Can a person survive a broken neck?
2008-01-11 05:21:28 UTC
I always thought if you broke your neck, ...that's it. I met a gym teacher who says she broke her neck twice, and still does gymnastics. How can this be? Is she telling me stories, or is it possible.
35 answers:
2008-01-11 05:24:07 UTC
Think it is possible to survive, providing there is limited or no damage to the spinal cord.
2017-01-04 18:38:11 UTC
Broken Neck Survival Rate
2016-04-03 07:31:17 UTC
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First of all, he may indeed be paralyzed after this, but the likelihood of his dying from a broken neck neck NOW are very much reduced. One thing that happens immediately upon finding someone injured, a neck collar goes on and the person is then handled with care so as to not aggravate the neck injury. The hospital folks have stabilized his neck for now. The legs can be fixed, the spleen was removed, and the liver lacerations are the biggest deal right now. Livers bleed like stink, so getting the liver repaired was the utmost importance. Spleens also bleed like stink once they are ruptured, but once removed, the bleeding stops. At this point, he is on a ventilator to help him stabilize, and his broken bones will be fixed shortly. Depending on what happened to his neck, the docs may decide to let the swelling in the area to go down before going any further. If he has a fracture of his spinal bones, but not a shearing off of the spinal cord, he may has a temporary paralysis. If, however, he has both the spinal cord and the bones crushed, then paralysis is likely. He's likely to survive this if no infection sets in. The doc and nurses will be keeping a sharp eye on him now, to monitor him for any changes in his vital signs, and will react quickly to any changes that may occur. He may not be awake now because the docs are keeping him asleep. That is done sometimes to help patients get through the first few days. He may also have lost a great deal of blood(with two legs broken and two abdominal organs hurt, I have no doubt about the loss) which makes him extremely weak. I wish both of you the best. If he is paralyzed after this, once he is on his way to recovery, rent a copy of the movie Murderball, which is about guys in wheelchairs who play(and play hard!) rugby, so he can see that he can indeed get out and live.
2015-12-17 20:49:52 UTC
Many people survive broken necks. It depends on how severe the fracture is. If the spinal cord is damaged there will be paralysis of some sort, but if not, most people will eventually return to live normal lives. The recovery period can be long, however. I broke my C2, C3, and C4 in a fall down 18 stairs, but did not damage my spinal cord. I had to have spinal fusion surgery, so my ability to turn my head is now limited, but otherwise my mobility is fine. I did spend 8 weeks in the hospital and another 2 months at home before returning to work, and it really took a good year before I was back to normal.
2008-01-11 05:35:59 UTC
survival rates always depends on the location of the break in the neck. There are 7 bones that make up the neck called cervical. If you break C1 the bone that supports the skull, then you can shut down your breathing. if you damage between C-5 and C-6, you might not be able to walk again. Sometime there is just a small break and no damage is done to the spinal cord at all.
francis b
2015-08-21 16:14:21 UTC
I ve broken my neck at the c2 cervical spine. the first time I did not know apart from not being able to lift my head of the pillow without using my hands, I had not other problems. After six months I felt better, next year I fell and knocked myself out. After having X-rays it was found I had one new break and one old break. After spending 2 months in a surgical halo it had not healed. It is still broken but supported by sinews which have grown around the joint. I was told by a spinal specialist that it s unusual to survive 2 breaks. So I feel lucky. I ve been given two options live life and trust to luck or risk an operation, up to now I am trusting to luck.
2014-07-07 13:22:49 UTC
Yes. I broke my neck in a car wreck before. I broke my C6 and C7. C6 broke vertically and the other broke at and, angle, but not all the way through. They had to inject dye into my heart to make sure there was not internal bleeding. They suggested a halo, but I took just a neck brace. I had to wear it for 3 months. I can still walk and move fine, but I have very bad pains in my neck time to time. Most of the time it is just a sore feeling. Annoying, but it is a reminder that I made it.
2008-01-11 05:29:58 UTC
I would believe her. just recently I watched a TV program where a young boy was virtually decapitated the only thing that was holding his head to his body was the skin. They performed a procedure where they fused a cable to his spine and then attached it to his skull, watching ti almost mad me sick but I was so fascinated by it hat I Had to watch it to the end. I know a few people who have had to wear a thing they called a halo because of a broken neck. as long as the spinal cord is not severed you do not die, this is why it is important not to move someone after an accident, so you don't cause further damage to them
2008-01-11 05:27:15 UTC
More people survive a broken neck then the ones who dont, my wife got a broken neck in a car accident in 1986 and has been liveing a normal life outher than on rainey days it might ache a bit but thats it.
2008-01-11 05:27:16 UTC
Yes, I know two people who have broken their necks and survived. One in a snowboarding accident and the other who drove off a cliff. Neither were paralysed.

I don't recommend trying it for yourself though. These people were either unnaturally lucky or were just lying to make their lives seem more interesting.

Most broken necks = death.
2008-01-11 05:24:38 UTC
The whiplash is a common neck fracture, and it mostly occurs in car accidents. That's mostly repairable. So your teacher could've broken her neck twice, but if it wasn't some serious fracture, recovery is very possible.
2008-01-11 05:26:00 UTC
As long as you don't sever the spinal cord, or cut the artery you'll be ok. It takes a very serious break for that to happen.

I broke a vertebrae in my neck on a trampoline 10 years ago, so I should know!
kay t
2015-03-04 16:59:51 UTC
Yes I am 68 year old woman , I tripped going up 3 steps and hit my head , I was on my own , just my malteze dog who was licking my face, I did hear a crunching noise when I hit the step but I new I had to get myself up , i was expecting a phone call shortly so i new if I didnt answer the phone I would not see anyone until my husband got home at late at night.So I rolled myself onto my back hanging onto my neck with my left hand i sat myself up onto the top step , I have only got the use of my left arm, my right arm is frozen, so I stood up walked around a bit I felt ok I had no pain just a bit shook I took some washing out and pegged it on the clothes line very carefully , I thencame back inside and then I felt a little bit of pain, Then I sat on the chair and myw doga layed herself on my feet , she has never done this before , then I got the phone call it was my friend I asked bev to come up thats when the pain was getting worse she said as soon as she saw me , she said you r in troubleso she drove me over to the medical centre as soon as the dr saw me she told me you havebroken your neck, I went to the hospital ans slpoke to a nurse sayiny the doctor had rang and sent me up her, The nurse then said sit over there and sit on the high chair some one will see you soon mean while I am holding my neck with my left hand after 10 minutes a nurse came and said come on up to the emergence , she said ill have to put the bedroom done you are short and then said lie done inwhich I did and 3 staff it forward me to have a collar put on .theniwas sent to have a scan , thats when I was told ihad broken my neck, I was the tranfered to alarge hospital who told me I have brocken c1 and c2 they treated me with high care , they keep checking my legs and hand and Ifinaly was fitted with the haloI
2008-01-11 05:41:26 UTC
2008-01-11 05:26:01 UTC
acutually you can break your neck without being killed.. i worked in a chirpractors office for some time and i witnessed this first hand as long as the spinal cord or the brain stem arnt effected then the person has a chance of living
2008-01-11 05:26:21 UTC
yes take the manchester city football clubs goalie many years ago he broke his neck whilst playing in a footie final and carried on till the end of the game,then he found out and he made a full recovery.his name was bert troutman.
2008-01-11 05:24:36 UTC
its possible but i thought they always died instantly too but ive seen stories in papers of people who are paralyzed from the neck down because of a broken neck its very sad most likely you will become a quadraplegic if you brake your neck
2008-01-11 05:28:38 UTC
it depends on how bad the damage is, if you snap your spinal cord, you could end up with seroius spinal cord problems and nerve difficulties could lead to paralysis

sometimes it could also affect the brain, and could leave you with mental problems

it all depends on the force of the injury and how much damage you are left with, but it is always possible to make a full recovery, however rare.
2015-01-11 20:29:26 UTC
Yes, you can survive a broken neck and walk also. First, I must tell everyone right now that I am extremely

blessed to be able to type right now. In March of 2009 I had an accident in my home. It resulted with a

concussion, a broken nose, severe gash on my head, broken bones in my face and a broken neck. I was

told that I had the Christopher Reeve injury, the surgeon told me pretty much that my head was broken off

my body. I will discuss the entire incident and what lead up to my accident in the near future. I'm still doing

some research into the physical disease of my spine that I was born with that caused this to happen. If I

can help someone else, it will be a pleasure.
2008-01-11 05:24:57 UTC
Yes it is possible, but most people with broken necks do not make it.
2008-01-11 05:25:19 UTC
its possible to survive. death by breaking your neck depends on what happens to you spinal cord. its sorta rare but yes, you can survive.
2008-01-11 05:24:23 UTC
You can survive...usually paralyzed, but alive...and depending on where it's broken, rehab can sometimes repair all the damage..
2008-01-11 05:25:03 UTC
2008-01-11 05:26:56 UTC

they wear what is called a halo it is a metal cast that rests on the shoulders and is screwed into the skull
Baby #1 born August 2009
2008-01-11 05:24:54 UTC
Of course it's possible. They are usually in a "halo" for awhile.
2008-01-11 05:31:51 UTC
Yes that can.It also depends how bad or how you broke it and what bone it your neck.The odds are 50/50.Hope this answers your questions.
2008-01-11 05:25:09 UTC
Some do
2008-01-11 05:29:59 UTC
It IS possible.
2008-01-11 05:25:07 UTC
probably..... even if you do break ur neck.... u'd still live.... (as long as u have ur neck brace on...)
2008-01-11 05:23:44 UTC
2008-01-11 05:25:06 UTC
I don't know you must tell to God.
2008-01-11 05:24:48 UTC
yes but then he was Superman name of Reeves......Actor

2016-03-23 00:41:18 UTC
Answer -->
2008-01-11 05:25:21 UTC
2008-01-11 05:23:33 UTC
yes. thanks for the two points.

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