2009-07-12 23:36:50 UTC
So about a week ago, I woke up in the middle of the night clenching my stomach. It hurt so bad. So I went to the bathroom. I had SEVERE diarrhea. I went back to sleep but tossed and turned all night. When I got up, every member of my family was sick. So I assumed it was that. The only thing is that, I'm the one to NEVER get sick. But I let it go. Everyone else was feeling better by the end of the day.
I felt better, but I wasn't better. I still had a very loose stool. There has been a lot of red in it, but I eat tomatoes pretty regularly, so I figured it was just that. Except that recently I've been eating organic, home-grown fruits and vegetables only.
The cramping was gone but the stool issue remained. Until today. I woke up with the same cramps and same diarrhea problem, only this time it was accompanied by puking.
I don't have a fever. I checked.
I can't eat anything without throwing up now.
Every time I go to the bathroom (number 2), it just looks like spit. I don't know what that is.
Recent problems I've had are my lymph nodes. They have been swollen for 4 years. My doctor felt them, but said they were fine. Occasionally, they swell up and hurt extremely bad.
Also, I've been having 2, sometimes 3, periods a month. But I think that is just because in my house is a pregnant sister and a menopausal mom.
I don't know if any of these problems are connected, but I could really use some help. Do you know what this could be? Do you know what will make me feel better?