I would appreciate it if you read this, it's long I'm sorry, but I really need help.?
2009-10-26 02:06:05 UTC
I really need some help or some guidence. Please excuse my spelling its not always the best. I really need help and would appreciate your time if you stopped and help me. Okay I don't realy know where to start but I have an older brother. For the past three years he has been a drug addict. It wasn't bad the whole time though. It started out by him getting kicked out of the house by my parents. But came back about 6 months later becuase he had "changed". He only lasted 3 or so months and would get kicked out again. And then he would come back because he wanted help. And later changed his mind to he doesn't want help anymore so my parents kicked him out again. He was then living with one of his friends who sold and did drugs. A few weeks later he had a break down. He cried saying how he doesnt want his life to be like this anymore. My parents believed him, we all did. So my parents let him live back at home. He was going through bad withdrawls, so he would use drugs, then stop, then start using again. He would always fight with my parents he would push them and yell at them. He never once layer a hand on me. I am his little sister. I know he cared about he always told me and reminded me that he did. He was a great big brother deep down. One day while my brother, my mom, and me were home, he just blew up. He was so angry and scary. I was trying to talk to him to see what was wrong and to calm him down, but he pushed me hard.  So I pushed him off me. He reacted by punching me in the face. My mom called the cops and my brother left before they showed up. He was kicked out for good. My parents cleaned out his room that night and dropped it off at his friends house. A few weeks later I got my cell phone number changed. My friend sent me a text that she got from my brother saying that he wishes for my to die. That one hit me hard. But he has been moved out into his own apartment. My parents still keep in touch with them. Just yesterday he called my dad at 2 in the morning because his car died. So my dad went down their to call and pay for a tow truck. I was furious. I don't see why they treat him so nice? He has hurt the whole family. My mom used to have to go work with bruises on her arms. He has hurt mr and my whole family. He doesn't deserve anything. It pisses me off that my parents do stuff like that for. They haven't let go of him. And about 2 months ago my mom bought $100 worth of grocery for him. I kno he's their son. But he has put us through hell. 

Well lately have been feeling really unstabble. I'm a very happy girl. I enjoy life alot. I'm truely not sad. But I feel like I'm on pause and everyone around me is still going. I'm afraid to tell someone because I don't want to sound crazy. I'm not sure if the unstabble thing has to do with what my brother has left on me but, it's all I've been thinking about lately. I wish I could tell my mom but she usually just says well my brother has said the same things to them, which is true. I just still feel over whelmed for 16 year old. I already have so much on my mind. And this whole running through my mind doesn't help. I've been abused, I've been wished to die, and I'm not okay with it. I just feel like theirs something mentally wrong with me. I just feel so over whelmed in life. Being 16 shouldn't be like this. Please I'm sorry to use up your time anymore but I really need help. I'm not quite sure what's going with me. I've already been to a counselor but I just feel like I will never be able to get over this. Please tell me your opinions on this, and something I should do or try. Thank you.
Four answers:
2009-10-26 02:22:18 UTC
It sounds like maybe you need a type of closure with your brother. This same situation has happened in my extended family with uncles who are druggies and drunks abusing my grandparents. These type of people are out of control with the drugs in their systems. They are not aware of their behaviour and the consequences that are coming from their drug use. Your brother is mad at you because his life is so screwed up right now that if he DIDNT have you to blame, he may blame himself and then he'd hate himself. Its not right, by any means, that he blames you by being mad at you. But consider this. You may be the only thing keeping him from taking his own life. I think that what may help you is to have the opportunity to talk to your brother and offer your love and help to him, despite what he's done to you. You are torn up inside...and that is horrible for you, being only 16. You have this huge burden to bear, and it seems like your parents are helping him and not you. But having kids myself, I know, that no matter what, I will be there for them, and not stand by as they self destruct. And right now my kids are 1 and 2 years old! But yet, i already know that i love them SO much, that I would die for them. However, it is not YOUR responsibility to die (die inside) for your brother. Get this closure, forgive him, love him, and you will start to heal on the inside. Pray to God, ask him to give you the strength. Find a good church that can offer a support group for you. You need spiritual help and strength. Do not let your brother destroy you! DONT! BE STRONG, LEARN FROM THIS, GROW!! And whatever you do, DO NOT, begin using drugs or alcohol to numb your pain. Please, if you need more help or someone to talk to, email me.
2009-10-26 02:29:09 UTC
Always believe a dug addict when they say they want to get clean, because they really do.

It's just to hard to do so, it's almost impossible.

He needs to get rid of his so called friends, having friends doing drugs makes it to hard for him to resist temptation and they'll always give in.

I don't think there's anything wrong with you.

I think you understand more than most without say it, but you know you lost your brother, he'll never be the same, ever, even if by some miracle he kicks the habit.

The psyche of your brother has changed, the brother you knew is gone forever.
2009-10-26 02:33:57 UTC
Dear Megan,

It's hard having someone close to you with addiction problems. You always feel their suffering and want to help. Yet, they want help, but often don't want, or won't try, to change.

It's normal to fell torn by all the emotions that you must be going through. You feel sadness for and responsibility towards your brother. You may feel shame when your with friends or neighbours. You may also feel anger, bitterness, rage, and pity. You may feel happiness in your own life, then guilt when your brother or family is miserable or having a hard time. On top of it all, as a sixteen year old, you are learning how to socialize with other teens inching towards adulthood and figuring out dating.

No wonder you are confused!

This is normal for your situation. There's nothing wrong with you.

Your brother may have hurt you, but you are not a victim. He feels that he is a victim of everything. He may feel misunderstood, angry, scared, but most of all: victimized by everyone. He feels sorry for himself.

This is not your problem. It's his. He has to WANT to change. You, or your parents, can't make him change.

You are right that your parents feel responsible for him. They may even be enabling him. You can't change that either. This is their path to travel.

Meanwhile, you need to get on with your life. You need to talk to someone. You may have seen a counselor, but there is no quick fix for everything that you are going through. You need to talk to someone that you trust. You need to do so regularly and often. It is often helpful to talk to people that are going through the same issues. Find an Al-Ateen or equivalent program in your town.

Don't let your happiness get tied up with that of your brother. If he wasn't your brother, would you want him as a friend? Would you put up with his behavior from a schoolmate or a stranger?

He will try to get a reaction from you again. Don't let his words get to you. They are weapons of a troubled person. Don't try to solve his problems. Offer whatever help you can or want to give, but don't fell guilty about not catering to his every whim. He has become a taker and will never be happy with what you have to give. He may try to blame you for some of his problems. You need to understand and accept that this is part of his problem. Feel comfortable with who you are. You are not an expert on drug addiction and it is unfair for your older brother to try to burden you. Don't accept his words and you won't take them personally. Trust me, every negative thing he says will eventually add to his guilt. He needs to learn to stop.

The only thing that you can reasonably be expected to do is to ask your parents to have him committed to a drug addiction facility, or to get a lawyer and go to court and force your brother to go if he his an adult. If your parents are unwilling to do this, then you have done your part and need not feel guilty about getting on with your life.

Finally, you need to talk, talk, talk about what you're going through. Don't give up on counselors, therapy or support groups. Go to a clinic, your school nurse, or your doctor and find out what programs are out there for you. Al-Ateen is a very good start.

Good Luck.
2009-10-26 02:14:26 UTC
have you tried any youth afterschool programs or outreach programs like a church youthgroup

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.