I think the smoking ban is the best idea yet! it should have been done years ago. Im a non smoker so why should non smokers have to put up with smelling of smoke all the time when going to pubs, clubs etc.
43 answers:
2007-03-29 05:39:05 UTC
People who promote a ban on smoking do not believe in the free market. Legislation is not needed to ban smoking, people are free to choose between smoking and non-smoking establishments. If the non-smoking establishments do better without legislation then they will prosper. Legislating behavior has never worked and it will not work in this instance. You say that you "have to put up with smelling smoke all the time when going to pubs, clubs, etc. " but you really did not. You do not have to go places where there are smokers.
Suzie V
2007-04-01 17:47:22 UTC
The smoking ban is already in the pubs and clubs in Scotland and I can tell you now I would rather have the smell of smoke in the pubs/clubs than BO and other not so nice odours. You will soon find out that smoke is not that bad a smell after all. At least it covered up everything else that smells nasty.
When the smoking ban came in a lot of my local pubs lost a lot of business. And I go out a loss less than I used to just because I cant stand the BO smell that hits you when you walk in the door.
Jo M
2007-03-29 05:56:24 UTC
at the end of the day smoking is a persons choice if you wanna smoke, smoke. i used to smoke and having a smoke with a pint was something i used to look forward to but now we have to do it outside. i visited New york several years ago and they have a smoking ban in all pubs and clubs. Most non-smokers i know are very hippocritical they smoke when they drunk they call themselves "social smokers". So do i think that the smoking ban is a good thing well no i don't actually most people in pubs are actual smokers so with the smoking ban who is going to lose out.
2007-03-29 07:41:18 UTC
U would tho being a non smoker - i smoke and i think its crazy the goverment tell us how to live our lives - its discrimination against smokers -I must admit I do not like smoking when eating & can totally understand what it would be like for a non smoker, but I seriously don't see the problem of having smoking areas. after all a pint & a smoke have gone hand in hand for years and i feel really sorry for the middle aged working man
2007-03-29 05:39:00 UTC
Why should a smoker not be allowed into pubs, clubs, etc. where they'll smoke more, supply the governement with more taxes from buying cigs, and live peacefully as well? I think non-smokers are becoming spoiled brats. I smoke, and have never done so in a restuarant, etc. because I know it smells bad. But don't expect me to give a **** when I'm outdoors. If you don't like the smell of smoke, or inhaling it, then stay away from where smokers are allowed.!!!!
2007-03-29 05:51:21 UTC
As I have lived with the smoking ban for a year now I think I have a better perspective than you. I would have had no problem with well ventilated smoking areas or going outside but a blanket ban is ridiculous. Choice is never a bad thing. Consumers could simply choose not to spend their money in smoking establishments. The government is happy enough to rake in taxes off the back of the evil weed so lets not pretend they are against it. To the best of my knowledge, Parliament will be one of the few places outwith the ban, funny that. But then so are mental hospitals. Not that I am implying any connection with the people running things and the mentally ill.
Spell Check!
2007-03-29 05:44:48 UTC
As a smoker, I am SICK of smoking bans. Non-smokers have got virtually everywhere to themselves these days: and they aren't willing to be even a little tolerant of others.
I can also assure you that the more smoking bans there are, the less I go to pubs and clubs. And there are plenty of pub and club owners who have found that since smoking bans were introduced their business has dropped right off - to the extent that it is no longer possible for them to remain in business.
Unfortunately, it is also the case that the anti-smoking movement has grossly exaggerated its claims of the dangers of "second hand smoke", and those claims go almost entirely unchallenged.
2007-03-29 05:47:59 UTC
Maybe defining labelled areas for smokers and non-smokers in restaurants, pubs, clubs etc would be a best idea. Inside buildings such as schools, universities, centres...there shouldn't be smokers. When I was in high-school, smoking in there was not banned and it was a pain (sometimes I thought I was in a chimney).
2007-03-29 05:44:09 UTC
Good Good.I smoked a lot. I regret it now and don't anymore.I know I used to light up cause I wanted a smoke and didn't really care about anybody else in the restaurant or bar or wherever. Used to smoke in the cinema,could hardly see the screen through the fog. The point I am making is that because of their addiction smokers are selfish and tend to put their own needs first. If they were more polite and either abstained or went outside for a puff the current ban would have not been necessary,but as that ideal state of good manners and courtesy does not exist,the ban has become necessary.to give what is now the majority of people to enjoy their meal or entertainment without having to breath a lot of second hand smoke.Yes it is a good thing.
2007-03-29 05:47:04 UTC
Having given up last year I can see both sides of the fence although I think the "It's a bad thing" was always there when I did smoke but I do find the smell of smoke intolerable so I'll say that it is an overdue good thing.
In 2005 I had a what I (trying to puff on a cigarette) thought was a heart attack and spent a week in hospital.
If people want to smoke and the law says they do it outside I'm happy with that if I start again or don't!
2007-03-29 05:51:46 UTC
i live in Ireland where they banned smoking a year ago, as a smoker i hated the idea at first but after a couple of months you really notice the cleaner air in pubs and restaurants. Every single one of my friends that smoke think it was a great idea.
2007-03-29 06:34:23 UTC
It's New Labour's attempt to 'dimantle' the culture of the old working class. They just don't want people in the old traditional boozers cos it's the last bastion of free speech. They want multicultural 'gastro' pubs and the like; middle class places for the chattering classes! You'll see I'm right; 20 years from now, the pub as we know it will have gone from Britian!
I Know Nuttin
2007-03-29 05:37:11 UTC
I think smoking in bars should be handled just like drinking. They give out a limited number of liquor licenses, so that only a controlled number of places may serve alcohol. They should do the same with smoking establishments.
That way, there's guaranteed to be a certain number of places non-smokers can go without having to breathe cigarette smoke, but there's still a place for a smoker to go. I think this would be the most reasonable thing to do and doesn't infringe on anyone's rights.
red lyn
2007-03-29 05:41:35 UTC
I have to agree that smoking ban is a great idea, ironically today is the third year it is in operation in Ireland. When it came in first alot of people where sceptical about it but now three years on most people here are happy with it and wouldn't have it any other way (even smokers) and when we travel to other countries that haven't got a ban it actually feels weird that we can smoke in these areas. In Ireland smoking is banned from all work places so we can not smoke in restaurants,pubs,nightclubs or when we are in work.
It truly is great not coming home from a night out smelling of cigarettes and it is a healthy environment.
2007-03-29 05:59:58 UTC
I live in Scotland where the ban has been in force for some time. It is great to be able to go for a meal or a drink and not have budget for a drycleaning bill to get the smell of smoke out of your clothes. It has been fantastic. At least publicans in England have had some time to diversify to cover some of the losses they MAY encounter.One thing is for sure,they will save on cleaning and decorating bills.
Smoking is indefensible.The freedom thing is a load of rubbish. You are free to harm yourself but your are not free to harm others.
The person who said "smokers are not criminals should consider this, if feel the need to clear unwanted plegm from my throat and did so in the face someone eating a meal at the next table, what would they think? Smoking may not be criminal but it is deeply offensive.
2007-03-29 05:44:21 UTC
From my heavy smoker's point of view the smoking ban, which comes into force in July 07 is the best thing ever any government came up with. What it means, at long horrible last, is that non-smokers will be able to breath fresh air instead of my filthy smoke. Venues, which until the ban comes into force, which are really off limits to the majority of the population, who are non-smokers, will suddenly be available to them.
Once we've all experienced a real non-smoking environment for a short time, the idea will probably spread. I have already banned smoking anywhere inside my house. My wife and me have to go in the garden, which means we are already smoking fewer cigarettes. Not sure if us addicts will ever really give it up, but no harm in trying.
2007-03-29 05:49:40 UTC
It's a good idea, it means people won't be harmed from passive smoking however pubs, restaurants and bars will lose out on business. I think, as a smoker myself, that people will go elsewhere as smoking is a very social thing to do when out and about.
Jackie M
2007-03-29 05:42:12 UTC
Are you a driver? if so your car exhaust give out more harmful chemicals than cigarettes - i am a smoker from Scotland and it is a bad idea as lots of pubs and clubs are closing because most people no longer go out to pubs and clubs.
2007-03-29 05:46:03 UTC
I think they should ban breathing all together.
This way we don't have to listen to non-smokers constantly whine.
But it's ok if we smokers have to smell your overloaded perfumes/colognes or nasty, haven't bathed in 2 days, body odor................... and, contrary to the popular myth, a lot of us smokers have NOT lost our ability to smell.
And before you people start with the multiple thumbs down, this question is STRICTLY about the smell, no other effects of smoking.
2007-03-29 16:09:15 UTC
Look, we need to face the facts. The more children see the cigarettes the more they will get to know them, & they might try them. This is bad, it makes kids feel its ok to smoke, no harm done. Some are just idiots, they do it even though they know the hazards. Talk to the children. My friend went over to a friend's house & almost died from the c. smoke. True, true & sad. :(
2007-03-29 06:19:32 UTC
I totally agree and im a smoker! The best thing they can do is put a ban in place!
2007-03-29 05:36:39 UTC
its long overdue!
im a non smoker but i have in the past and the only time i do these days is if i got to clubs etc. now it will stop me from being a fool as i always stink in the morning and regret having smoked.
2007-03-30 14:34:53 UTC
Couldn't have said it any better than Kenneth. Prohibition has not and never will work. It will, however, open up a huge black market and illegal smoking venues. In fact it already has happened. Let business choose and people decide what they want.
2007-03-29 05:39:35 UTC
I think its an absolute disgrace! I think pubs should have no smoking sections/rooms for people who dont want to be around smokers, I dont think banning it all together is right at all.
2007-03-29 05:54:50 UTC
why should smokers rights be taken away?
think of all the jobs that will go
from cleaners,vendors,landlords,bar people,acts.clubs and pubs
have already started shutting down in dublin and scotland
just watch how many more will,
how many will get hypothermia in winter
what about our old folk who like a cig and a drink they fought for their rights
cigs first cars next wait till they tell you you cant drink any more or socialise look at the bigger picture
2007-03-29 06:04:48 UTC
I agree. I dont see why I should have to breathe in other peoples smoke. I shouldnt have to stay at home and not go to clubs and bars to avoid the smoke.
We'd all be alot healthier and save the NHS alot of money if people didnt get health problems through smoking.
Smoking killed both my grandads, how can people still not understand how damaging it is..?
Dr Frank
2007-03-29 06:12:42 UTC
I live in Scotland, where it is already in force. It certainly makes going out to a pub or restaurant more enjoyable. My wife has to join the lepers outside after every course though!
I suspect the kids and I would have liked it to include private houses as well. ;-)
2007-03-29 05:42:30 UTC
the smoking ban is a great idea i dont smoke but my partner does. He even thinks is a great idea
they wont stop selling cigs and if they did it would mean we pay more tax on other stuff like drink and our wages etc
2007-03-29 05:42:42 UTC
does anyone force you to stand next to a smoker and inhale our smoke? NO
Does anyone force you to go to clubs where people smoke? NO
Leave us the hell alone- whatever happened to freedom?!
Carrie ♥
2007-03-29 05:41:42 UTC
bad idea coz pubs are going to loss loads of money from it xpeccially in the winter
2007-03-29 05:51:15 UTC
Yes, I completely agree with it, I think it's totally unfair that as non smokers we are subject to inhaling toxic smoke.
Experto Credo
2007-03-29 05:38:48 UTC
BAd idea, as smokers are not criminals
2007-03-29 05:37:03 UTC
i think its the best idea politicians have had in yrs!!!! i agree with the bar and club thing...i hate having to come home and drag myself to the shower just bc some person couldnt control their addiction
2007-03-29 05:43:16 UTC
So you want a place to slop booze down your throat with out smoke. Stay home and drink there.----------------------------------------------------Why does every body say THEY should stop smoking in public places. Are we in communist country? Who the hell are they?
2007-03-29 05:35:26 UTC
i much rather have seen a spitting ban b/c i find it more disgusting when someone spits than when they smoke
2007-03-29 05:49:49 UTC
I agree, I hate being subjected to unwanted poisonous fumes in public places. The sooner the ban comes into force the better! I just hope it will be adhered to!
2007-03-29 05:38:19 UTC
To smoking is a bad idea because is make you feel evil.
2007-03-29 05:36:12 UTC
I agree, i for one cannot wait to breath clean air and not have to passive smoke anymore.
cereal killer
2007-03-29 05:37:27 UTC
whinge, whinge. you get the smoke for free. i have to pay for it.
2007-03-30 10:43:32 UTC
that's not a Question its a statement!! though this site was for q&a !!!!!!!!
2007-03-29 05:44:05 UTC
I to think its a good idea
If it saves just one life then it is worth it
Now they just need to make it illegal to sell and buy them
2007-03-29 05:35:59 UTC
I think its a great idea! smoking is disgusting there is no purpose for it. i think people should stop selling cigarettes all together.
Well, said Alberto
2007-03-29 05:38:23 UTC
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.