Urine test 50/50 .. detection for single use /urine drug test is 1-4 days ... you smoked 3 days in a roll very small amounts, this is good but if 1 hit helped sounds like very good grade .. not good . So you can take a home test ...all most any pharmacy have thc/ marijuana home test kits on stock (look for single panel /one panel test). Also you can dilute .. by drinking big amounts of water, cranberry juice, etc..you can dilute thc metabolites in your urine to the point of passing the test (every drug test have cut off concentration for detection .. so you don't need to be 100% clean , for home tests and lab initial test cut offs for thc are 50 nano grams THC per milliliter urine ... ng/ml ) but any lab and many rapid tests check for dilution (test the urine for pH, creatinine, specific gravity, etc..). If you come up diluted on the test , by the rules lab need to re test (will call you to go and pee again ) this will give you some time to get clean (pass clean) but many companies save money (and doesn't pay for re testing) and test automatically is counted as a fail (you don't get the job but also you don't show up positive). If they test you right on spot using some type of home test (with no adulterants or dilution check) you can pass .. take some vitamin B12 for good color.
If job matter look online for substitution method and find clean friend . Also you can use same day " detox" drink (good and easy to find at many head shops or gnc type of stores is qcarbo) this drinks doesn't detox or clean , only mask for short period of time (3-4 hours after consumption ) works on dilution principle but include ingredients that keep creatinine, ph, etc.. in proper ranges and good ones ar not detectable (many labs run also adulteration test ). Also i can recommend this website drugtestfriend , they have phone consultations and in general hepls for urine, hair and saliva tests (personally i use/ used for hair tests).
If you have to take saliva tests your chances of passing are bigger ... test detection time is short (1-2 days for single use ) and with your consumption you are good on 90% , !0% possibility of failing (fail positive result) because test don't have nationally accepted standard or cut offs. Anyway you can use saliva "detox"
Hair test- 50/50 you smoked very small amounts but in a roll and if you got high will show up. Test is expensive and usually for good jobs ... standard detection time is 90 days , no natural way to get clean (only time .. for hair to grows up above segment that will be tested .. first 1-1,5 inch of hair close to the scalp). To pass this you need hair cortex cleanser , not masking shampoos (labs pre clean the hair and wash out this type of detoxes ) .