2013-02-04 21:03:14 UTC
I'm 14, going on 15 next January 14th.
I was sexually abused my my 11 year old brother's father, let's call the fcktard Billiam.
It started when I was about grade 1 or 2, I didn't know it was wrong, so I went along with it. He would, after washing me in the shower/tub put me on my bed and open my legs then, yeah. I can't remember if it happened anytime between then and when it happened while I was in grade 4, but still. In grade 4, that age being completely able to fully washed myself he came into the shower with me and did things to me. I thought to myself, well maybe this is normal. Maybe every girls step father showers with her, touches her in places and does things to them. I told my mum later on that he showered with me, but she shrugged it off picturing it as a harmless act. 2 years later we moved into a new house, he would cuddle with me on the couch, put his hand in my pants and play with my woman part and massage my bum. (awks). Other things happened, but you get the picture, right? I told my mum about this in the summer of 2011, pleading that she tells no one. He tried coming back into our lives after they split in 2009(?) I told her no straight up, she asked why so I told her. She cried buckets full, called the police and that children's aid place, and when they contacted him after talking to me, he denied it all. They still contact us today on the case, but my little brother still blames me for not being able to see his dad until he's an adult. :/ My 'real' father, let's call him Bob. He's an alcoholic, very impatient, abusive(both mentally and physically), and has anger issues, I have a little sister who has disabilities, she's 5 how, doesn't talk, is still in diapers, is deaf and got kicked out of school already. He doesn't take care of her, doesn't have time for me and has never been there. My mum is my everything, I've never had a fatherly figure. I've cut, starved myself for days, done drugs, smoked, but I'm still the most mature and in line person in my house. I don't consider my dad, my dad. My little brother calls me fat, ugly, a whore, a slut, throws stuff at me, hits me, blames me for everything, invades my privacy, and blackmails me into letting him get his way. His friends even calls me all that because he feeds them lies. My older brother is a drug addict who now lives with my 'father' because he stole and pawned a lot of my mums stuff for the feeling of being high. I can't deal with this all, I bury it all inside me and put on a fake smile every ******* day. I lie day after day saying I'm perfectly fine but inside I want to lock myself in my room, turn out the lights, and cut until it's all over. I have friends I can talk to, but I've been let down before having them tell me my life is too dramatic for them, and that she can't handle it. I've denied getting a councilor, fought not to get sent to a hospital, and I don't know what to do. I'm lost, I've dug myself into a hole that I can't find my way out of. Someone please give me advice, no pervs-.-. Just help me with this, this is a lot to handle and take in I know, but there was a lot more I could've put it, but I shortened it a lot.