How to get rid of a headache?
2009-07-01 19:35:18 UTC
What is some way I can get rid of a headache with out using any medicine?
33 answers:
2009-07-01 19:43:31 UTC
My wife will massage the palms of my hands and that relieves tons of stress on my head. I find when she massages on the side of my hand under my pinky finger it goes away slowly. I can not do it myself though. I get headaches often and I have found that relaxing.

Also depending on the main source of the headache I find that pushing my thumb in between my eyebrows and moving upward relieves some pain as well. This works better with someone else doing it.

If it is a TMJ headache you can push behind your ears and in front to relieve the pressure from your jaw. Stress can cause TMJ, especially when you grind or bite down hard on your teeth.

At times Ice Cold Packs will help me a lot. But it depends on you. Some people like a very hot towel which I get nauseous but this seems to vary between persons.

I hope this helps
2009-07-01 19:42:09 UTC
It might be a dehydration headache. I had a headache recently for an entire week and I found out it was a dehydration headache. Just drink lots of water. A lot of times also it maybe the weathe. I don't know where you live, but I am very sensitive to the sun so many times that could be it. Showers do no harm either. Cold showers. Good luck.
2009-07-01 19:39:28 UTC
migraine-there is a point on your hand or wrist that helps stop it.

Caffeen - If I don't drink my coffee I get headaches

Wine causes me to get headaches

Sleeping helps get rid of it. Low light, quiet.

If it is a sinus headache you need medicine. That really doesn't go away on it's own. usually means an infection.
2009-07-01 19:42:15 UTC
Well basically there are 10 ways to do it but it depends on the type of headache you have and what it is caused from. Drink heaps pf water and relax!!! The chiro will tell you if you are getting headaches from your body being out of wack or it can simply be from stress. Here are the 10 ways:

1. Maintain good posture and do some stretching. Poor posture while working can cause what are known as tension headaches. Staying in such a position for a very long time may cause the muscles of the neck and shoulders to tighten up. One way to get rid of this headache is to maintain a good posture while working. Every now and then or if you feel tension pains setting in, do some stretching to get rid of the headache before it gets worse.

2. Application of moist heat through a hot compress is also a good way to get rid of headaches. Get a towel and soak it in warm water and apply it on areas where you find pain and tension to rid your body of the discomfort.

3. In women, a common problem is headache that comes days before their period. This is usually felt as a pain directly behind the eyes. To get rid of this headache, women must eat foods that are rich in zinc, especially those that come from lean proteins such as lean meats.

4. Relax. The most common cause of headache is stress. Develop a healthy lifestyle which allows you to get enough sleep and rest. If you feel a huge headache coming in because of stress, get rid of this headache by taking a break from work and catching on some sleep.

5. Get a massage. Tension headaches, especially ones that come with pain that radiates through the neck and shoulders are extremely uncomfortable. A way to get of this headache is by getting some massage, especially on the scalp, neck and shoulder areas to release all the tension that have build up there.

6. Eat regularly. Do not skip meals because hunger and meal- skipping can also cause headaches. If you feel a headache about to start and you haven’t had anything to eat, take a break and grab a bite to prevent that headache from progressing further.

7. Drink lots of water. As much as possible, stick to the eight-glasses a day recommended amount of daily water intake. Water cools down the body and so when you feel a major headache, drink up to get rid of it.

8. Ice. Ice is known to be effective in relieving different types of pains, headaches included. So another option to get rid of your headache if to use ice. Lie down and have an ice pack placed on the areas where you feel pain and tension such as behind your neck, temples or forehead.

9. I know you said that you dont want to use pills but.There are many over-the counter analgesics that are known to work for many forms of headaches. However, it is still best to consult a doctor first before choosing a pain reliever to get rid of your headache most especially if the problem persists for a very long time. It is best to work out with your doctor first what is truly causing the pain.

10. Watch what you eat. Some headaches are triggered by food. This is most especially true for migraine sufferers. So if you feel that your headache was prompted by something that you ate, stop eating that food and consult your doctor to determine whether this is truly the source of your headache.

Hope that helps :)
2009-07-01 19:39:14 UTC
Depends on the headache. Sinus Headache can be cured with warm water on the forehead, or sometimes eating beef. Some times coffee will do the trick.
2016-03-03 07:54:24 UTC
Drink a Fresh squeezed green juice
Alexis M
2009-07-01 19:40:03 UTC
Sometimes headaches are caused from dehydration. Try drinking some water, even if you think you're not dehydrated.
2009-07-01 19:40:00 UTC
drink water. being dehydrated is like 90% of all headaches. and there are nerves under your ears right behind the jaw bone that you could rub to help your head calm down.
2009-07-01 19:40:26 UTC
stop doing any activities that will make your heart beat faster or make you excited and while your suffering from headache get some sleep and try not to think of anything
2009-07-01 19:45:58 UTC
drink water. i took anatomy and my teacher said headaches are mostly caused by lack of water. if it doesn't work then it might not be a headache . . .
2009-07-01 19:39:24 UTC
without medicine huh??

well, sleeping, and eating, maybe your head hurts because you haven't been eating properly...

take a will relax your body

get away from the noise and light... this works always with me...

and I have really big and hard headaches...

peace out!

i hope it helped!
2009-07-01 19:38:48 UTC
a trick i learned...when you first begin to feel a headache coming on, I drink a cup of coffee or two. you have to catch it early though.
Michaela G
2009-07-01 19:38:42 UTC
Well sometimes I wet a cloth or something in cold water and lay down and put it on my head, or you can just lay down and try not to move so much.
2009-07-01 19:38:31 UTC
Headaches are caused by pressure. A small hole in your skull will relieve the pressure. A nail or an ice pick works.
2009-07-01 19:38:19 UTC
Massage the back of your neck, take a cold towel and put it on you forehead, drink a lemonade and sleep in a cool place.
Lexi [=
2009-07-01 19:38:39 UTC
rub yer temples, take a nap, put ice on yer forehead, er take a shower

2009-07-01 19:38:23 UTC
Lie down in a dark room with a cold wash rag on your forehead.
2009-07-01 19:39:49 UTC
Brain freeze. Suck down a slurpie (or as much as you can at one time). It might hurt; but only lasts a couple of mins.
2009-07-01 19:40:46 UTC
drink tea,get a hot wash towel a put it on your forhead and just lay back,drink some water
2009-07-01 19:39:03 UTC
well it depends on what kind of head ache it is but usually just drink some water and lay down
2009-07-01 19:38:33 UTC
You can stay in a nice quiet spot and and take a nap.
2009-07-01 19:40:02 UTC
Rub your temples. Those, if you dont know, are on the side of your head .

Can you help me with my question?
2009-07-01 19:40:49 UTC
get a bath towel and put a lil water in it den put it n da freezer 4 bout 10-15mins take it out n lay dwn with it on your head itz wat i do den i go 2sleep
2009-07-01 19:37:56 UTC
sit somewhere quiet and turn on some soothing music and just close your eyes
2009-07-01 19:38:29 UTC
when i have a headache i take a shower. o-o;;
Desert Dream
2009-07-01 19:40:13 UTC
drink lots of water, if your hair is up, take it down, and take out your contacts.

best of luck :)
edison c d
2009-07-01 19:38:47 UTC
Use cold ice cubes and apply directly, it will go away.
2009-07-01 19:39:06 UTC
put your feet up while laying down so blood moves from your feet to your head, also weed
2009-07-01 19:39:06 UTC
sit somewhere queit in a dimly lit room - drink water and lots of it
2009-07-01 19:38:16 UTC
take your meds :)

haha if not take a towel and put cold water on it - apply on head.
2016-12-21 04:46:38 UTC
dehydration and main thing is lazziness lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy.......
2009-07-01 19:38:42 UTC
Morphine or opium should do it
2009-07-01 19:38:25 UTC

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