let me help you out dude, i know for 100% sure that the thing you are experiencing called "visual snow". i keep it short at this one because there are too many questions about this condition. all i can say (this will be hard but don't freak out, because its not cancer or something like that!) the thing is, there is currently no "real" cure for this. BUT there are sideways.. there is a slight chance of recovering but you need to calm down and avoid everything that causes stress. About docters, most of them don't know about this condition and prescribe meds that can worse your condition. I have this like 6-8 years now and in my cause its caused by experimentation with differed kind of drugs in my teenage years. think i was like 18-20, now 26.. Other cases of visualsnow are (some pp) with migraine and in my case its called: HPPD (hppd is cased by drugs, even a single pil or a bit of weed can **** a person up if he is sensible to it, excuse me for my english ;) but its a slightly rare, although alot pp can have this witout knowing its called visual snow). About the medicine u are taking, your are lucky that this is one of the little group of meds witch is recommended for this. I have experience with some recommended meds but not with this one. ( OH THIS SORRY FOR THIS --- >> I SEE THAT I AM REPLYING ON A SUBJECT THAT IS 4 YEARS OLD!! ). Oke for the pp who not knowing about this (im assuming that kiwikenobi found at what he has at this time in his hardtimes (life). for the best results on finding a solution for the visualsnow / migraine / hppd thing is to find a specialist or print evidence witch u can find on this website www.hpppdonline.com witch provide u with REAL PROOF that this thing is real and not some stupid bloodcells in the eye or some floaters. One last advice, stay the **** calm on this, you don't have braindmg, its something with the dopamine system in the brain that is unbalanced by some kind of reason. Also things like headpressure etc can go away (i had this too, now for years completly gone) and the visualsnow is still there but its stable and not going to be blind. thats impossible so far i know.
oke i keep it like this: make sure to check out this website and don't take meds u don't know about, don't just trust blind on ur docter! check on internet! only the pp who has this and a few experts know what its like and how to live with this (just like me at this point).
its best to take nothing but for me personally benzo's like xanax work, but dont start on this only if u really need it because u will get addicted very fast.
general info: www.eyeonvision.org / www.visualsnow.com
communitypage: www.hppdonline.nl
from eyeonvision.org: just u know:
Most come back within normal range, leading doctors to believe that patients may be making their symptoms up. CT scans and MRIs also tend to come back normal, again stumping doctors. It is more likely to be an undetectable chemical imbalance in the brain."
So about meds the is one med that showed huge improvements but for others it does nothing its called "sinemet", i will test this med soon and hope for a better life.
for the pp reading, I'm a little bit ashamed by now seeing this post be like ******* 4 years old but for the sake of a better life i hope i had something about this tiny bit of info on this subject. and plz administrators? plz remove posts like "wtf", like in this topic. i mean this is not some kind of sick joke we are talking about. this person has a chance (like me), to be ever cured again and see the world like it was again. its not the end of the word but it has to be taken serious(causes for most pp more and more mental probs, like depression etc, for pp like me... )
ait, take care website and pp. over and out!