff like that and im only 13. its stupid i no but as much as i wanna get off it is as much as i like the feeling of just being relaxed. its so depresin that i do it but im not an adict cause i never ever brortght any from a dealer. what i would like as an answer is not jus drugs are bad b.b.b.b.b.b but some advise about how de f***k i should get off it !!! HELP ME !!!!!!!
48 answers:
2006-07-04 10:41:07 UTC
The only way you can get off......starts with you. You really have to want to stop. If you're only half-heartly comitted, then you won't stop. You have to have a lifestyle change.....starts with changing your friends if they do it.......and quitting cold turkey. Again, all this depends on if you REALLY want to stop. Also, you need to consider the guilt by association thing.......if you're with people who do drugs......even if you're not doing drugs....everyone is're guilty just by being with them....whether you think that's fair or not. That is why I said you need to change friends. Think of things like this......the choices you make while you're young,,, will affect you for the rest of your life....think about all this......and make your decision and stick with it. best of luck to the worked for me.....and I was on weed for years........
King Jobber
2006-07-04 11:08:09 UTC
Alright mate. Ive been smoking weed since I was 13 as well, the reason, I enjoy it. I know its not good and its not clever. Even with all the problems that came with this, depression lung problems etc I havn't stopped. The only way I dont smoke weed is when there is none around me. This also applies to drugs in general for me, if its there i'll take it, no willpower.I dont believe its a case of been trapped by dealers or anything like that as it all comes down to personal choice, do I or don't I? For me personally the only way ive found to work is by surrounding myself with peolpe who dont smoke the stuff. I'm 27 now and its only recently that i'm doing this and its working. I assume its a lot more difficult when your younger to do this cos friendship groups are all doing the things together. I am still great friends with all the people I tried stuff with when I grew up but they all had stronger willpower than me and were able to stop when they wanted. The nicotine that comes with the baccy don't help either as I use to not smoke cigs, only spliffs but its the nicotine that keeps u goin back for more. I still occasionsly get stoned but its a social thing more than anything. It comes down to willpower I think and where u wanna go with your life. Have fun mate
2006-07-18 14:23:53 UTC
Marijuana can be addicting, but not in the same way that methamphetamines are addictive. It's psychological. When you're high, you feel great, you feel calm, relaxed, happy. When you go off it, what used to be 'happy' to you just doesn't cut it anymore. So to increase the happy, you go back and smoke more and it becomes a vicious cycle. What you need to do is watch yourself for a while. What are your triggers? Do you start smoking as soon as you start feeling depressed? Do you start smoking when you're bored? Once you figure out what the trigger is, go do something else. Pick a new hobby. Maybe learn to rollerblade or something. Every time you want to smoke, go do the other thing. Everything boils down to Pavlov and his dogs, and once you find your "bell", you can change anything you want. Be careful. If you're around people that do it and pressure you into doing it, don't hang out with them when they are. Tell them 'hey, I can't be around you when you're doing this.' If they're your friends, they will respect your decision.

And, a piece of advice: go to and research EVERYTHING you try before you try it. It is best to know what the effects and consequences of your actions are, even if you choose to disregard the 'healthy option.' That way, you will be aware of possibilities like this in the future and be able to take steps to avoid it. ;) Good luck.
2006-07-04 10:51:20 UTC
Firstly, don't take any notice of the other respondents moronic replies. I am a substance misuse worker of ten years and was, prior to this a dependent poly-drug user for over 20 years. Only you know if it would be a good idea to tell your parents. If you don't feel able to (or even if you do) there are youth services that you could access to get help with your problem. You could ring the National Drugs Helpline on 0800 776600 or alternatively try going to the Drugscope wesite and looking for help via the helpfinder. Or find out where your local community drug team is- they won't be able to work with you themselfes but should be able to point you in the right direction. You won't have to give your personal details to anyone who you speak to. You are far too young to be risking making life very difficult for yourself-do get some help. Good luck
2006-07-18 17:55:11 UTC
if you look around in the phone book every once and a while they have a drug help line. If you can't find any help there go to one of those suport groups they may seem realy silly but truth be told they realy work. ask everyone for help from your parents, to your school police officer, it is a good thing that you are trying to get off them now, but just do not start other things to help get rid of the issue that you alredy have and it will only make it harder to stop with the one that you currently have.

Any way that you take to stop smokeing weed is good just as long as it is not takeing you to other things, take your time with going through with the process it will take time. And know that if you do have times when you mess up and something happens, no one person is perfect and gets something done right the first time we all make mistakes.

Good luck I will be cheering you on as you work for your goal of being drug free!
2006-07-17 12:41:45 UTC
I am really sorry you are in this situation. Firstly, do not blame yourself and knock yourself over the head. That will not help. No body should have given you access to it in the first place. Whatever you think, you are not old enough and mature enough to make decisions based on life's experiences. Secondly, you really want help and you realise you need it. Well done! Thirdly, you need help. You must tell a responsible adult about your situation. If not your parents, how about your doctor? Persuade them you really need help as it is mucking up your life. Get into an institution where you can learn about drugs and they will help you get off. It will be a long hard road, but very rewarding. Good luck, and I will be thinking of you.
2006-07-19 04:56:01 UTC
Find something to take it's place. Something you enjoy doing. Your 13 start "working out" once you see what working out can do for your body & mind you will be hooked. I'm not sure what "straights" are but weed isn't the worst thing you could of done but it's obviously having some affect on you and how you think about yourself. You have a long life and don't want to sleep through it. Start working on yourself and see what putting "good stuff" in your body can do... you will be amazed and so will the girls...or guys. Good luck
2006-07-04 10:45:08 UTC
You can be addicted to anything even water if you takei t all the time your body becomes used to it. Your finding it hard to quit the smoke because your body has become used to the the way you feel when smoking. I have a way of changing your habbits.

First of all don't smoke.

When you feel like a smoke either:

1. Run until you are knackered.

2. Buy yourself something amazing.

3. Write down how you feel, write a list of the reasons why you want to stop and why you know it is bad for you.
she wolf.
2006-07-15 06:03:30 UTC
ive smoked weed for many years now, from when i get up to when i go to bed, firstly, the tobbaco is the most addictive, the relaxation you get with weed can be got in many other ways,seems like ur bored, or stressed, they are what you need to resolve, the weed is a form of self medication,that you can stop, but as with most drugs its a mask to problems, not a cure, the problems wont go away with weed, just that your too chilled out to give a sh*t , you are using weed to help u deal with whatever and im with you i know where your coming from .....I chose to stop when i had a bad time in my life, i stopped for 2. 1/2 yrs, because i chose to stop, it wasnt hard at all. its harder to stop when u dont really want to.So the most importantant thing of all about stopping is that YOU really want to. good luck, save your money and get something you really want with it, i know you said you dont buy it .... but you will ,so that was a quick look to the future. take care all the best
2006-07-19 01:54:52 UTC
Talk to FRANK. Don't try cutting down, you will only find yourself back at square one. Just because you didn't pay for the stuff doesn't mean you're not addicted, even a 13 year old should know that. If you can't get off it you ARE addicted & you need to get help. It's good that you have decided it's not for you. I'm sure your parents will be very understanding if you tell them & they will find you the help you need. I would be gutted if one of my children came to me with your problem but I would also feel proud that they had the sense to choose to stop & the courage to tell me about it. Good luck with whatever you decide, just remember that it will be easier if you share your problem with someone who cares about you.
2006-07-15 08:20:54 UTC
start by telling ur parents then ask if u can play some sports when i wasw 10 i found out my brother had the same problem so dont worry he is no longer a drug addict and u can get over it to just start by not hanging around people who do drugs and make sure u are always busy so that way u never have a chance to smoke weed and eventually u will be over weed
2006-07-16 18:30:57 UTC
I'm sorry to tell you, but you are an addict, but you knew that.. There are so many places you can call for help. Get out the phone book and look under addiction ,crisis hot lines,mental health, or your local hospital, or even 411. Someone will talk to you and help you make an appointment for help. You've taken the first step, you asked for help. You're on the road to recovery today. By the way the people who give or sell you drugs are not your friends!!
2006-07-16 08:46:01 UTC
Since it is virtually impossible to become addicted to pot, those who say you are an addict are feeding you lies and you should ignore them. Do you like smoking pot with your friends? I bet your parents did when they were young. It's normal. Just don't get carried away with it. Don't buy if your friends supply. Yes it is illegal but so is speeding and just look at the gauge when you parents drive. Does that make them criminals? Well yes it does. If you really want to get off it, change friends because that is the ONLY way you can stop. Peer pressure is too great at your age so make a choice and time to grow up, it's your life.
2006-07-17 20:14:06 UTC
call a drug hot-line which you can find at the beginning of your phone book...don't hesitate to get yourself into group therapy as well at your local hospital....needing or wanting it is an addiction not the fact that you buy it from a "dealer" or not....use your faith to get you through and then let your parents or a family member you feel confident with, know your situation and get yourself the help you need before you fall too deep....I'll pray for you and hope the best for you....i come from a family of "dependents" is the ugliest thing you have ever seen and believe me, you don't want to live a life like this...Good luck to you...Remember somebody else out there will benefit from your honesty....
Delora Gloria
2006-07-17 09:35:14 UTC
Your doctor might help. Your parents would probably help. If you are afraid to go to them, try talking to a teacher or school counsellor, or a preacher. I'm concerned that you consider yourself an addict. How long would it take for you to go without it in order to not be addicted? If you stopped today, what would happen? I think you would live, although you might not have a good time. Then you could go again for tomorrow. Take it one day at a time. And get help. It's out there.
2006-07-04 10:44:55 UTC
just because you have never bought from a dealer does not mean you are not an addict

the fact that you are asking how to stop taking it suggests you are either already addicted or close to it

the fact you are asking for help is a really good sign as it shows you are addmitting you have a problem

you really need to tell your parents or another adult you can trust you need to go with them to your doctor so you can get the help and support you need

it is all well and good to ask here for help but you also need someone you can trust and talk to face to face who can help you and give you support

good luck in getting the help and support you need

it will not be easy to kick the habit but it will be worth the hard work stick at it
2006-07-04 11:07:44 UTC
Congratulations your spirit is still able to respond in it's own defense. From hard & extensive personal experience, taking drugs anesthesizes the soul. You are a conscious soul brother. By your taking drugs ( yes - alcohol is a drug ) , what those unaware sense as relaxation, feeling fine & groovy, they are simply becoming stupified. From there depending on usage one then becomes less conscious by degree until the state of unconsciousness is waiting. Saddly from there, the next step is loss of life itself - which is nothing more than the extinguishment of the soul. If you are lucky, you will accept this as truth. That coupled along with the realization/understanding that you, as an ensouled being, it is your true purpose in this very life, having the exhaulted status & supreme gift of the human birth, to develop higher & higher states of consciousness - not to purposely seek ways to decrease it or defile it. Sly & the Family Stone told us that they wanted to take us "higher" - higher states of conscious awareness is truly where it's at - as opposed to being stoned out, unaware, unconscious & dead. Good luck on your hopeful assent to HIGHER, HEATHIER & HOLIER life.
2006-07-04 11:36:24 UTC
People generally do drugs for two reasons

1. Life is too much for them and the seek a pleasent form of escape.

2. Or They think life is not enough and they seek to enhance it chemically.

Either way they give up freewill and chained themselves to a chemical reactions that for some drugs are instantanious and reinforce an inmature drive for instant gratification and ego centricism.

Whenever human beings choose to abuse chemicals to practice the generation of alternate realities they start developing along rigid psycho-spiritual lines and experience the habituation of compulsive felt senses.

Physically over time their DNA and RNA evolves and drastic changes take place. As their physical bodies adapt to the induction of these artifical chemicals and they slowly quit producing their own natural ones.

Now Pot is a particularly nasty drug as it is only felt as a "high" while it is in the blood system and it does not like being there so quickly moves into the fatty tissues of the abusers body. where ithas an extremely long high life. It will take some abusers up to three months to rid themselves of any residual physicalogical effects and much longer to acquire healthy substitutes for the psycho-emotional supports.

So ideally the drug abuser who wants to quit long term should wait three months before paying for professional treatment. They can find needed support in 12 step groups during this time period. And can start practicing different methods of meditation and prayer to learn how to relax. Time outs and breathing excerises are particularly import to the recovering pothead as shortness of temper and concentration are generally the norm.

For some people the abuse of canobinoids may mask other even deeper emotional and psychologocal issues and if you feel self destructive or began acting out against others please call and get help (911) ask for a mental health evaluation. (suicide and homicide are permanate solutions to temporary problems).

Basically over time the abuse of pot (tetrahydrocannabinol) causes the human body to quit producing N-arachidonoylethanolamine (Canobinoids Anandamide)

Canobinoids Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine) is a brain chemical that activates the same cell membrane receptors that are targeted by tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana and hashish. The pharmacological effects of anandamide suggest that it may play important roles in the regulation of mood, memory, appetite, and pain perception. It may act as the chief component of a novel system involved in the control of cognition and emotion. It is important in regulating our brain functions in health and disease as other better-understood neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.

We are just starting to understand the physiological roles of anandamide and the biochemical mechanisms of its synthesis and inactivation.

The good news is that for drugs to work they have to exactly match substances that are already in our bodies so anyone can find safer methods to access their own interior psychopharmacologies with none of the negative side effects that the abuse of chemicals carry (addiction, death, jail, burns, busts ripoffs). Good Luck ~ Rudy
2006-07-04 10:44:09 UTC
You want to relax? Try meditation. Play a nice sport. Listen to classical music.

Look at drugs as a stupid thing and it will wear off.

Take help from parents and ask them to get professional help for you. Don't think you will be able to kick it all by yourself. Your parents will be your best help.
2006-07-04 10:41:14 UTC
I used to smoke pot. I started when I was 13 and quit when I was 18. If you really wanted to quit, you'd just quit. I did. It's not hard. Just replace the time you smoke with something else. If you smoke when you're bored, get a hobby. I quit and never looked back. I used the same technique to quit smoking cigarettes, drinking, & caffine.
Lydia R
2006-07-13 16:15:39 UTC
Learn to meditate. It's a grate alternative.

You're lucky that its just an emotional addiction. Other drugs a physically addictive too. Take you experiences now, as a reason never to do anything harder, not even once!
2006-07-18 14:33:36 UTC
listen, you don't have to buy the drugs personally to be an addict.

chances are you are not yet an addict, but are on the way to becomming one. i don't know what kind of relationship you have with your parents, but i never had the kind that would make me feel comfortable telling them all about drugs--look in your phone book for narcotics anonymous--they can direct you to help and you can do so without having to "out" yourself to anyone.

good luck.
2006-07-04 10:38:12 UTC
I went through the same thing cus it was the only way of relaxin me. i cud suddenly quite wen i met a girl hu relaxed me on her own, didnt need it any more so with abit of will power i managed. just find sumthing more helthy to make u feel better and its eesier to go cold turkey
moira m
2006-07-05 11:04:08 UTC
it doesnt matter that you havent bought it from a dealer, you are addicted if you cant stop taking it, do you take it alone or with friends? if it is with friends then you could try spending less time with them. are your parents understanding? if so you could try talking to them, im sure they will be glad you told them before your problem gets any worse, and it could get worse, the longer you take it the harder it is to stop

good luck
2006-07-17 21:54:31 UTC
ok 5 members of my family got into it please listin 2 me wen is y u have 2 stop as far as quiting tell someone trust me its the only way out get close 2 god tell ur parents/some one u trust and go 2 rehab plz do that cause it wont get better on its own
keith b
2006-07-04 10:47:40 UTC
as a 53 year old man i have tryed a few things weed as one but when i see the things on tv and papers you see the misarey of what it can do to you think.
2006-07-04 10:44:34 UTC
Thats a tough one, and there is no clear cut answer i can givew you ;however, This organization have some great information and can help you decide what you want to do next to get some help.
2006-07-04 10:47:52 UTC
tell ur bro just stopped afta 10 plus a day,you will get mad dreams at first ,this is ur brain waking up ...doc is the best thing ,it does ur head in ,people think it relaxs u ,it bad stuff trust me
2006-07-18 03:45:04 UTC
Dude pot isnt bad, but if your 13 itll make u stupid. Its also not addicting, your overreacting. Calm the f*ck down. If you want to stop smokin pot, then, stop. Its not physically addicting.
2006-07-19 00:54:47 UTC
Are your parents helpful understanding people? If they are then by all means tell them about the pot and ask for their help. If they are understanding they will lend you the support you need. You will be surprised how smart and understanding parents can be.
2006-07-04 10:37:41 UTC
I think you have to admit that you are an addict. If you can't get off the stuff yourself, then you're addicted to it. Get some help from your parents, if you don't think you can talk to them, speak to a teacher then. Or call Frank.
Jack Kerouac
2006-07-04 10:40:07 UTC
o...geez i wouldnt "tell my parents". what i woud do is find some other way to about FISHING? may be dull as can be...but bet you will relax....and if actually catching a fish is too stressfull..go baitless. if you dont like about just taking a long hike ...or walk something ELSE that relaxes you....
2006-07-04 10:38:55 UTC
i think the best thing is to try to cut down.cut down more and more each day until your off but if that doesn't work Tell your parents
2006-07-18 13:08:41 UTC
Are you kidding me. Your gonna be smoking for awhile. If you wanna stop, then stop. If not then you smoke. Its all mental. Mind over body.
2006-07-19 02:01:10 UTC
yeah Im 13 it took a wile for me to get off of it.
The 3 postmen of the apocalypse
2006-07-04 10:39:30 UTC
Make yourself WANT (actually really want) to stop it, then it' easy. Find something else to do regularly.

DON'T think about rehab - it's only weed when you think about it.
2006-07-04 10:36:45 UTC
Try telling your parents about it and asking if you could be put in rehab.
2006-07-15 03:40:30 UTC
my advice to you.. what the hell man.. u're only 13 & yet you...

nevermind.. i suggest u better sort things out man or you'll get addicted heavily. the best way to hv a appointment with a doctor or a specialist & tell him wat u've taken..
2006-07-08 08:40:05 UTC
quit smoking all together its the only way
2006-07-04 10:45:27 UTC
dont do any the feeling will go with time but if you take more you lose it is addictive!!
2006-07-04 11:41:31 UTC
Just like stopping fags, JUST STOP if you really want to.

good luck man.
Male Sicilian Trauma Nurse
2006-07-04 10:35:54 UTC
Best thing to do is tell your parents and have them help you..good luck..
2006-07-04 10:58:58 UTC
simple stop smokin .... if you put tobaco in yer joint its no the hash yer body wants its the nicotine yer craving.... if its just weed simply just stop...
2006-07-04 10:36:27 UTC
best thing to do is to cut down, then gradually stop. its all about will power!!
2006-07-04 10:39:45 UTC
tell your parents thy will understand,you have got to stop.they wont understand if you don't talk to them.
2006-07-18 13:27:10 UTC
you should tell ur parents, and let them know ur situation, they love u so they'll understand!!
2006-07-17 15:26:23 UTC
seek adult supervision and help
Jumping Jack Flash
2006-07-04 10:36:50 UTC
switch to crack

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.