I know what your going to say . Im hungry ! But that is not the case . My stomach does alot of rumbling and grumbling when ive eaten & when i havnt . In morning noon & through the night . I have a new boyfriend who i do have sex with (unprotected) and his stomach does the same exact thing so i thought maybe he gave me something i went and got tested and everything came back negative . And recently i had diarrhea for about 2 weeks straight last month so i went to my doc and she did specimen samples and blood work . My blood results say that things look good im still waiting on my specimen results. When i poop it sometimes rushes out but in its normal shape and form not like diarrhea anymore and in the afternoon if i poop i have to push to get out . Sometimes its followed by this thick looking brownish or yellow mucus and a little blood when i wipe . My anus isnt itchy but sometimes it can be after a big bowel movement . What could be going on ?( im a 18 year old female)