have a question for u i have this container that I put my 12 month old sons nipples and stuff in and I had like old stuff in there like old soothers and medicine droppers. I usually wash them in soap and water and then put them in the container. Well I havent been doing dishes lately my mother has as my hand is full of exema! Well i went to just go make a bottle for him and I grabbed the container out and noticed black all inside it on the medicine droppers and soothes as they are always in there. ANd then there were little worms on the bottom as well. WHAT THE HELL??? I threw everything out immediatly but is my son going to be ok. I mean everytime I took nipples out for bottles there were fine no black no nothing, I feel so horrible, is he going to get worms or anything? SHould I take him to the dr? PLEASE HELP