I think we need a better health care system - the best healthcare systems in this world are the socialized medicine countires. You get any treatments you need and contrary to what you say, those people do not wait to get medicine - of course they do here - if you are going to treat someone who has private insurance and you can charge their company $400 or you have a mecicare patient who you can only charge $150 for the same treatment, of course you will treat the first patient faster.... That is the problem.
As for you saying that pay decreases, you are wrong. The doctors that work in the Netherlands get paid more than our doctors - because doctors in America have to cover their expenses. With insurance and medicare telling our American doctors what to charge, or what they will be paid per procedure, the doctors are making less and less each year - and their overhead is going up. The doctors in the Netherlands get paid by the hour - and get paid well. I know some medical personel who have moved out of this country to get paid better and get better benefits. I also know some people from these countries - they actually go home to visit to get their dental and routine medical things done if they are not US citizens yet.
As for the claim that you should not pay for people who don't work - my husband works 80 hours a week to try to keep our family going. I am not able to work. I have been battling cancer for 2 years. When I was too sick to work anymore, I went on COBRA - paying $300 a month for my benefits, then I had to go on a state insurance (not medicaid) that I pay $365 a month for. We work hard, and despite paying out the nose for my coverage, I still have $10,000 in bills from the last 2 years. In addition to that, my doctors have to fight to get every little test approved. If I have a thyroglobulin blood level of 10 or more, it's easier, if it drops below 10, we have to fight just to get an ultrasound approved.
I know someone who lives in Austrailia with cancer - he gets every med, every test, every doctor's visit paid for in full, and he gets excellent care. He doesn't have to fight for any approval, and he sees the best doctors in the area.
Please educate yourself before ranting about something you know nothing about.
Everyone deserves healthcare - even those who don't work.
I'll bet if your grandma needed healthcare and didn't have coverage, you'd be singing a different tune.