My two year old recently had her tonsils removed last wednesday. Doctors decided to keep her 2 nights due to the fact that she wasnt eating or drinking. Obiovusly used the IV to keep her hyrdated. Friday & Saturday my daighter did really good and was eating as well as drinking. However Sunday & Monday and already this morning she is choosing not to eat. I understand she must be in pain which is the reason for not eating. But is this REALLY okay for her?? She will have sips here n there of juice or water but once it hurts she wont. Ive noticed that my daughter is hardly urinating, and looks pale as well as her eyes sinking in a bit.
Has anyone else gone through this with their children?? How long did it take for them to recover & start eating?? Also if you have any advise please let me know
This is heart breaking as a mother. :(