My mom has Borderline personality disorder. As a teen, what can I do to make it easier on her?
2009-04-20 08:06:19 UTC
I'm 17 years old. My mom and I were arguing the other day becasue she was accusing me and saying that I didn't love her, which is very untrue. After a very heated argument, she sat me down and told me she was diagnosed with Borderline personality a few years ago and that she thought she had everything under control, but that she might have to go on medication again. I felt really bad after I did research on the disorder becasue over the past few years, I had treated her so badly because I didn't understand why she was making ridiculous accusations at me and it angered me. So I wanted to know what I could do to make life easier on her and keep her safe from herself and keeping me safe as well.
One answer:
2009-04-20 08:14:12 UTC
Talk your mom into getting back on medication. Help her around the house and when she gets in a bad mood and starts accusing you then tell her that you love her, but your going for a walk to give her some time to cool down. Good luck and God bless.

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