*Pam Y*
2009-08-27 02:23:52 UTC
Dear Beth,
Thanks for the health info about calcium. Calcium is nothing without magnesium which is really a fighter for osteoporosis. I think both minerals are available in seafoods. So I think seafoods like clams and shrips are much much better than milk.. So everything about calcium, milk, etc. is purely business, purely marketing.
We do not have milk at home.
Aside from milk, do not drink or eat everything that has caffeine, like coffee, tea, iced tea, chocolate, milo, ovaltine, energy drinks, colas, etc. Caffeine is diuretic which means if you took coffee at six o clock in the morning, for six hours, that is until noon, your cells would not absorb water. All of the water that you drink during that period will go straight to your toilet, not to your cells. So you will be dehydrated, blood circulations will get weaker. That’s why many get diabetes, calcium stones in the kidney, hypertension, arthritis, etc. You don’t already drink water but you drink hazardous stuff that’ll dehydrate your body.
We should drink lots of water. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you want juice, make your own fresh juice, not powdered ones and not bottled or canned ones that don’t spol for ten years. Preservative is marketing term for pesticides in food.
And if you wanted to reduce weight, lessen meat, take one glass of water 30 minutes before every meal, eat fruits or drink fresh juice before eating your meal (not after meal as we normally do). Besides if we eat fruits after our regular meals it’ll probably decompose first before being digested and so it’ll probably upset the stomach
I have been doing all of these for two years na. Before almost weekly I’m w/ my doctor because I was always sick and I was always confined within a span of a year. The pain I felt was really bad. I never renewed my health insurance.
Now, thanks God, its been two years since It met my doctor. She’s probably thinking that I’ve changed doctors.
Let us have a healthy lifestyle, positive attitude and faith in God, and do not believe in whatever advertised by media.
Best regards.
Wht do you think? =O