Any ideas for ways to cure bad stress?
2009-04-18 19:49:08 UTC
I get stressed VERY easily, unhealthily easily. The littlest things can make me have so much stress I cant breath properly!!For example, i have a speech to do in 3 weeks and its KILLING me!!!

any ideas to cure it?
29 answers:
2009-04-18 19:53:07 UTC
I had to give a speech to 300 hundred people and give myself a 90 minute professional massage before I started. Boy was I more relaxed then stressed.

i understand...Take it easy and dont eat much that day..

get a massage and it will help

2016-02-26 04:09:22 UTC
Well I ride my Harley to work and I enjoy a nice ride for lunch. Other stressful jobs I have had I take breaks alittle more often. Develope an attitude that if that job ends it is not the end of the world. Actually a job change could be very refreashing. If allowed use a MP3 player and put on a head phone and listen to your favorite music tuning everyone else around you off. I am glad I was in the military. I know how to be screamed at faces one inch apart and not show an ounce of emotion. Reactions is what stress givers look for. Don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they are stressing you. "This better be done at close of business today or your out of here", smile then calmly say would you like me to leave right now because I am sure I can't get that much done today. If they let you go right then you were already out the door they were just looking for an excuse. If they back off alittle, then tell them the time line that is more realist or ask if there is anyone that can help on that task to meet the deadline. People who are stressed ,just "TAKE IT" you feel you can not afford to loose your job. Well, can you afford to die younger because stress is proven to cause many health issues? 99% of the time the bark is worse than the bite. Stop allowing yourself to be creamed in the market place.
2009-04-18 20:02:45 UTC
One way to think about it is : " What is the worst thing that can happen if I eff up in my speech?" Putting too many expectations on yourself does not help. You are only human, so what if you mess up, you can always dust yourself off and try again! It is a shame to be so easily stressed, throw a bit of caution to the wind..Let me give you an example. On my first day day at work this year I was soo stressed because it was the first time I was teaching adults. I remember that I messed up in a lot of things, including the video I was showing them, did not really know how it worked and I felt like they were going to laugh at my ignorance. Then I thought to myself, "oh well, what is the worst thing that can happen?" "The students will think I am unprofessional and I will get sacked." That helped me relax: to know that it was not the end of the world, that I had a way out of this. Then I coped better. The moment of uneasiness dicipated and everything was cool. And no, I have not been sacket..yet. Haha. What I am trying to say is that what we deem as the end of the world are often matters that other people scarcely notice (I am not talking about being unprepared for your presentation, THAT everyone is bound to notice!).

You could also try Bach remedy, they are especially made for stress gets the best of you. Wish I had taken some of them when I was going for my driving test; I was so nervous I was shaking from head to toe and surprise surprise, I failed (not because I did not drive well but because I was too nervous to perform well!)

Sorry for giving you the story of my life there! Hope I helped somewhat.
2009-04-18 20:49:13 UTC
Ahs, I understand how it feels to be stressed. I'm constantly stressed as well, about school work, piano, you know it. Yes, I get stressed very easily as well. D:

First off, you should get some sleep. Right before I fall asleep, when I'm lying in bed, I like to think of happy thoughts and daydreams. That always makes me happy and relaxed, so you should try it. Try drinking some tea, listening to music, playing games that you like, eat some yummy food, talking on msn, and try to get your mind off of the stress once in a while.

It's good to take breathers once in a while, too much stress will make your work worse I think. :X

Try not to procrastinate as much either, it's just going to build up your stress for the future. I , myself, am not good at that yet. Lol, I always procrastinate. Thus, making me stress. D:

Hmm.. also, just remember that you shouldn't take things in life TOO seriously, like school and stuff. You only have one life to live, so you should spend tons of time being happy and not worrying. Give yourself a reward for after the speech that you're going to have, or any other thing. Like.. maybe you can do something you're usually not allowed to do. Keep on reminding yourself that after that speech (or whatever your worrying is coming from) is over, you'll feel much more relieved! Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. :D

Take care! :)
2009-04-18 19:56:39 UTC
If you're that stressed about doing a presentation, do it first by yourself with someone to critique you. In fact even if your audience doesn't critique you, it's fine. (I did it to my dog once, it was actually kind of funny.) Just be sure to talk slowly and clearly. Don't think it's bad to thik about what you're going to say next. If you do need a little time to think, shuffle ome papers or something. People will think you're getting organized. Overall, don't think about it too much. People won't judge you by how you talk or how you seem to be. They want to know the facts that are in your presentation. If you have that, then you're all set.

For stress cures in general, try to take a relaxing bath at least once a week and just treat yourself really good.
2009-04-18 20:17:21 UTC
Stress is a mental blockage of endorphins. To release these endorphins, you need to find the trigger. Many people have different ways to pull the trigger. I use laughter. Others use music. You need to find this release mechanism. What makes you feel comfortable and warm like snuggling under a blanket on a cold night while drinking hot chocolate. Find that area and focus on it. When ever you find your stress level rising, revisit that place again. Keep going back as often as you need. It is a form of meditation that many use.
2009-04-18 21:13:07 UTC
sounds like a claustrophobic life style,you just don't have a wide enought variety of things to think about,being focused on a narrow strip of knowledge is alright but if that's all you have then you will have all kinds of medical problems that are a result of not having a variety of things occupying your thoughts and no expanding interests,there are more people like you than you might think,they have such a narrow view of the world in there minds they get closed in to such a small mental space they cant mentally breath any more.i am not saying to go nuts trying every nutty fad or fashion that comes along but rather diversify your interest and curiosity,that dosent meen getting tattoos or body piercings like some emotionally and mentally flustered people do,your greatest personal value is to not damage your mind or body,it came pretty close to perfection when you were born and those things are just unneccary damage
2009-04-18 19:55:31 UTC
The best thing to do is rest. Get some sleep. Also, at Bath and Body Works, there are a lot of stress relieving products you can buy like the sleep mask, stress away pillow mist, stress away body scrub, soap, etc. and try

These products work. Relax! :)
2009-04-18 19:54:48 UTC
Drink some tea, take a couple of deep breaths and take a warm bath. Listen to soft or classical music ,play a game of chess to take your mind off things, or ponder life. I am not a relaxed guy so when im having trouble gettingto sleep at night i take Valerian tea leaf vitamins 30 minuites prior to bedtime and that takes my mind off things. You can find these tablets at a big kroger or probably at wal-greens.
2009-04-18 19:52:35 UTC
A good massage or try drinking chamomille (SP?) tea or try lavender scented candles, oils or linen spray. Reading is good too, keeps your mind off of the stressful stuff.
Finnish Anime Luver ^_^ (FAL)
2009-04-19 07:38:24 UTC
music...screaming...hitting things...getting whatever needs done done.

FOR EXAMPLE!!! your speech thing. If you have it written out and prepared, practice it in front of friends, family, or stuffed animals. Being completely prepared limits stress' impact on you definitely.
2009-04-18 19:56:36 UTC
Exercise is the best stress reliever. Even a walk around the block will make you feel better.
2009-04-18 20:12:48 UTC
go to a massage therapist and have them massage all ur knots out of ur muscles. they tend to cause a lot of stress on top of aches from ur whole body tensing up constantly from stress.
2009-04-18 19:53:32 UTC
meditate or do yoga. It releases tension and you feel better without even realizing it.

Maybe get a massage? And WORK OUT and EXERCISE. It really helps truuust me.
2009-04-18 19:54:50 UTC
Simply treatment which can do your own.

Aromatheraphy Ear Candle treatment, pls contact me if you interested on this products.
2009-04-18 20:00:45 UTC
Masterbation, music, and a mixed drink. A date with yourself!
2009-04-18 19:55:25 UTC
Don't worry about it. You just have relax and focus.You should do fine if you're prepared
2009-04-18 19:53:19 UTC
go to bath and body they have tons of stress aroma therapy stuff
2009-04-18 19:55:59 UTC
go for a brisk walk and only think of one object like a flower.

walk briskly and only think of that flower. nothing else

take deep breath through your mouth and exhale through you nose let out slowly.

peace out
2009-04-18 19:53:00 UTC
music, find a major hobbie like yoga, it's not fun at first put give it a chance, get more sleep, clean your house or apatment, etc.
2009-04-18 19:53:19 UTC
just try calming down don't think about it so much. also maybe try yelling when your alone just like into a pillow or just yell its worth a shot
2009-04-18 19:53:08 UTC
Practice and just know it is something that needs to be done. Just go day by day and you will be happy when its over.
2009-04-18 19:51:54 UTC
MUSIC great cure...try doing things thats on your shoulders like oh say your homework etc...
2009-04-18 19:53:21 UTC
well, for me it really helps to brake thing just like cheap things or get like a gel ball that makes the bubbles and to see it deform really calms me down
2009-04-18 19:52:48 UTC
get rid of whats causing the stress, seams hard sometimes but its the only way.
Hippie Chic
2009-04-18 19:56:24 UTC
since you can't breathe properly, you may be having panic attacks. please check with your doctor. otherwise, there are tons of answers, but everybody has to find what works best for them: meditation, music, chamomile tea, sex, hot bath, an aggressive workout, deep breathing exercises...
2009-04-18 19:51:59 UTC
drink sum tea , get good night sleep, and do a sodoku lol
2014-02-23 00:23:50 UTC

Most cases (85–90%), bad breath originates in the mouth, sinus and throat. The intensity of bad breath differs during the day, due to eating certain foods (such as garlic, onions, meat, fish, and cheese), obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Since the mouth is exposed to less oxygen and is inactive during the night, the odor is usually worse upon awakening ("morning breath"). Bad breath may be transient, often disappearing following eating, brushing one's teeth, flossing, or rinsing with mouthwash.


1, Tongue, A common location is the tongue. Tongue bacteria produce malodorous compounds and fatty acids, and account for 60 to 70% of all cases of mouth-related bad breath. Methods used against bad breath, such as mints, mouth sprays, mouthwash or gum, only temporarily mask the odors created by the bacteria on the tongue, but cannot cure bad breath because they do not remove the source of the bad breath.

Cleaning the tongue - Many companies promote tongue scrapers as a bad breath cure however the bacteria on the tongue can’t be removed with a scraper or brush as they live between the taste buds. Use a tongue scrapper to reduce the food source for bacteria but don’t expect it to cure bad breath. The method of stopping bad breath from the tongue involves rebalancing the bacteria load. Once tongue bacteria are in balance bad breath will cease. For this complex procedure you’ll need to consult Oraltech Labs program at

2. Mouth, There are over 600 types of bacteria found in the average mouth. Other parts of the mouth may also contribute to the overall odor, but are not as common as the back of the tongue. These locations are, in order of descending prevalence: inter-dental and sub-gingival niches, faulty dental work, food-impaction areas in between the teeth, abscesses, and unclean dentures. To fix you will need a dentist to examine your teeth and repair any faults found. Or use Oraltech Labs Unusual Causes Of Bad Breath.

3. Gum disease, advanced periodontal disease is a common cause. Waste products from the anaerobic bacteria growing below the gum line (sub gingival) have a foul smell and have been clinically demonstrated to produce a very intense bad breath. To fix remove the tartar or hard plaque and friable tissue with a soft bristle tooth brush angled on the gum line. This has been shown to improve mouth odor considerably.

4. Nose, in this occurrence, the air exiting the nostrils has a pungent odor that differs from the oral odor. Nasal odor may be due to sinus infections, foreign bodies & commonly Post Nasal Drip. To fix this you will need to flush your sinuses with salt water. It’s very difficult. Use Oraltech Labs program to properly clear all sinus cavities.

5. Tonsils small bits of calcified matter in tonsillar crypts called tonsilloliths that smell extremely foul when released and can cause bad breath. To fix use warm to hot salt water mix to break the stones down or use a water pic to dislodge them. This topic is covered in depth in the Oraltech Labs Program.

6. Stomach, very uncommon source of bad breath. The esophagus is a closed and collapsed tube, and continuous flow (as opposed to a simple burp) of gas or putrid substances from the stomach indicates a health problem—such as reflux serious enough to be bringing up stomach contents or a fistula between the stomach and the esophagus. To fix use Oraltech Labs program to cure bad breath caused by GERD & Acid Reflux.


1. Gently clean the tongue surface twice daily; that can be achieved using a tooth brush, tongue cleaner or tongue brush/scraper to wipe off the bacterial biofilm, debris, and mucus. Scraping or otherwise damaging the tongue should be avoided, and scraping of the V-shaped row of taste buds found at the extreme back of the tongue should also be avoided. Brushing a small amount of antibacterial mouth rinse or tongue gel onto the tongue surface will further inhibit bacterial action.

2. Eating a healthy breakfast with rough foods helps clean the very back of the tongue.

3. Chewing gum: Since dry-mouth can increase bacterial build-up and cause or worsen bad breath, chewing sugarless gum can help with the production of saliva, and thereby help to reduce bad breath. Chewing may help particularly when the mouth is dry, or when one cannot perform oral hygiene procedures after meals.

4. Gargling right before bedtime with an effective mouthwash.

5. Maintaining proper oral hygiene, including daily tongue cleaning, brushing, flossing, and periodic visits to dentists and hygienists. Flossing is particularly important in removing rotting food debris and bacterial plaque from between the teeth, especially at the gum line.

If none of the above works for you just use the Oraltech Program by visiting -

To Your good health, Dr Devon, M.D, D.D.S

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2009-04-18 19:52:14 UTC
take a vacation

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.