We recently ecieved a letter from a neurologist about my brother in law that has cerebral Palsy, and it stated that he is a canditate for the bacolofen Pump. He has been taking the Baclofen oraly. He is also in a group home may hours away. They cannot do this without our permission, this is an implant. I will do research and also call the doctor. I will not aloww my brother in law to be some ginneau pig for a pharmacy. I don't know how this would differ from it being taken orally compared to an implant pump besides it getting into the blood stream faster. Of course the Home nurse mothers give him the medicine. So I want to know if anyone out there had any expierience with this medicine or pump. My brother in law is 46 years old. He does have some paralysis. he does good though, even worked in some estalbishment and has a work shop too. Please anyone with this expierience would be appreciated. Please serious answers only. It could happen to your relative.