Hi their,after reading your post it bought back many memories,This time last year I was in exactly the same position to you,I had had trouble with drugs for a few years starting off like most with cannabis and then moving onto much harder drugs,nothing positive comes out of taking drugs,it always leads to a negative path,my life was like a roller-coaster,up,down,up,down,cause in life everyday is going to different some good,some bad,but drugs enhance this 10 times more.After finally admitting I had a serious problem I went to seek help. I am not from the U.s, I am British so our health care might be slightly different to yours but what our national health service had to offer was ****,group sessions,accupuntrue sessions,what a load of shite,so then i took the step into looking at rehab, i was told that their inst really such thing as a free rehab,unless u are a very serious case. ,i didnt have much hope,or care for life anymore,my physical and mental state started to decline very quickly,and at this time thier was a legal anthptaime based drug avaivable on the market,it was worse than any drug i had tried before,and thier isnt a whole lot i cant say i havent tired. i anomously appeared on a national radio,via my father who was outraged at the time,that the goverment wouldnt ban this drug even though,many deaths had been related to the drug in a very short space of time.
After a short period of press attention,an increidble member of the public contacted the radio,saying they had heard my story,and knew of a catholic community that helped people with drug additction,It is an Italian catholic community called Cenacolo that was set up 25 years ago by a nun called sister elvira,it has now over 60 centres world wide,including 3 in america. It is not like most rehab centres which COST MONEY,Cenacolo is completley free.it does not comprise of doctors,consellours,any medical people of any sort.Most of the people in the community are thier for all the same problems,addiction,most of it being drugs but it can be any type,each centre has a resopsible/head of the house,which is an ex addict and has been in the community normally for a couple of years,so they have seen pretty much evrything. The diffrence between this community and rehab centres,is that it requires a lot of commitment and willing to change,Every house is all based on the same ethos,getting structure and resposibitly back into your lifes,but most importnalty they help you replace this attachment with drugs to more positive things such as religion and your love with god. I know it sounds cheesy and a little cultish,but this place is a life saver,I could go on and on all day about the community,but i completley understand your current situation,in the end its only you that can change,but its virtually impossible to do it on your own,this is the website below for the community with houses in america ,http://www.comunitacenacolo.org/
Thier any diffrent contact numbers,but the conact number for those like your selves living in places such as pennsylvania/new york/new haven counties contact a person called Kaye Haggerty, 610-965-6369 or 610-349-4211,but all the information is on the website link below,I highly reccomend getting in contact with them,even if it is not your cup of tea,they have many contacts and are always willing to help no matter what. All the best,and i hope this may of been some help to you.
God Bless