No offense to any man! Im a caretaker n I noticed older men(70+) Are extremely hormonal and/or perverted,ex when I take care of a man he trys to be touchy or speak sexually (n yes they r ok in the mind!) I understand men love sex (we all do) but I mean they can be sickning. I took care of a man when youd lift him hed grab ur chest....he knew better too. I understand to a point if theyre not ok but men w/like alzheimers can be VERY hormonal. Is the testosterone still at a high level? Id think once you age the levels would fall like womens hormones do??? I had a client whose son was 69 n wanted to date me n have sex w/me im 22!!! I take care of a lady her friend Frank (just a friend nothing else) Franks wants to marry her n get n bed w/her??? Hes fine has a lil temper if u say something wrong hes fine mentally. I just want to know whats going on until recently I never noticed so many older men who are so sexual. No offense to any gentlemen out there im just asking so I can help others.