The problem is, you've rejected answers from those who have given you factual answers based on overwhelming evidence. It appears that you're not interested in the truth and reality, you just want answers from people who agree with your incorrect "beliefs".
Understanding infectious diseases and vaccination takes a little more than just reading stuff on the internet. You need to understand science, epidemiology and statistics. This is why the anti-vaxxers get it so dramatically wrong. They talk about subjects they have no training in.
You quoted a survey. A survey isn't data. Worse, you obtained it from Natural News, a website notorious for lies and misinformation.
What's the problem with this "evidence?" Well it's not really evidence of anything. Correlation isn't causation and you'd need a much larger study group to learn anything.
The problem is, the parents who participated in these surveys are usually anti-vax, and do a lot of other things that the average parent might not, including diet and other health and lifestyle choices. It does not mean these kids are healthier because they are unvaccinated.
Do you see the problem with just taking things you read at face value just because it's "different". Wake up, and don't be a sheep, there is no grand vaccine conspiracy among doctors and scientists.
Look at the actual data instead of listening to cranks on the internet.
Edit: And Lisa, the Th2 response does not match the current data. The hygiene hypothesis does. Stop cherry picking.