2009-03-16 07:32:35 UTC
1]cannabis and hemp are the same.marijuana was the mexican name given to cannabis
2]cannabis was first cultivated in china around 4000bc
3]the original drafts of the declaration of independence were written on hemp paper
4]one acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres of trees
5]hemp is a source of fibre for cloth and cordage for rope.the hemp fibre is located inside the long stem of the plant
6]george washington and thomas jefferson grew hemp.washington the first president of the usa declared "make the most of the hemp seed.sow it everywhere
7]hemp seed is natures perfect food.the oil from hemp seeds has the highest percentage of essential fatty acids and the lowest percentage of saturated fats
8]steralized hemp seed is commonly sold as bird seed
9]rolling papers like Bambu,are made from hemp paper
10]in 1937,the marijuana tax stamp act prohibited the use,sale and cultivation of hemp/marijuana in the usa
11]five years later, during world war 2,the u s department of agriculture released the film"hemp for victory" which encouraged farmers to grow hemp for the war effort
12]hemp is cultivated all over the,china,korea,italy hungary,russia and france are among the countries that grow hemp for fibre,paper and other products
13]in 1988 the dea's own administrative law judge concluded that "marijuana is one of the safest,therapeutically active substances known to man"
14]cannabis can be used as a medicine to treat nausea,pain and muscle alleviates symptoms of glaucoma,multipe sclerosis,AIDS,migraines and other debilitating ailments
15]35 states have passed legislation permitting medical use of marijuana
16]more than 400,000 americans are arrested each year onmarijuana charges
17]more than 400,000 americans die from diseases related to cigarette smoking each year.more than 150,000 americans die of alcohol abuse each year..but in 10,000 years of usage,no one has ever died from marijuana