How can eating more fruits improve your body’s health?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How can eating more fruits improve your body’s health?
349 answers:
2007-10-09 20:43:48 UTC
they have:

1) antioxidants, which help protect you from the free radicals that attack you everyday

2) fiber, which helps keep you regular

3) other minerals and vitamins, that help with functions that otherwise wouldn't happen.

There are numerous benefits, they help you from developing so many diseases and cancers.

if you want to know about a specific fruits nutritional value, google it
Kevin H
2007-10-09 13:58:32 UTC
Most fruits contain a truckload of vitamins, which aid in the many functions of the human body.
2007-10-09 13:58:26 UTC
Fruits contain vitamins which are good for you and also keep you regular which is good for digestion.
2007-10-09 20:42:25 UTC
well, in addition to the health benefits, and cancer fighting agents of . blueberries, cabbage , broccoli , bananas

apple ,red beans , sweet potatoes, etc.....

If people would eat more fruit ,

I wouldn't have to walk into a public bathroom and feel the need to barf....

due to , uhh... o ....lets just say " toxic protein emissions"

2007-10-09 14:15:24 UTC
They contain vitamins and minerals. They also have a lot of fibre in.
2007-10-09 20:47:08 UTC
Fruit contains H20 which hydrate your body.

Fruit contains vitamen which give you the supplement you need.

Fruit contains varies Essential for important need to improve the body.

Fruit contains Carbohydrates to give energy to the muscle.

The fruit that I know that offer special effect to your body is the apple. Apple contains special essential that lower your body weight.
Bing Bong Bao
2007-10-09 13:57:28 UTC
you poop regularly which is good for the digestive system
2007-10-09 21:35:02 UTC
Eating fruits and vegetables allows a person to be more regular which prevents colon cancer. I have 2 to 4 bowel movements per day, which could mean that I'm defacating a lot of unwanted fat which my body would otherwise store. It is difficult to get people to believe that I have that many bowel movements a day and it is not diarrhea. It has nothing to do with that. It's called a healthy digestive system.

You would be amazed at how easy it is to incorporate vegetables and fruits into your diet. When you are at home, instead of drinking bottled juice or health sapping soda, put a short stem of broccoli, some orange juice, pomegranate juice and a banana in a blender. Smash a vitamin and throw it in too, Throw some ice in and whirl till smooth. You won't even taste the broccoli. Smash This is a very nutritional drink. I highly recommend getting a juice extractor as well.

Consuming these types of foods also keeps you from getting sick. I haven't had a cold in years, and if I do get one, it lasts 2 or 3 days. That's it.

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with flavenoids and antioxidants which detoxify your system, keep you healthy, keep you looking younger, skin healthy hair more flaxen, etc..and generally raise the defense of your immune system
Cool Yogi
2007-10-09 20:57:36 UTC
More fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants
2007-10-09 16:25:03 UTC
By making hair longer and shinier. Helping eye sight, teeth, and muscles.
2007-10-10 17:02:36 UTC
Fruits are an important part of our diet because they are rich in vitamins, nutrients and a good source of fiber. Vitamin C helps in strengthening your bones and immune system. A strong immune system can keep you from being sick, or if you do become sick, help you to fight it off quicker. Fiber is good at detoxifying and removing unneeded bulk from your body. Junk food and other unhealthy foods can slow down or cause problems with our digestive system, in turn your body retains toxins it should be getting rid of.

However, the reason why fruits are associated with health is because it's a healthier alternative to what we're usually eating. These days most of the food we consume is incredibly sugar rich, from candy to cake, to soda and ice cream. We like sugar, there's no question about it, unfortunately it's in the form of process sugars like High Fructose Corn Syrup which can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and heart attack. So fruits are a much healthier (and natural) source of the sugar we love and crave. But even too much fruit can be bad, so moderation is key!
2016-05-13 08:10:20 UTC
2016-12-24 09:33:24 UTC
De-Activated Bad Profile
2007-10-10 10:30:30 UTC
How can eating more fruits improve your body’s health?

If someone doesn't eat fruit at all, that someone can not eat more fruit. They can start eating fruit. If someone already eats a lot of fruit, more of it isn't going to really help either, can even be toxic. Fruit has a lot of natural fibers, minerals and vitamins. In todays world, fruit also contains chemicals and toxins, the stuff off the supermarket counter was chemically treated and picked before it was ripe, so there is more caution invloved compared to health benefit when thinking about it.

Strawberries are good, too many will make you sick. I have read where people have died from too many strawberries, toxicity levels.

Eating more fruit alone can not improve your body's health.

It can enhance one's immune system. It takes a lot more than fruit to maintain a healthy life-style, like more exercise and fresh air.
2007-10-10 09:09:44 UTC
Fresh fuit has always got to taste better than old fruit but on a serious note-

different fruits have different vitamins etc which can help us when we are in different states.

oranges,apples etc contain a lot of vitamin c - which can help considerably when you are in a hot country as scurvy type conditions can ensue with dehydration.

If a person has bowel problems- figs are an excellent laxative and so a person doesn't need to take manufactured chemicals if they don't want to.

There can be many benefits of fresh fruit but a person has to learn which fruit does what etc - and the bonus is taste-

- I don't eat all fruits but seeing as you mentioned strawberrys- I believe the sugar content can be very good at the beginning of the day when you need energy and the TASTE is glorious. eat and enjoy BUT learn about fruit because you don't want the runs whilst wearing a space suit do you?
2007-10-10 14:22:04 UTC
Well FruitaBu there are many benefits to eating fruits. First, you get the vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function, so this will increase your body's system strength and improve overall health. With fruit also comes fiber. Fiber helps to clear your colon and causes you to use the restroom which is actually a good thing because the more you go to the bathroom the more you decrease your risk of getting colon cancer, the second most deadly cancer. Last, fruits, especially berries, contain many anti-oxidants. This is the best benefit of fruits. Anti-oxidants stop aging and the harmful affects of impurities found in your body such as small traces of metals. These anti-oxidants can stop cancer and slow the aging process. Basically, fruits contribute to a healthy diet and you should eat them regularly.

Hope that answered it. ^^

...hmmmm...was this a school assignment???
2015-03-03 12:56:28 UTC
If someone doesn't eat fruit at all, that someone can not eat more fruit. They can start eating fruit. If someone already eats a lot of fruit, more of it isn't going to really help either, can even be toxic. Fruit has a lot of natural fibers, minerals and vitamins. In todays world, fruit also contains chemicals and toxins, the stuff off the supermarket counter was chemically treated and picked before it was ripe, so there is more caution invloved compared to health benefit when thinking about it.
2007-10-10 16:10:29 UTC
While eating some fruits can be beneficial, from what I have learned, they should not be eaten along with meats as this can cause serious digestive problems. Further, juicing fruits along with certain vegetables such as baby spinach, celery, etc. is one of the most efficient ways for ones body to absorb the nutrients offered in these food sources as juicing allows the nutrients to pass directly to the cells without the unnecessary processing of the waste by the colon. Fruits, aside from some vegetables, are best utilized by the body when eaten alone and waiting, depending on the fruit, for at least 45 minutes before consuming other food.
2007-10-10 14:28:19 UTC
Fruits are the only food in this world that has got not only useful vitamins, water and minerals but also the least amount of oil and crap materials that foods can contain. That's why the digestion system finds it the easiest to digest them all and bring the outcome as early as possible. Different vitamins work quickly for different parts of the body and the necessity of a balanced diet is met. Water of the fruits help people to get rid of dehydration, this is one of the best things a fruit does. Before it was thought that normal fruits lack abundancy of proteins and raw nuts can deal with these problems. Nuts can do it but they have oil in a bit higher ratio. Howeever, recent research proves that fruits like fig, peach, coconut, pineapple also have enough protein for a balanced a diet. SO IF SOMEONE WANTS, IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE ONLY ON FRUITS. and if someone can do that in proper proportions, he will never have any disease that is somehow related with fruits.
2015-08-25 15:12:30 UTC
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How can eating more fruits improve your body’s health?

Many people associate fruit consumption with increased health benefits but do know what some of those benefits are? For example, many of us enjoy fresh strawberries, but what kind of nutritional role do they play?
2014-10-13 05:07:27 UTC
what I have learned, they should not be eaten along with meats as this can cause serious digestive problems. Further, juicing fruits along with certain vegetables such as baby spinach, celery, etc. is one of the most efficient ways for ones body to absorb the nutrients offered in these food sources as juicing allows the nutrients to pass directly to the cells without the unnecessary processing of the waste by the colon. Fruits, aside from some vegetables, are best utilized by the body when eaten alone and waiting, depending on the fruit, for at least 45 minutes before consuming other food.
~*Fender Freak*~
2007-10-10 07:12:12 UTC
Fruits are loaded with nutrition, such as vitamins, fiber, and carbohydrates. Vitamins help the body to function to its fullest potential, fiber keeps the digestive system healthy, and carbohydrates provide a source of energy that is better than sugar or caffeine. Many people eat fruits because when they eat them, they have more energy. Also, eating fruits can help the body's immune system because of the many important vitamins contained in the fruits; this could explain the increased health many vegetarians enjoy.
2007-10-10 18:54:22 UTC
Fruits apart from been great to eat, come with other ingredients which are good for the body.Cranberries for instance are known to contain an ingredient which helps to control Prostate Cancer.Tomatoes(fruit or veg) contains Lycopene which is good for men's health. Strawberries, Gooseberries, and many of the red fruits and Citrus are high in Vitamin C, whilst many have antioxidant properties.Most fruits contribute to the minerals and salts our bodies need daily.
just me
2007-10-10 08:20:02 UTC
The essential nutrition in fruit, and vegetables, is so naturally bio available to our body that no other vitamin or supplement can come even remotely close.

Our bodies have not changed much from the hunters and gathers of our ancestors and our bodies have not evolved or adapted as quickly as the world of supplements, medication and processed foods. Eating an apple is much better for us than eating an apple pie.

We just do not assimilate and use the ingredients of man made and processed foods and vitamins anywhere near as easily as those in fresh naturally occurring foods, therefore, the nutrition values are not anywhere near as effective. Refining and processing foods removes critically important nutrients.

We need the vitamin, fiber, antioxidant and mineral benefits of all fresh foods in their natural state to give the body the tools it needs to repair and rejuvenate. which it does very well, given the opportunity.

Studies show that the average educated American eats on average eleven types of foods compared to the ten or so hunter and gather groups still in existence on the planet today who consume around seventy-five different plants.*

An apple a day certaily will help 'keep the doctor away'! but an apple and a handfull of berries will keep him away longer.
2014-06-26 19:46:00 UTC
You would be amazed at how easy it is to incorporate vegetables and fruits into your diet. When you are at home, instead of drinking bottled juice or health sapping soda, put a short stem of broccoli, some orange juice, pomegranate juice and a banana in a blender. Smash a vitamin and throw it in too, Throw some ice in and whirl till smooth. You won't even taste the broccoli. Smash This is a very nutritional drink. I highly recommend getting a juice extractor as well.
Bampta Eni
2014-10-07 01:49:28 UTC
apart from been great to eat, come with other ingredients which are good for the body.Cranberries for instance are known to contain an ingredient which helps to control Prostate Cancer.Tomatoes(fruit or veg) contains Lycopene which is good for men's health. Strawberries, Gooseberries, and many of the red fruits and Citrus are high in Vitamin C, whilst many have antioxidant properties.Most fruits contribute to the minerals and salts our bodies need daily.
2007-10-10 15:09:33 UTC
1. They contain natural vitamins which are actually absorbed by the body.

2. They help the body eliminate waste and toxins. This is partially because of the fibre.

3. The vitamins they contain help the body with many different factors - skin, hair, weight loss, energy, etc.

4. By eating a variety of fruits, instead of just one fruit, you are more likely to get all of the nutrients you need.

5. Getting enough vitamin C can eliminate strange cravings and prevent you from eating junk food. Fruit has lots of vitamin C.
2007-10-10 08:52:11 UTC
Vitamins from a natural state like a fruit have much better absorption in the body. Fruits are high in water soluble vitamins that help you immunity against minor illness, help your energy levels for quick energy, help the appearance of your skin, and the natural fiber helps your digestive tract.

Vitamins A, C, and E especially help you fight off colds and other winter infections going around. So, during the winter, while it's growing season in the southern hemisphere, take advantage of modern shipping and buy fresh fruit at the grocery store. Your body needs it. Take it from someone who's lived there - they have a ton of fruit and it's really great tasting fruit.
2007-10-10 07:15:54 UTC
In the health news this week are several articles about the benefits of fruits.

A recent study determined that children of mothers who ate apple regularly during pregnancy have less asthma.

Another study suggests that a high fruit and vegetable diet also low in fat helps to prevent several times cancer.

There are also studies showing that fruit eaters have less macro-degeneration of the eye.

As to how? I think we really know very little about the working of food in our bodies. Vitamins -minerals and antioxidants are just the tip of the iceberg so to speak.

We know that supplements do not confer the same benefits as real food.

Meanwhile, I love fruit! Eating 5 to 8 helpings a day is no choir for me. I am even developing a "taste" for vegetables.
2007-10-10 16:16:21 UTC
strawberries are good, but almost all fruits (and vegetables) are beneficial. We are made to eat everything, and therefore should eat the meats also. Orange juice every day provides the vitamin C needed, and the whole fruit gives necessary "bulk," formerly known as fiber. Which moves the undigested food along the digstive tract in a steady manner, eventually leaving the residue, partly fermented, to be expelled.
2007-10-10 12:18:07 UTC
Fresh Fruits have a decent fiber content.. so you get full faster with less sugar than say drinking juice. Also there are many minerals and nutrients dissolved into the fruit that the body can absorb and use. You can also pick fruit based on it's Glycemic Index for your own needs...

on a side note, organic fruits have a lower heavy metal count on average than commercially produced fruits.
Stranger To Reality
2007-10-10 11:54:18 UTC
Of course fruits are well-known mostly for their vitamins, but most of them have a large amount of water and calories (good carbohydrates) and a beneficially sweet taste, which makes them a pleasure to eat!

they are also good because they make your skin more elastic, because of the pro-vitamins existing in some fruits that turn into vitamins under the sun, that's why when some people eat more fruits, their skin is not ruined by the sun so quickly.

To summarize, fruits are like "deserts of nature" you can never feel quilty eating them, and their nutritional value makes them twice as delightful and much more beneficial than vegetables!
pj m
2007-10-10 11:12:54 UTC
Fruits and vegetables are very good for the body, but too much can cause diarrhea in some individuals. I'm very careful when eating fruits when dining out and having to drive a ways to get home.

In others with diabetes, certain fruits and vegetables have a lot of carbs. This is a no no for diabetics who have to control their carb intake in order to control their sugar intake as well.

In others, you have the 'allergic reactions' to be concerned about. My son was very allergic to strawberries. Some people are allergic (deadly as a matter of fact) to peanuts.

You might say that eating fruits and vegetables are sort of like taking a certain drug for a health condition. All drugs have some kind of side affects.

Like anything we put into our bodies, remember a very valuable saying:

"All things in moderation!"
2007-10-10 07:17:24 UTC
Fresh fruit is beneficial to our health because of the high content of fiber, and the high content of vitamins (for a considerably low quantity of calories). Some fruit are more nutritious than others. Here is a great website that talks about the benefits of many fruits and vegetables, World's Healthiest Food :
2014-10-12 17:10:29 UTC
most efficient ways for ones body to absorb the nutrients offered in these food sources as juicing allows the nutrients to pass directly to the cells without the unnecessary processing of the waste by the colon. Fruits, aside from some vegetables, are best utilized by the body when eaten alone and waiting, depending on the fruit, for at least 45 minutes before consuming other food.

2014-10-08 12:22:59 UTC
mins, fiber, and carbohydrates. Vitamins help the body to function to its fullest potential, fiber keeps the digestive system healthy, and carbohydrates provide a source of energy that is better than sugar or caffeine. Many people eat fruits because when they eat them, they have more energy. Also, eating fruits can help the body's immune system because of the many important vitamins contained in the fruits; this could explain the increased health many vegetarians enjoy.
2014-09-14 07:35:35 UTC
They have various vitamins in them that help the body in different ways, such as Vitamin C, which helps the body cope with stress. But thats just one out of many uses. Also there is Vitamin A which is essential in human nutrients and can be found in apples, apricots and even pumpkins (yes, pumpkins are fruits.) Vitamin A is important to vision and bone growth.
eagle dan
2007-10-10 20:47:55 UTC
Fruits contain micronutrients and minerals taken from the ground and processed by the plants. Nature has it that only plants can do the job of converting these minerals into products can be readily absorbed by the body. fruits also contain antioxidants that slows down aging process. fruits have the cleansing power needed by our body to get rid of the toxins that we have eaten together in foods that we eat such as excess protein that we our body dont not need as we grtow older, fats from excess carb and stored in our body which watre ot burned because some of as do not excesize enaought . so eat more fruits and and have a life full of joy with less worries just like this person who eats fruits before any meals in the morning. with a litter of water.
2007-10-10 09:23:25 UTC
Fruits offer not only essential fiber for regular bowel function, they also offer vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and enzymes for proper digestive balance. Without just one of these necessities the body becomes imbalanced and begins a cycle of malabsorbtion. So you won't get the full benefit of the food. The body becomes stressed ,it begins to feel ill health and experience a sence of unwellness.

They have natural sugar - fructose- which because is has the opposite spin in the cellular structure, it means the sugars are more slowly absorbed for better sugar management.
2007-10-10 03:06:35 UTC
By eating more fruits:

* For the largest part fruit consists of water just like the human body does;

* Fruit is 100% bad-cholesterol free;

* Fruit stimulates the memory;

* The idea that fruit is an expensive nutrition;

* The miraculous healing effects of fruit;

* Fibers;

* Fruit makes you feel better;

* Ethical reasons to eat fruit;

* Fruit is the most natural food;

* The human diet;

* Fruit juices - squeeze those fruits!

Fruit has a very positive effect on the brains just like carrots. So if you want to stimulate your brain functions you have to eat much fresh fruit and carrots (raw).

Lose the weight with fruit by:

1) Consume as much as you can of the 'right nutrition';

2) Avoid as much as you can of the 'wrong nutrition';

3) Exercise moderately;

4) Be happy with every small change you've been able to make permanently;

5) Don't make weight loss more complicated as it is.
2014-09-06 07:27:33 UTC
Also fruits help to increase your immune system and keep your skin healthy and vision clear. It is best to pair your fruits and vegetables on a daily basis and keep a fresh piece of fruit handy at all times. Fruits such as strawberries contain high levels of Vitamin C and taste great in a chicken salad. Ask Chef Winston?????????
2014-09-10 19:49:25 UTC
Fruit also provides a powerful antioxidant in Vitamin C and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Vitamin C helps build and repair bodily tissue and promotes wound healing. The body uses Vitamin C to help metabolize fats and cholesterol, absorb iron, and synthesize amino acids and collagen. Potassium-rich fruits such as bananas and honeydew melon can reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss. Fruit also provides folic acid, which helps the body form red blood cells and is especially important for expectant mothers.
2007-10-10 04:04:05 UTC
I never thought that eating one particular food would help me . I wanted to and have tried to lose weight and to no avail . Until I tried the fruit for , snacks , craving sweets . after every meal . i eat fruit instead . In the past month I have drop 5 pounds and am not tired , bloated or irritable , like i would be on other diets . All fruits contribute something one way or another to our system . I have a huge bowl on my table. In my fridge there is fruit . And I even got a banana hook to hang the bananas without them rotting fast . So to me the benefits are great . Thank you , have a great day !
2014-06-11 09:44:49 UTC
Because fruits have been such a major part of the human diet, different cultures have developed many different uses for various fruits that they do not depend on as being edible. Many dry fruits are used as decorations or in dried flower arrangements, such as unicorn plant, lotus, wheat, annual honesty and milkweed. Ornamental trees and shrubs are often cultivated for their colorful fruits, including holly, pyracantha, viburnum, skimmia, beautyberry and cotoneaster.
2007-10-10 21:10:47 UTC
Via photosynthesis, plants channel energy from the sun down to their roots, forming a feedback circuit with the Sun and Earth, a positive (sun) and negative change, (Earth) acheiving a grounding effect. Energy circulates, and proteins and sugars are produced. Bio-photons are the residual energy left over from this exchange. Plants have these biophotons in abundance, and these are transferred to an animal upon consumption. Eating fruits and vegetables are akin to eating sunlight itself. Anything that corrupts the circulation of sunlight will result in sickness. Sunlight is a potent antioxidant against cancer. Sunlight is the source of reproductive health.

All things come from the sun, sunlight is healthy.But the body must be tuned to sunlight to receive it properly. Plant food is stored sunlight.
2007-10-10 11:58:41 UTC
If most people ate 5 to 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day ;along with some grains and some chicken or/and fish,,,they would loose weight and be healthier. A serving is 1/2 cup. The more rich colors (of fruits and veggies) that you eat the healthier you'll be.
2007-10-10 01:58:55 UTC
They absolutely cannot. As doctors prove repeatedly they have no idea what is good for you and what is not. Every year they announce something they have been prescribing for years has actually been killing you all along and something they have been warning you against is completely ineffective. (A good example is the recently annonced ineffectiveness of avoiding red meat and fatty foods as a prevention of prostate cancer. Think of all the miserable meals people have been having for nothing)

I wouldn't be surprised if they find out in fifty years fruit is really the cause behind cancer. Think I'm Crazy? How many people do you know with cancer or have you known with cancer who have consumed fruit? Now my example is bad science, but that's the same style of science that tells you what is good for you and what is not.

William Faulkner once wrote that a doctors job is to find out what you are doing and tell you to do something else. People don't naturally gravitate toward the consumption of fruit, ergo, doctors are frequently telling us to eat more. Why do so many of us resist or forgo fruit without prodding? Because the consumption of fruit is not natural. Our body doesn't want it. Need an example? I have read repeatedly how fruit is good for you because it makes you regular. Want to know something else that will make you regular? Crystal Meth. Why? Because it is freakin' poison and your body takes every method to expel it from your system. Fruit makes you regular because your body doesn't want it.
2014-10-12 17:01:46 UTC
r ingredients which are good for the body.Cranberries for instance are known to contain an ingredient which helps to control Prostate Cancer.Tomatoes(fruit or veg) contains Lycopene which is good for men's health. Strawberries, Gooseberries, and many of the red fruits and Citrus are high in Vitamin C, whilst many have antioxidant properties.Most fruits contribute to the minerals and salts our bodies need daily.
2014-06-28 18:41:25 UTC
You would be amazed at how easy it is to incorporate vegetables and fruits into your diet. When you are at home, instead of drinking bottled juice or health sapping soda, put a short stem of broccoli, some orange juice, pomegranate juice and a banana in a blender. Smash a vitamin and throw it in too, Throw some ice in and whirl till smooth.
2007-10-10 16:30:53 UTC
It's hard to believe that something so delectable as a strawberry has anti-cancer properties. One of "The World's Healthiest Foods", strawberry, is proof that medicine and food that is good for you can also be delicious. Here is the nutritional role that strawberries play...

Nutritional Profile: Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. They are also a very good source of dietary fiber and iodine. Plus, strawberries are a good source of potassium, folate, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, copper, and vitamin K.

Strawberries also contain an array of beneficial phytonutrients, including flavonoids, anthocyanidins and ellagic acid.

For an In-Depth Nutritional Profile see -

For an extensive article about strawberries including, Health Benefits, Description, History, How to Select and Store, How to Enjoy, Safety, Nutritional Profile and References see:
2007-10-10 16:01:04 UTC
Well the color in fruit can give many antoxidants...for example they say eating blueberries increases the memory or helps to boost the eating blueberries will not make you a genuis, but they do help. I also believe that the natural sugars are much better than they high fructose syrupy stuff we can buy in the store...each time you eat sugar, I hear that is surpresses your immune system..the more fruits you eat, the better nutrients that will be dsitributed to the body to help maintain a healthy heart and boost metabolism so we can stop craving high carb foods..
2007-10-10 10:11:14 UTC
Besides tasting good & being high in nutrients, fruits are high in fiber. Fiber stays in the gut longer so nutrients can be absorbed. We feel full longer b/c fiber isn't digested, therefore we eat less, therefore helping maintain a healthy weight. Glucose levels in the blood will stay more even & constant (not the spikes you get with processed sugars & carbs).'ll keep you fruit(&green leafy veggies) & drink lots of water. (an apple a day really does keep the doctor away)
2007-10-10 07:37:20 UTC
Fruits in general are one of the key ingredients in helping your body to fight cancer! In fact, the more colorful the fruit is, the better. They have various vitamins in them that help the body in different ways, such as Vitamin C, which helps the body cope with stress. But thats just one out of many uses. Also there is Vitamin A which is essential in human nutrients and can be found in apples, apricots and even pumpkins (yes, pumpkins are fruits.) Vitamin A is important to vision and bone growth.
2007-10-10 18:42:50 UTC
Fruit is loaded with fiber, which promotes bowel movements and prevents constipation and diverticulosis, a colon disease. One serving of strawberries offers a decrease in blood pressure and lowers the risk of cancer and arthritis, as well as enhanced memory. Pineapple is good for oral health, able to reduce the risk of gingivitis.

Fruit also provides a powerful antioxidant in Vitamin C and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Vitamin C helps build and repair bodily tissue and promotes wound healing. The body uses Vitamin C to help metabolize fats and cholesterol, absorb iron, and synthesize amino acids and collagen. Potassium-rich fruits such as bananas and honeydew melon can reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss. Fruit also provides folic acid, which helps the body form red blood cells and is especially important for expectant mothers.
2007-10-10 11:12:43 UTC
A recent extensive study has shown, that eating Antioxidants and Vitamins in Excess, leads to weakening of the natural immune system of the body and shorter life expectancy. There is nothing wrong with eating fruits, buts its not all that. We will die anyway. My grandmother didn't eat a healthy (by todays standards) or fresh thing in 98 years.
2007-10-10 09:31:15 UTC
the poo people sound a little poo-y[in a good way]. i have mixed feelings about this subject, as the fruit and vegetables are grown and shipped from other countries such as communist china, Mexico, and other European countries that do not have the greatest of clean water. in the USA we have to use filters at the faucet if we want uncontaminated water, and that's after the government said they cleaned the water that comes into our homes. these other countries have different and well below USA standards for growing food for USA consumption.

so the only smart thing to do is grow your own fruit and vegetables.
winston h
2007-10-10 01:11:26 UTC
Fruit consumption helps to raise your blood sugar when your feeling week as well as increases your fiber. Anti oxidants that the body does not normally store such as Vitamin A,C, D, E come from many of the fruits and vegetables that we eat today. Also fruits help to increase your immune system and keep your skin healthy and vision clear. It is best to pair your fruits and vegetables on a daily basis and keep a fresh piece of fruit handy at all times. Fruits such as strawberries contain high levels of Vitamin C and taste great in a chicken salad. Ask Chef Winston?????????
2007-10-10 21:42:10 UTC
ITS really eating more fruits improve our health because as I ofserve my employers eats more fruits than carbohydrates like rice and they have a good healthy body but eating more strawberries which is is sweets like sugar the outcome will be diabetes so we must eats only which can our body needed too much is not good also everything over will destroy our body/
2007-10-10 11:43:26 UTC
Fruit offers a variety of benefits to the human body. Fruit offers carbs, which gives your body fuel to do things. Some fruits like: apples, blackberries, grapefruits, rasberries, and oranges are high in fiber (which aids in digestion). Also, in cantaloupe and some veggies there is Vit. A, which is good for your eyes. Other fruits like oranges, tangerines, bananas, and berries have Vit. C which is good for your immune system and for your bones, teeth, etc.
2007-10-10 08:37:26 UTC
COLOR - research shows that bright colors of fruits (as well as vegetables) indicate richness in ANTIOXIDANTS, as well as VITAMINS and MINERALS. Blueberries indicate a possible preventative measure against prostate cancer, for example.

FIBER - fruits help maintain proper digestion.

COMPLEX CARBS - Fruits are nature's answer to a sweet tooth - in a good way. Unlike simple sugars in candy, fruits are tasty, and deliver complex carbohydrates, which take longer for your body to convert into fuel - giving you a longer lasting energy source, without the "sugar crash" from processed candies.

There are other benefits, but these are just a few.

Thanks for the question.
2007-10-10 11:49:34 UTC
Better looking skin. More energy. An apple equals a cup of coffee or Coke. So instead of caffeine eat an apple and that will give you energy for a longer period of time without the energy crash. It can even help with ADD. I used to work on a horse farm and a few apples would keep me going all day without a need for food or rest breaks. So pile on those fruits!
Sir Cairo
2007-10-10 02:37:19 UTC
Fruits have a lot of things to give you.

1.) A lot of vitamins and minerals, especially the water soluble vitamins.

2.) Antioxidants can also be granted by fruits. Now, fruits cannot give you all the kinds of antioxidants, so don't simply focus on them.

3.) They can also be a source of fiber. It may be soluble fiber, or insoluble fiber.

4.) They are the major source of fructose, a form of sugar. That's why its called "fructose" because of its source - fruit sugar.

5.) Fruits can be a good substitute for vegetables since both of them are plant based.

6.) Fruits can help you lessen your appetite. This is good for people who want to undergo a dietary program.

7.) Fruits can be a nice source of fluids. This is why we can make fruit juice.

Now, fruits alone cannot guarantee your health, since fruits are not that much of a source object for proteins, and carbohydrates. Also, it may cause cavities, if you're not brushing (except for the acidic fruits like citrus).
2007-10-09 23:36:56 UTC
Fruits contain Vit. C, and Vit. C or absorbic acids helps improve your immune system. Some fruits contain a very high amount of vitamin C which is very helpful for our bodies. Fruits does not only contain Vit. C but also other Vitamins and minerals. Also They said If you eat fruits for a whole week, (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), It will remove all the toxins in your body because Vit. C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body.
2014-06-10 18:50:36 UTC
Alot of people also don't realize fruits and vegetables also are very low in calories so if you have bad eating habits such as eating out of boredom, eating before bed, eating while you work... or so on which you all probably have don't worry I do too xD, they can help you fill your habits without adding extreme amounts of daily calorie intake.
2014-09-24 13:01:36 UTC
You can improve your vision just by practicing the correct approach for ten minutes a day.

You can check this technique:

Basically what glasses do is bolt the eyes into their refractive state and in order to transparent your lenses you need to keep up the poor vision that the lenses are intended to correct.

This program demonstrates to you a proved method to improve your vision naturally, permanently and with complete results.
2007-10-10 20:49:57 UTC
When you consider that our ancestors ate mostly fruits & veggies, how many of us have ever heard of a constipated cave man? I'm sure that there was more than a few. Can you say roughage? Anyway, fruits have the vitamins & anti-oxidants that would benefit us now. Good Luck & Blessings
2007-10-10 19:54:34 UTC
They play a key nutritional role in our body. Not only are they simple carbs, immediate energy for the body, but they pack things such as fiber, zinc, and a assortment of other nutrients. Plus they satisfy a sweet tooth without eating a high fat candy bar or snack.
2007-10-10 16:06:55 UTC
I love fruit and have always eaten a lot of it. I don't keep any junk food or sweets around because I couldn't control eating them.

I had a colonoscopy and I was told that I had a very healthy colon. My good cholesterol is also very high. My bad one is too high, but apparently the good one balances out the bad one.

There are different vitamins in different fruits.
Allen C
2007-10-10 15:24:27 UTC
fruits provide much energy in form of sucrose, which is your body will break it down into glucose and fructose... both are forms of carbohydrates your body likes... increase of carb intake will up your blood glucose level (fructose gets converted into glucose eventually) in a short period of time... fruits have a high glycemic index... meaning the their sucrose can be rapidly absorbed... when your blood glucose level is raised, you will feel more full... thus eating fruit can be a good way to satisfy your hunger.

2ndly, fruit has much fiber... which your body cant break down but it will help digestion by occupying the space in the GI tract and stimulate peristalsis (the process which the intestines push food along)... So you can lower the risk of constipation by consuming fruit.

certain fibers can be broken down by the good bacterias in your large intestine, and some of the byproducts can be helpful to you.

Fruit also contain much of the vitamins and minerals your body needs... Like Potassium, Vita B's, Vita C etc. and they taste great... cant go wrong with fruits!!!
2007-10-10 12:19:30 UTC
Basically your body ultimately needs sugars. Fruit has natural sugars in them. Fruit is especially good post-workout.

Each fruit has it's very own distinctive advantages. For example Pomegrante is good for you as an antioxidant, Goji is good for alkalization of your blood, Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, Bannanas for Potassium, cherries are particularly good for a multitude of things such as lowering urate levels, arthritis, gout, muscle pain, back pain, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and more.

Also, if you are eating a low-carb diet fruits are great as well. They contain carbs, but they are the good carbs (i.e the kind your body needs).

In addition, taking a multi-vitamin daily will be very beneficial as well.

Hope this helps out!
2007-10-10 06:07:37 UTC
People have eaten fruit and other natural foods for many thousands of years, allowing them to live healthy, productive lives. It has only been in the last few centuries that obesity from over eating and eating the wrong kinds of foods has reared its ugly head. Eating healthy foods, including fruit, not only keeps the body healthy, but also allows the body to heal itself faster, prevent premature aging, and stave off infections. These are only a few of the benefits that fruits offer in our daily nutrition.
2015-01-27 13:16:48 UTC
Most people believe that once they are diagnosed with some vision problem and start wearing eye glasses or contact lenses to correct them, they will have to do so for life in order to see better. Those who want a permanent solution to improve eyesight typically resort to Lasik or other corrective eye surgeries. But you you can also improve your vision without surgery and can see perfectly well without using eyeglasses or contact lenses. You can check here to know how
2007-10-10 08:34:12 UTC
Our bodies need a certain amount of vitamins to do what it is intended to do. Some vitamins help with vision and so forth. Your body also needs a good amount of fiber for the digestive system. When people don't eat enough vegetables and fruit they usually take a vitamin supplement.
2007-10-10 04:51:30 UTC
Well they have lots of vitamins and minerals, but most Americans so overfed they don't need any extra vitamins or minerals but take them to excess anyway as a cure-all, quasi elixir. I guess it can't hurt though. The fiber in them will make you feel full with less calories and keep you regular which is good. They also have a lower glycemic index than refined sugars which will give you more steady blood sugar levels and a feeling of sustained energy rather than a sugar "high" and then crash.

Fruits are also chock full of antioxidants. I'm sure these are good in some ways but I suspect their positive effects are over reported. I've heard they're good for everything from bone and joint problems to curing cancer. Everything nowadays supposedly either cures/prevents cancer or causes it. Not to mention if you aren't getting anitoxidants, you just aren't trying. They're in practically everything. For example, the cup of coffee I'm drinking right now is loaded with antioxidants but I would hardly call coffee a health drink. I think most of this stuff is sold by same people who sold us snake oil in the late 19th century. People will often kick common sense to the wayside because they want to believe promises so badly. For examples see exercise equipment, make millions in your spare time ads, age defying anti-oxidant rich cremes, practically every religion since the dawn of time, political speeches, etc, etc, etc, to the end of our age.
2014-08-21 19:05:14 UTC
This is the best benefit of fruits. Anti-oxidants stop aging and the harmful affects of impurities found in your body such as small traces of metals. These anti-oxidants can stop cancer and slow the aging process. Basically, fruits contribute to a healthy diet and you should eat them regularly.
2014-09-06 04:24:38 UTC
There own governments need to take some responsibility for there people and there health. We Americans cannot afford to cure the world of all there aliments, especially with the illegal aliens bringing in a whole new mix of diseases we havent seen for years. I understand your concerns but realisticly its impossible to assume we can have much of an impact on any developing nation espeically when they refuse to practice safe sex.
Elena B
2007-10-10 14:36:02 UTC
Who said it's actually true?

It's not, you cannot live only just by eating fruit the whole day.

Fruit contains glucose, so don't exaggerate =)

True, it's good to replace a sandwitch by a juicy apple, and is also nice for your diet, but you cannot lose weight by eating fruit all day.

Don't forget that although fruit contains most of vital vitamins and minerals, they cannot replace your daily menu.
kavya k
2007-10-10 09:48:27 UTC
Anybody who consumes more fruits can improve their body's health because fruits contain differnt vitamins and fibre which helps in digestion. Other benefits are smooth, nourished skin, silky hair. Sparkly eyes if you consume vitamin A from yellow or orange vegetables.
2007-10-10 08:41:25 UTC
Not all, but I enjoy fruit and I make sure that I have at least two servings a day. I know the apples are good for fiber, berries have great antioxidant properties, and oranges and mangoes are good sources of vitamin C.
2007-10-10 07:02:13 UTC
fruit contains many essential vitamins and nutrients for the body.

Vitamin C is a big one, especially for the up coming winter months.

Plus, fruit is an excellent source of fiber. Soluble and in soluble fiber are needed to keep the digestive tract healthy.

Fruit just tastes good and is good for you and most comes 'prepackaged' and can be peeled or eaten 'as is' skin and all.
Joseph C
2007-10-10 21:17:02 UTC
well, you probably know that vitamins are good for you. But vitamins are water-soluble, and that means that you will unfortunately be getting rid of vitamin with urine. So keeping a steady source of vitamins will make sure that your body has the vitamins it needs when it needs it.

However, too much vitamins won't do any benefits, so eating a gazillion more fruits won't make you much more healthier (it will probably explode your stomach and kill you. Did you know that a stomach can hold about 4L before it bursts? but 4L is a lot.)
2007-10-10 11:12:25 UTC
all fresh fruits and veggies carry natural amounts of vitamins, minerals, sugars and water your body naturally needs. It's easier for your body to digest the simple things, the things human bodies have been used to digesting for hundreds of years. It's a balance.... and nature's way of taking care of us. I'm sure there is a website that can tell you the healthful reasons to eat each and every fruit and veggie.
Answer M
2007-10-10 09:13:25 UTC
The word vitamin is a phrase coined to describe enzymes. Many modern human beings know that an enzyme is a chemical that acts as a catalyst. It happens to be that there are often certain sets of chemicals which should interact with one another that can be near each other and yet not interact until and unless a certain third chemical is present that acts as a catalyst. It starts a chemical reaction between the other two chemicals.

That is what a vitamin is. Well it happens to be that vitamins when in fruits or vegetables that have not been cooked are living enzymes. They are chemicals that have life in them and are able to cause other chemicals in your body to interact with one another. This process is called nutrition.

Then there is fiber. Vegetables and fruits have fiber. When we eat uncooked vegetables and fresh raw fruits we take in vegetable fiber. This is vital to help move your food along the alimentary canal ( your whole food tube from your mouth to where solid waste comes out) quickly. The faster your food moves along the healthier you are. We call it transit time.

When you cook vegetables what you are doing is softening them. You soften them by forcing moisture into them. If you eat cooked vegetables you are eating vegetables where the living enzymes have been killed and the fiber has had moisture forced into it. That is bad for your health. The fiber should go in you uncooked. Then it can cook inside you and absorb moisture from your digested food. When you digest food one thing that happens in there is that bacteria and other germs are killed. When you have uncooked vegetable fiber in there it can soak up the moisture the dead microbes are floating in. If you have plenty of fiber your food will pass through you fast and you will have several bowel movements a day (Which is what you should have if you eat several meals a day.) Your transit time can be 10 hours which is very healthy for you. Instead of the 24 to 78 hours that most Americans have today as their transit time. That is a breeding ground for countless future health troubles.

You can do an experiment to educate yourself and to stimulate your desire to eat a healthy diet.

Take a meal of food that you normally eat and chop it up and grind it up and put it in a plate or bowl and cover it and leave it on the table for two days and periodically look at it and smell it and see how disgusting it is. Just imagine if you kept it at around 98 degrees the temperature in your body.

Then take what would be a meal of raw vegetables and fresh fruit and leave it ground up on a table and see how it looks after 10 hours and 24 hours and two days. Compare the two.

Now the fruit and vegetable one might stink too. But it stinks in a different way.

Understand something if you would. There are two sorts of germs or bacteria. One type grows on plants and eats plants. And another type grows on meat and eats meat. There are good bacteria that are healthy for you and help produce health in you. For the most part they are found on plants. Then there is bad bacteria that eats meat and it can and would eat you (you are made of meat) if you gave it a chance. For the most part this bacterium grows on meats. The more fresh fruit and raw vegetables you eat on a daily basis the more good bacteria (we call it intestinal flora) you get. It happens to be the case that when you have many colonies of the good bacteria through your digestive tract that they produce an environment where the germs that live on meat do not survive.

SO this is the reason to eat plenty of raw vegetables and fresh fruit.

Then also there are many antioxidants in them also. That is a whole other story. Antioxidants help slow down the aging process in your body,. If you would take in enough of them you would stop I said stop the aging process? To eat enough they say we need to eat 22 pounds of fresh fruit and raw vegetables each and every day. That is impossible you would say. Well I have found a way to do it and if you would like to know what it is please email me and ask. I also have what I call the world's best breakfast. You can ask for that. Or look on my profile and find it.

If a person eats 20 pounds of the right plants every day in twenty years they should look the same as they do now or even look younger than they do now.

Then there are also the phyto-nutrients and then there are the lipocenes and then there are the lipids and essential fatty acids and so on and so forth most of which are found in various plants.

Plants also have minerals which often give them their color. Bright colorful foods are healthy and you should eat a rainbow of them daily or weekly. They are great to use if you want to lose weight. The mistake many Americans make in eating is they put fattening dressings on them A good dressing is a tablespoon of yogurt or a whole cup of yogurt and some lemon juice. (a squeezed half lemon. ) The more vegetables you eat. Make salads of fresh varieties of vegetables broccoli Brussels Sprouts carrots peppers spinach ( wash it all good) and add fruits like apples pears peaches melons and parsley and celery and squashes and every type eat loads and loads of it and you will be full most of the time and not snack and you will lose weight and feel great. Email us for more info or with specific health questions. for more info and or see our profile in Yahoo Answers.
2007-10-09 23:44:50 UTC
Eating fruit is important for your health but eating at right time is more important. Some people eat fruit after lunch and dinner, which doesn't provide any kind of vitamin to your body.

Because lunch and dinner alomost takes 2 hours to digest in your stomach.

Eat fruit in empty stomach and feel the difference.
Lovely &.....
2007-10-10 15:32:41 UTC
Every fruit has different vitamins (or many) it gives you. Bananas - potassium, pears and apples are rich in something (I highly recommend pears, they don't break your teeth). Fruits have fiber, a big component to proper functioning of your inner body. Actually they say both fruits and vegetables are important for daily consumption.
2007-10-10 06:20:15 UTC
Fruits are beneficial to the immune system by providing the necessary antioxidants, minerals and enzymes.

Since many fruits can in fact leave the body in an acidic condition, your fruit intake must be balance by vegetables. Remember the old adage: "eat your fruit and vegetables"
2015-01-12 19:05:52 UTC
- I don't eat all fruits but seeing as you mentioned strawberrys- I believe the sugar content can be very good at the beginning of the day when you need energy and the TASTE is glorious. eat and enjoy BUT learn about fruit because you don't want the runs whilst wearing a space suit do you?
2007-10-11 23:16:12 UTC
On the positive side:

-Enriched with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre

- Keeps you fit and healthy

- Can be an active sex partner

- Prevents cancer, Blood pressure etc.

On the negative side:

- artificially and chemically treated fruits are carriers of deadly deceases and non of the above positive are available in such fruits.
2007-10-10 05:57:12 UTC
To tell you the benefit of each fruit in our organism won"t fit on this space, but generally speaking, fruits are so beneficial to our bodies because they contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, etc. and energy related or according to our organism, our body NEED all kind of nutrients that nature make for us, because we are not machines, we are not man made robots, we came from nature and we need to be feeded by tne material made for nature. If we feed our bodies with anti-natural "foods" the result is what you see now, a high rate of sick people, illness of any kind, a complete disgrace in our society due to "modern" living.

I recommend you to visit there you will find a lot of information related to nutrition.

have a good luck
2007-10-10 05:34:30 UTC
Vegetables and fruit have antioxidants which the body needs to neutralize the free radicals, which our body also happens to produce as a by product of our own metabolism. Also, what the others have said on here about vitamins and minerals and regularity.
2007-10-10 04:28:54 UTC
fruits are important for our body's health. they provide us with vitamins and that are good for our body. some fruits are also natural breath fresheners like apple. they clean our teeth and this is important to insure that the food is clean once it enters the gullet, and not contaminated with the bacteria found in the mouth. some fruits also have high fiber content, example dates. the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to eat 4 date fruits in the early morning for Ramadan, and he used to stay full for the whole day. this is because the fiber present. fiber takes a long time to digest, therefore it keeps the stomach busy. the stomach tells you its hungry when it has nothing to digest. fiber also reduces the risk of a person getting heart disease. fruits have many secrets! many fruits even help in the risk of getting cancer!

fruits are the best food. they are better than junk food like french fries and burgers. fruits are low in calories and fat. they are high in vitamins. did you know that a cherry has almost the same vitamin C as three oranges? vitamin C is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums eh? the good thing about fruits, is that they have no cholesterol at all. in fact, they help control it!

some fruits have potassium, that is good for people with high blood pressure. they help people maintain a healthy pressure

example of such fruits are honeydew melon, bananas, and my favorite, prunes.

fruits are important for reproduction!! well, for pregnant women, its good. here is an example! some fruits have a an acid called folic acid. folic acid helps the body form red blood cells. women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume adequate folic acid, including folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. this reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.

AHA! now every one! make sure you eat allot of fruits
2014-09-16 14:36:54 UTC
Many dry fruits are used as decorations or in dried flower arrangements, such as unicorn plant, lotus, wheat, annual honesty and milkweed. Ornamental trees and shrubs are often cultivated for their colorful fruits, including holly, pyracantha, viburnum, skimmia, beautyberry and cotoneaster.
2014-09-01 19:57:57 UTC
Our bodies have not changed much from the hunters and gathers of our ancestors and our bodies have not evolved or adapted as quickly as the world of supplements, medication and processed foods. Eating an apple is much better for us than eating an apple pie.
2007-10-10 16:11:37 UTC
Eating fruits that are fresh are the most beneficial for you. Just make sure you wash them well before you eat them as they can have many ill effects if you do not! Pesticides are hazardous to your health so watch out!
2007-10-10 04:01:19 UTC
The taste buds are categorized into four classes! Sweet,sour,bitter,salty! The main reason for eating abuse is due to eating for flavor! (Eating because it tastes good)!

Fruit is sweet, and yet you can eat all you want , and never gain a pound! It also provides, vitamins, and minerals, which help the muscles burn fat, and also enrich the blood, wherein, more oxygen can be processed. This is necessary, to all bodily functions! (Oxygen is life)! Fruits have zero fat!

Vegetabbles have these same properties! Vegetables, processed, the identical way as fruit, bear the exact same health benefits as fruit! They have many favors, ranging from bitter to sour, to sweet! However they all have that same natural goodnness, until they are cooked improperly! "They are usually cooked improperly"!

I learned this by learning to eat raw vegetables! I simply wash them, and eat them! Okra, squash, corn, green beans, bell pepper, hot pepper,cauliflower, (broccoli i simply steam to soft texture, and then eat it! It is simply too difficult to eat raw, and carrots, are best raw, but i also eat them cooked)! Zucchini, cucumbers, etc!

I hope you can see an answer here! It really works! I manage this diet, by eating "fruit coctail, and mixed vegetables"!
Back Porch Willy
2007-10-09 23:21:33 UTC
Each fruit or vegetable has it's own unique set of nutrients. For example, all kinds of berries have been shown to improve eye health, Cinnamon has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics, garlic has been shown to be an effective mosquito repellent, (1 Tbs of garlic juice in 5000 Gal of water will kill all the mosquito larvae that might be living there), beets are a very strong cardio stimulant, and the list just goes on and on. Fresh fruit and vegetables also contain many micro nutrients and enzymes that we are just now beginning to study seriously and understand (many of which are destroyed by heating).
2007-10-10 17:01:10 UTC
They contain easily digestible vitamins and minerals and provide ruffage needed in good colon health. Unlike processed vitamins and minerals, (pill forms) your body, through evolution, has mastered the digestive actions for natural foods like fruits and vegetables and now actually requires them for good health.
2007-10-10 01:13:04 UTC
It would require a lot of research to get the specific information that you want, but all fruits share the benefits of not being processed and containing lots of vitamins/minerals/enzymes/fiber, etc. Since they are all a little different, you should eat a variety and not just concentrate on one kind.
2007-10-09 22:47:02 UTC
We're designed by evolution to eat a mainly fruit diet. Look at our modern primate cousins. Fibre, antioxidants, minerals like potassium, a fairly low kilojoule intake compared with meat. Most wealthy countries are in the temperate zone where fruit is quite expensive, but most of our evolutionary history was in the tropics and sub-tropics where fruit is the most readily-obtainable food.
2007-10-09 22:20:15 UTC
Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other nutrients that are important for good health.

Compared to people who eat only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts — as part of a healthy diet — are likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. These diseases include stroke, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and perhaps heart disease and high blood pressure.

Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories, so substituting them for high-calorie foods can be a calorie-reducing strategy.
2007-10-10 14:34:13 UTC
I personally have been eating only fresh fruits and vegtables for dinner time over the past 3 months and I feel extremely good for it.
2007-10-10 13:32:36 UTC
Fruit is often helps with weight loss, water intake, and fiber intake because of the high amounts of water and fiber in most fruits. Eating fruits helps with weight loss because the fiber and water cause a feeling of a full stomach, slowing down your rate of eating.
2007-10-10 08:55:14 UTC
Fruits contain virtually no fats, discounting the natural sugars they contain. They are also high in fiber which your body needs to be regular. The vitamins that they contain are in small enough quantities that the body will absorb them instead of voiding them as excess. The sugars are natural, unrefined and in small enough quantities that they pose no real threat unless your diabetic.
2007-10-10 07:04:39 UTC
Eating fruit tends to keep your bowels moving, and this is a sign of health! It works for ANY kind of fruit from the exotic to ones as simple and easy-to-purchase as raisins. So yummy!

Of course, you need to realize that there are limits to the "improvement" that consuming fruits regularly can provide, but they beat ANYTHING that comes from a factory! *grin*
Anthony F
2007-10-10 05:22:22 UTC
In addition to all the benefits above, I find that eating fruits after I have eaten helps my stomach to feel good. Good for the digestive system.
2016-01-29 16:32:59 UTC
It can enhance one's immune system. It takes a lot more than fruit to maintain a healthy life-style, like more exercise and fresh air.
2014-09-22 01:13:57 UTC

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2007-10-10 15:05:51 UTC
fibre in apples, vitamin C in strawberries, blueberries have calcium plus many other benefits... the darker the veggie or the flesh of the fruit the better,also very low on calories
2007-10-10 11:02:17 UTC
yeah, i think since fruit and stuff like it are so pure, i can't think of a way that it would be unhealthy and have bad reactions, with the exception of allergies. but clean food like apples and carrots have to be way more healhty than a bag of chips or a box of donuts. with the nutrients still in them, those aid in everything from eyesight to how quickly and effectively your body heals after injury. so the question is, how can't eating fruits improve your body's health?
2007-10-10 09:02:41 UTC
Fruits provide essential vitamins and "metals" and elements in micro amounts that our body needs to remain healthy, the way plants need micro-nutrients (metals) like Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, P, Na, Ca etc.

2007-10-10 04:56:20 UTC
Fruits are generally high in fibre, vitamins, protein and carbs in their different varieties. They are colourful, tasty and versatile. They do not need cooking which is great for the environment and therefore still good for our health; plus cavemen lived a long life, thanks to their diet. Remember to wash all fruit before consumption though :-)
2007-10-10 03:35:09 UTC
Its easy its all natural, made for the human body, great taste and great for you as well, the human body knows these chemicals just by nature ,and breaks them down easy and goes to the brain organs hair, eyes, enzymes love this stuff, naturally, on the other hand , natural sugars , regular sugar is poison to the body,The correct balance of Vitamins no need for over the counter type in most cases, its after the body has been damaged by over eating of red meats, carbonated soda, sugars, bad fat & high colestral foods fruits dont have these mistakes and most all people can eat them, I know in some case some people cant eat these things but 80 % can .go fruits and Veggies
2007-10-10 01:47:59 UTC
I've been taught since I was small, that fruits & vege is good for health.

When I'm in school, I learned that fruits & vege is good for health.

Everywhere I go, they tell me that frutis & vege is good for health.

So now, it will make me wonder, if I would think the other way round. I am no scientist or nutritionist, but I am fruits & vege consumer, so I will say that all that I've been taught is TRUE.

No matter which part of the body gets the credit from each type of fruits, at the end it brings good than bad. So, why not make it habit...
2007-10-09 21:47:41 UTC
Fruit regulates the digestive system which prevents constipation or upset stomachs. Fruit can always help regulate blood sugar. If your diabetic fruit isnt a good choice all the time but the vitamins in fruit help with alot of things. Like antibodys which help keep you from getting deathly sick.
Shirley T
2007-10-10 11:28:56 UTC
I try always to start my morning off with a fresh peach. Now things like fruit cocktail, I find barely tolerable. I prefer Jello without any canned fruit.
He says She says
2007-10-10 08:13:42 UTC
Fruits do lots of things for our bodies from helping the immune system work better to helping your body function more correctly.


~Depending on training intensity and duration, athletes require up to 4.5 grams of carbohydrates per day per pound of body weight or 60–70% of total dietary calories from carbohydrates, whichever is greater. Emphasizing intake of fruits and other high-quality carbohydrates while reducing intake of fatty foods may be beneficial for athletic performance.

~ Studies comparing different populations have shown that increasing fruit consumption may reduce the risk of developing chronic bronchitis.

~Consumption of fruits is widely accepted as lowering the risk of most common cancers except prostate cancer.

A negative of the fruit eating for health is this:

Many doctors advise women who have a yeast infection (or are predisposed to such infections) to limit their intake of fruit juices and other sources of refined carbohydrates. For persistent or recurrent infections, some doctors recommend that fruit also be avoided.


~Fruit consists for the largest part of water

Just like the human body does..


~Fruit Is 100% Bad-Cholesterol Free

~Fruit Stimulates Our Memories

~Healing Effects Of Fruit

~Ethnical reasons


~Part of the Human Diet

~and best of all it Makes you feel better!
2007-10-10 11:52:38 UTC
Fruits contain amonio acids, and vitamins that are wonderful for the body.They also do not carry ridiculous calorie or sugar intake. These vitamins and acids do almost everything from helping to properly regulate your digestive system to helping to strengthen your immune system.
2007-10-10 08:27:09 UTC
This is very simple as living near to nature is undoubtedly good for health so eating fruit instead of cooked food is beneficial.
2007-10-10 16:13:59 UTC
The object is to eat foods that have not been altered by processing, as the supermarket shelf is loaded with them. Fresh fruits, veggies and nuts are as close as you can get.
2007-10-10 06:05:26 UTC
Eating more fruits and vegetables makes your body develop enzymes which better combat diseases and flus etc...

It also helps cleans toxins from your digestive tract and depending on the fruit or vegetable, enhances blood circulation, oxygen uptake, etc...

Every vegetable / fruit have different benefits. I know that Watermellon helps eliminate excess salt in your system.
2007-10-10 19:28:56 UTC
Most fruits are full of anti-oxidants, vitamin which are good for hair, skin, eyes, nails, and especially your heart and the natural sugar will give you extra energy...One apple can give you more of a life than two cups of coffee and it's a lot better for you.
2007-10-10 10:35:36 UTC
Health benefits

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases.

Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol.

Fruits are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).

Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Fruit sources of potassium include bananas, prunes and prune juice, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and orange juice.

Dietary fiber from fruits, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as fruits help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.

Whole or cut-up fruits are sources of dietary fiber; fruit juices contain little or no fiber.

Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.

Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume adequate folate, including folic acid from fortified foods or supplements.
2007-10-10 04:55:40 UTC
Natural sugars are great for the body and the contain antioxidants as well to help remove toxins in our body.

Everybody should eat fruit everyday./
2007-10-10 01:49:45 UTC
Basically, eating more fruits can replace the needs of eating vegetables, which most people choose not to consume it.

Fruits helps in constipation coz it has a lot of fibre as vegetables.

Some also has sweet taste (glucose) that can serve as energy source for our body by minor.

Fruits are itself a vitamin C, thats act as a coenzymes to help control various metabolic reactions.

Plus, vitamin C also function as a formation of connective tissues (healthy gums, skin, wound healing and teeth), and as an Antioxidant.
2015-01-28 12:56:54 UTC
Many people strive to attain lighter, brighter, healthier-looking skin. Learning to properly care for your skin on a day-to-day basis will help your skin stay light and tight, while more substantial and scientifically-proven lightening products are also widely available. In my opinion this is the best method
2017-02-18 21:32:52 UTC
It is determined by the fruit or veg linked to a comparison. In the event you compare a n to a carrot, the carrot is the better of the two nutritional. But once you compare an avocado to the carrot, then this avocado is better. The two the apple and avocado, are fruits.
2007-10-10 14:05:02 UTC
It would probably take me a whole day to list all the fruits and their benefits, so why don't you google a certain fruit and its advantages. It's much more easier.
2007-10-10 13:48:20 UTC
Well, fruits are the best tasting source of dietary fiver, which is essential for a good digestion and to balance cholesterol. And they are also a good source of vitamins and minerals
2007-10-10 09:35:23 UTC
Check out a Diet for your blood group.. some fruits are very good for you... some will give you problems.... But God gave us the fruits of the Earth so they must be good
2007-10-10 07:00:21 UTC
Simple/easy !!: It's because most foods have to have things added to them to preserve freshness,keep us from catching anything that the inner workings of our bodies may have to work harder to digest properly!?! Possibly having some of the enzimes from whichever etible to make us sick maybe!?! FRUITS & veggies are more natural !!just still may have some like preserving substance on them to try & keep them fresh !?! & although MAYBE ``a``Little safer!?! could still have us ill !?! so rinse,wash & or just soak somethings befor you or some kids might get to them..maybe causing harm or making them ill .,.
2007-10-10 00:22:51 UTC
fruits are high in fiber, so they help with the digestive tract. They help food slide along better, and not get stuck (constipation). They're good in antioxidants and vitamins (Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Strawberries are very high in Vitamin C - prevents you from getting scurvy like a pirate.
2007-10-10 21:35:04 UTC
fruit is healthy and all, and most of the time I'd rather eat it than vegetables or starchy foods, but there's so much more carbs in fruit, so I have to take more of my medication to cover it.

apples contain enough immune system boosters that they really do keep the doctor away, again, can't eat them too often
2007-10-10 18:03:39 UTC
Antioxidants. These are the things that destroy the free-radicals floating around in your body. Free-radicals are naturally occuring chemicals that cause DNA mutations, and thus, are the usual causes of cancer.

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which combat these ne'er do wells.
2007-10-10 13:53:39 UTC
Fruits contain tons of vitamins and minerals to help your body grow and stay strong. Besides, why have junk food when you can have fruits, nature's candy!
2007-10-10 11:09:22 UTC
Our body isn't supposed to eat cooked foods; and most fruits are served raw...however cleaned of course. Plus, they are packed with vitamins and good minerals and have very little, if any, sugar; making it healthy; good for digestive system, and others systems; Neuro, Cardio, Muscle, and Digestive.

It helps the brain think quicker

It strengthens your heart

It builds muscle, and keeps fat at bay

And It helps with your digestive tract.
2007-10-10 06:11:19 UTC
It is so because eating fruits helps u get many of the vitamins like Vit A ,Vit B, etc.Also,it also helps us restore Minerals of ur body.
khag r
2007-10-10 03:04:09 UTC
Fruits help to improve the health of a person in many ways:-

1;-It helps in digestion ;due to the presence of fib re in the fruits
2016-04-25 23:28:31 UTC
Swap a bowl of pasta to get a bowl of vegetables. You can conserve to 200 calories by chopping the starch and adding produce.
2007-10-10 11:07:33 UTC
Eating live/raw foods means the vitamin & mineral are kept intact so your body can get more of whats good for you. The MOST IMPORTANT thing about raw foods are the enzymes they contain, which are lost during cooking or processing.
2007-10-10 09:57:33 UTC
Because generally fruit is eaten RAW so all of the nutrients are in tact as opposed to when foods are cooked, the nutrients are destroyed by the heat of cooking.
2007-10-10 12:43:33 UTC
I know this is in general, bad practice, but one answer i don't see, is the benefits that eating healthy known produce, will least be a substitute to eating unhealthy food stuffs. So why worry about it? Just eat it, its great proven healthy food.
2007-10-10 04:35:56 UTC
good source of fructose which can be ultimately broken down through glycolysis to form ATP. ATP (adenosin tri-phosphate) is used by all systems of the body for life function. fruits also have the obvious benefits of fiber, antioxidents, minerals, and vitamins.
2007-10-10 03:23:43 UTC
Sorry to spoil the fun but:

Vegetarians have a higher instance of heart attack.

All those vitamins you think you get from vegetables, meat contains, pound for pound, far more.

While generally the population is getting fatter, it is also living longer.

Of the oldest living people recorded many, if not most, smoked and drank as long as they were capable.

Enjoy yourself, your only here once . . . Just be careful not to delude yourself. I know a few people who have become fanatical about their diets, and it has taken more enjoyment away, I believe, than given.
2007-10-10 00:39:13 UTC
eating more fruits is beneficial only up to a point. Personally I can not consume the recommended amount of fruit without causing digestive problems. The current USDA guidelines are out of whack
2007-10-10 14:05:29 UTC
fruits provide antioxidants (stave of diseases), vitamins (promote healthy body functions like strong bones and healthy sight), fiber (cleanse the bowel of unwanted stuff and 'toxins'), and other nutrients.

Fruits help ppl lose weight by helping to regulate appetites. Fruit fills you up while containing relatively fewer calories.

fruits have alot of naturally occuring water which kills multiple birds with one stone: plenty of water is needed daily for the body to work optimally, helping you keep hydrated which in turn helps keep unneccessary cravings to a minimum
Milan B
2007-10-10 09:45:12 UTC
Well i own an N95...It has a diet-plan in it which tells you about the Calories,protiens,carbohydrates nd stuff a Fruit contains....Well it depends which fruit like-

1 Apple contains-

1-57.2 cALORIES

2-13.8% OF carbohydrates

2-0.1% of fat

2.4% of fiber nd stuff....

So this all stuff helps your bodys Development
2007-10-10 03:33:39 UTC
Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers.
2007-10-09 23:21:30 UTC
Strawberries are extremely high in vit C.... significantly more than oranges. Not only are fruits high in vitamins they are great sources of fiber. I would recommend getting a book on nutrition... it's fascinating stuff.
2007-10-09 21:50:16 UTC
All fruits have antioxidants and fiber, plus: not too many calories per serving. -- Under 100, normally. Some have Lycopene in them, some have carotenoids, merely all have phytonutrients, some: vitamin C and iron, and over a long period of time, if you eat several pieces a day and stay away from sugary foods and those with monosodium glutamate in it (like most soups) and corn syrup, then: it helps protect you somewhat from getting age-related diseases like cancer, alzheimers and infections, too. It also helps your central nervous system, which, in turn, helps your immune system.
2014-07-14 04:24:43 UTC
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with flavenoids and antioxidants which detoxify your system, keep you healthy, keep you looking younger, skin healthy hair more flaxen, etc..and generally raise the defense of your immune system
2007-10-10 19:40:06 UTC
Fruits contain vitamins and mineral which are essential to maintaining and improving our body's equilibrium or healthy state. They also contain fiber which aids our wieght loss and waste release.
2007-10-10 13:14:17 UTC
Excellent site for specific foods nutritional value, including anti-inflammatory properties...

type in specific food then adjust to 100 gram serving to compare different foods. You will find that spinach is almost like taking multivitamin.
2016-02-22 11:33:17 UTC
Be a kid once more! When eating out, order a child’s sandwich, pizza or cheese pizza. Then you can have the treats you love, while reducing your portions and lowering your calorie intake.
2007-10-10 21:09:22 UTC
Simple: It's all natural.

Fruits are what our ancestors used to eat ever since, and it provided them with essential vitamins and nutrients that we lack in processed food today.
2007-10-10 20:23:03 UTC

Fuctrose (a sort of glucose)

Which are key to health

Only one food will not give you good health

It must be combinations of all fruits

generaly, naturaly available in the season are all good for health

it is divine creation .. or human revolution
2007-10-10 17:31:48 UTC
You should never eat fruit.Eat chicken instead!Chicken is yummy and so full of fat when you eat it from Pop Eye's mmmmm.I want some chicken now.I like strawberries.I also like Bananas and pineapple.I'm going to go make me a smoothie with some chicken,strawberries,bananas,and pineapple.Toodles.
Brenda M
2007-10-10 12:41:56 UTC
Strawberries,blueberries,oranges and cherries give you power. Cantoloupe is high in vitamin c & vitamin a. Apple a day keeps doctor away.
m m
2007-10-10 06:57:46 UTC
fruits is fulled with a mixture of vitamins and minerals and this nutrients is so essential for our health and to obtain the maximum amount of this mix eat a variety of colored fruits
2007-10-10 04:26:04 UTC
Well,as far as I know,the vitamins and proteins they contain help in improving the health of the body!
Ephesians 2:8
2007-10-10 03:08:07 UTC
because the nutrients that fruits has to supply our daily requirements in our body is more effective than artificial equivalent nutrients to supplement such requirements necessary to maintain its level to have a normal body function! why more effective, because there is no chemical ingredients or preservative that causes the body to accumulate in some body parts and sometime it will become a toxic or poison to hurts our body!

A classic example is the nutrients of carrots which good for the eyes. i have proven with myself being on my early fifties having good eye sight due to regular taking of fresh carrots!

Strawberrys, usually supplies Vitamin C. Tomato has a special nutrient according to medical technology good for the hearts!

To get good example of this particular question of yours is study the age of thoe ancient people who were not much exposed to eating too much meat, artificial vitamins, etc..etc.!
2007-10-10 13:50:32 UTC
It makes your skin clear it helps your body you should eat about 3 fruits every day i know i do but cool question!
2007-10-10 17:20:16 UTC
Fruits are full of antioxidants, enzymes and fiber. Antioxidants help immune response and thus help the body ward off disease. Enzymes and fiber help the digestive system.
chris l
2007-10-10 16:47:09 UTC
they have:

1) antioxidants, which help protect you from the free radicals that attack you everyday

2) fiber, which helps keep you regular

3) other minerals and vitamins, that help with functions that otherwise wouldn't happen.

There are numerous benefits, they help you from developing so many diseases and cancers.

if you want to know about a specific fruits nutritional value, google it
Apparao V
2007-10-10 07:53:01 UTC
Most our aliments are related to digestive problems. fruits are easy to digest ,and also contain vitamins and fiber which are good for the apple a day keeps doctor away.
2007-10-10 03:44:51 UTC
yes....they must be good! However, I cannot eat them -- I have a spatic colon. Which, means they will give me the runs if digested in much of any quantity. Also, my husband has Acid Reflux so there are some fruits that can reallly set that off such as fruits high in citrus.
2007-10-09 23:21:29 UTC
Friuts consists of carbohydrate, sugar, glucose, sucrose, proteins, vitamins in the required levels.

some fruits are high in carbohydrate, some are rich in glucose, and others are rich in vitamins.

Strawberry has more vitamins compared to other fruits, this enriched vitamin E, B will enrich the freshness of skin and makes the skin to glow and also prevents the oiling of face and it works as anti-aging agent.
2007-10-10 15:41:01 UTC
Fruits are good for you because they have vitmans. Vitmans help you body do thing that they are/or supose to do. Some fruit contain water. You can not live with out water. Water helps your body with muscles and other inportant stuff. That is why it is good for you.
2007-10-10 14:42:04 UTC
Because fruits contain many vitamins
2007-10-10 07:14:46 UTC
I am diabetic.

My Dietician warns against eating much fruit.

She says that fruit turns to sugar in the system and we all know that too much sugar is not good for anyone, especially Diabetics.

2016-02-14 15:01:46 UTC
Paleo diet its a diet based around eating real food unprocessed
2007-10-10 08:47:38 UTC
Fruits contain vitamins,which prevent us from falling sick.Fresh fruits are more healthier than preserved or tin fruits.
2007-10-10 07:56:33 UTC
2007-10-10 06:58:48 UTC
Its good for the heart to heat apples , they also reduce cholesterol, red fruits are good for the blood, they clean they are anti-oxident, fruits have their propreties they can make people go to thje toilet and for all opf those that have this problem ( of not going to the toilet everyday) well it can help
2007-10-09 21:44:07 UTC
It has fiber,which aids pooping(yes it sounds silly). It helps you poop easier so that waste isnt stuck in you intestines for long,reslulting in toxic buildups. If you go #2 once or twice daily then your getting your fiber.

Fruit also conatians antioxidants for a strong immune system. Cranberries, I know are great to prevent urinary problems in cats. Fruits also ave essential vitamins and minerals. Mainly C.

I know some of you will laugh at my first comment. My favorite fruits are grapes,chocoalte covered strawberries,and nectarines.
2007-10-10 12:34:26 UTC
Fiber Fiber Fiber
2007-10-10 03:58:54 UTC
1.According to ancient Chinese herbal medicine, eating eight to ten strawberries in the morning cures a hangover.

2.The minerals in the berry replace those that are washed away with the consumption of alcohol.

3.Strawberries are regarded as an aphrodisiac.

4.Strawberry as a cure for rheumatic gout, a condition of recurring attacks of arthritis caused by increased uric acid in the body.

5.The roots also were used to help ease diarrhea and upset stomach, and the leaves brewed into a tea helped suppress dysentery.

6.Today, with the discovery of the benefits of alpha hydroxy acids, the strawberry has taken on a new role. Rubbing the fruit externally over sunburns helps the damaged skin heal faster, while applied after washing the face helps clear blemishes and keep the skin young looking.

7.Strawberries may also be rubbed over the teeth to remove discoloration.

8.Eight medium sized strawberries contain 20% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of folic acid. Folic acid is a compound of the Vitamin B group occurring in many green plants as well. Recent studies show that folic acid not only helps the body metabolize protein and form new red blood cells, but it also prevents neural tube birth defects. Pregnant mothers are now advised to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.

9.Strawberries also contain high amounts of Vitamin C. Eight medium strawberries contain 140% of the RDA of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is not only highly effective in helping the body resist infections, but is also involved in helping the body absorb iron, heal wounds, and maintain healthy gums and bones.

10.Today, Vitamin C is also associated with reducing the risk of cancer. Consuming strawberries can reduce the risk of developing cancer by 50% due to the high levels of Vitamin C as well as folate and phytochemicals—compounds such as the ellagic acid present in strawberries.

11.Strawberries are also low in calories, fat free, and a wonderful source of fiber for regular bowel movements.

12. 50% of this fiber is a water soluble pectin that can lower cholesterol levels.

13. The strawberry is most certainly closer to becoming the world’s most perfect fruit with all abundant vitamins:

Vitamin A - curing night blindness and beriberi.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - growth and maintenance of healty bones, teeth gums, blood vessels and ligaments. Great for healing and immunity to infections.

Vitamin E - formation of red blood cells, as antioxidants for better skin, and activities of enzymes in body.

Vitamin B12 (folic acid and cyanocobalamin) - for growth and reproduction, production of red blood cells and nerveous system functions.

Vitamin B6 (pyrioxine) - For maintenance of healty skin, antibodies manufacturing and digestive and nervous system functioning efficiently.

Vitamin H (biotin) - For various enzyme activities.

2007-10-10 00:58:11 UTC
eating fruits is very benefiting to one's wellness, because it is rich in fiber which cleans your digestive system of toxins and other bad stuff. it is also beneficial 'cause most fruits contain vitamin c which is good for the immune system. But most of all fruits are good 'cause they contain natural sugar "fructose" which does not give you a burst of sudden energy but steady supply of fructose
Ashley S
2007-10-09 23:13:28 UTC
Strawberries have antioxidents in them. They are important for preventing cancers and getting the toxins out of your body. They also have lots of vitaman C. Pottasium, found in bananas, helps keep cramps out of the muscles. Oranges have vitaman C which helps aid in the prevention of colds and flus. Pomagranates have good for you antioxidents just like strawberrys.
2007-10-09 22:12:14 UTC
Eating fruits is great. here are some of the reasons

1. Good source of Vitamins (usually Vitamin C or A)

2. Good source of fiber

3. Good source of anti-oxidants

4. Some fruits boosts up your energy and happiness

5. Non fattening

6. They taste great!
2007-10-10 16:00:22 UTC
well my ldl is high and my hdl is low so the doctor told me that eating berries together with oatmeal, oatbran, and other fibers will help lower my bad cholesterol. He had better be correct because I am becoming addicted to berries!

Have a berry happy day!

2007-10-10 08:47:13 UTC
many fruits have different vitamins, lots are good for the skin and heart and also the digestive system

hope that helps!
2007-10-10 16:44:03 UTC
no, not if you keep eating the same type of foods you're eating now..... if you ate the same exact type and amount of food you ate last year this year but the only difference was that you added an orange to your diet each day, you would actually gain weight.

good luck.
2007-10-10 13:56:15 UTC
Because fruits are regenerative whole foods. Whole foods meaning they are nutritionally whole; not like cooked or processed fruits.

Whole foods help your body to regenerate itself or heal itself. Same goes for vegetables.
2007-10-10 07:10:18 UTC
hi friend

fruits contains many type of vitamins, protiens.

fruits are digested easily by our body. so our health is maintined good by eating fruits.
2007-10-10 05:26:55 UTC
Eating fruits on a regular basis keeps you regular.
2007-10-09 22:32:21 UTC
yes yes all the vitamins and great stuff, but don't forget, fruits are loaded with sugar as well and too much sugar (no matter how healthy a fruit looks) is never good for you even if it's from a fruit.
2007-10-10 10:36:01 UTC
Men who used to sail around the world used to get...

SCURVY--a lack of vitamin C. They often would go blind as well, due to the lack of cells firing in their EYES---a lack of vitamin A. We have eliminated many of these illnesses in modern times due to abundant fruits, vege's, and mostly VITAMINS! :) Eat up people.
2007-10-28 19:35:48 UTC
fruits and vegetables helps your body with waste management.THERE are certain fruits and vegetables for certain organs to work properly.
2016-01-20 04:10:23 UTC
Kidney Disease Treatment Problems Reviewed -
2007-10-10 18:12:54 UTC
well.......many hundreds of fruits, including fleshy fruits like apple, peach, pear, kiwifruit, watermelon and mango are commercially valuable as human food, eaten both fresh and as jams, marmalade and other preserves. Fruits are also found commonly in such manufactured foods as cookies, muffins, yoghurt, ice cream, cakes, and many more. Many fruits are used to make beverages, such as fruit juices (orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, etc) or alcoholic beverages, such as wine or brandy.

Many vegetables are botanical fruits, including tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, okra, squash, pumpkin, green bean, cucumber and zucchini. Olive fruit is pressed for olive oil. Apples are often used to make vinegar. Spices like vanilla, paprika, allspice and black pepper are derived from berries.[25]

Nutritional value

Fruits are generally high in fiber and vitamin C.

Nonfood uses

Because fruits have been such a major part of the human diet, different cultures have developed many different uses for various fruits that they do not depend on as being edible. Many dry fruits are used as decorations or in dried flower arrangements, such as unicorn plant, lotus, wheat, annual honesty and milkweed. Ornamental trees and shrubs are often cultivated for their colorful fruits, including holly, pyracantha, viburnum, skimmia, beautyberry and cotoneaster.

Fruits of opium poppy are the source of the drugs opium and morphine. Osage orange fruits are used to repel cockroaches. Bayberry fruits provide a wax often used to make candles. Many fruits provide natural dyes, e.g. walnut, sumac, cherry and mulberry.[30] Dried gourds are used as decorations, water jugs, bird houses, musical instruments, cups and dishes. Pumpkins are carved into Jack-o'-lanterns for Halloween. The spiny fruit of burdock or cocklebur were the inspiration for the invention of Velcro.

Coir is a fiber from the fruit of coconut that is used for doormats, brushes, mattresses, floortiles, sacking, insulation and as a growing medium for container plants. The shell of the coconut fruit is used to make souvenir heads, cups, bowls, musical instruments and bird houses.
Moe heshmati
2007-10-10 09:33:11 UTC
fruits have vitamins

vitamins and mineral foods increase the activity of cells by affection on enzimes
2007-10-10 00:56:57 UTC
fruit has got all the materials a human body needs, try eating fruits at least for a year and let us know the result.
Nora P
2007-10-10 19:30:05 UTC
Fruit offers fiber, vitamins and minerals, complex carbs and natural sugars. Besides, they taste really, really good!!!
Anonymous Girl
2007-10-10 16:43:52 UTC
it improves u'r bodys health because in fruits and vedgetables there r know sugars or fats so it is good for ur body
2007-10-10 15:33:06 UTC
Black raspberries are loaded with nutrients and phytochemicals that may prevent the development of cancer

Now if Safeway, Walmart or Basha's were smart enough to have them in Payson, Az, I could consume some.

Of course the big question is: Is all this true or is it a marketing gimmick?????
2007-10-10 14:32:12 UTC
At one time I thought it was good.....but since we are importing so many fruits and vegetables with less standards than we have.....I really question anymore what "healthy" is.
2007-10-10 07:09:45 UTC
Vitamins and a nutritionally sound source of energy. They tend to be high in calories, so sedentary people should probably be careful.
2007-10-10 01:15:08 UTC
Nectarines really make me feel good. Bananas take away my stomach aches. Fruit is the answer. It is natural without the preservatives. Go organic!
the fire within
2007-10-10 15:16:52 UTC

2014-01-21 03:07:53 UTC
I suggest to all people go to this site and you will find all the information related to health. This site contains food and recipe, living healthy and weight loss tips. Please go to this site and get all your health related information. This site help all of the people to keep their health healthy.
2015-09-18 05:37:16 UTC
oranges,apples etc contain a lot of vitamin c - which can help considerably when you are in a hot country as scurvy type conditions can ensue with dehydration.
2007-10-10 10:48:10 UTC
A apple a day keeps the doctor away
2007-10-10 05:22:06 UTC
well its pretty simple the ingredients in the fruits are what yuor body needs and demands

such as


vitamin a, b, and c



2007-10-10 04:39:30 UTC
Strawberries and other fruits are good for you skin and you diestive system.
2007-10-12 07:05:51 UTC
Yes. Fruit is very healthy for you.
2007-10-10 14:10:58 UTC
first hint--have you ever see a fat bird fly around. they eat lot of fruits. fruits contain antioxidant and vitamins. most fruits eater are healthy,happier,don"t get sick very often, and stay thin. they don"t get fat and look tired. no matter how much fruits you eat, you never get fat .
priyanka m
2007-10-10 09:03:41 UTC
fruits contain all the necessary vitamins and fibre. low cal food and good for digestive system.
2007-10-10 08:46:53 UTC
some contain good to excellent amounts of key vitamins and they most are watery giving our bodies the nourishment and fluids that we need. besides the health factor, they are so good!
2007-10-10 08:43:01 UTC
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2007-10-10 07:55:28 UTC
if you notice your mouth does not have extruding k-9 teeth. your teeth are set up to be herbivore. the protein you get from meat does increase brain function, but the body is set for fruits and veggies
2007-10-10 20:13:22 UTC
well eating fruits can help you be healthy. they provide a lot of vitamins and vitamins are good to have in anybodys diet.
2007-10-10 19:39:13 UTC
Eating fruit helps you go to the bathroom. If you don't go to the bathroom, you will get cancer and die. So eat fruit and go to the bathroom.
2007-10-10 00:33:51 UTC
everyone here has pretty much covered it.

I'd like to add that fresh fruit is a gift from God

God doesn't make junk

That's my story and I'm sticking to it

Nuts are great too.
Josh l
2007-10-10 11:13:30 UTC
well i think i will start out with this saying fruit contains natural ingredient that help day to day like natural sugars which give your body energy -jman
2007-10-10 00:30:48 UTC
it helps you digest well, reduces intestines and gas problem in the body. they're also really delecious, especially when they're seasonal and eaten on time :) i love green apples, but not the gold smith, im from Jordan and we have some kind of green apples grown in a place called SHOBAK, it's the best you can ever eat!!!
Cali C.
2007-10-09 23:50:41 UTC
They provide multi essential nutrients for all systems of the body. Helping the vision, immune, respiratory and muscles.
2007-10-09 22:25:32 UTC
The biggest benefit you get from eating fruit (besides the antioxidants they contain) is that it keeps you from eating big macs, fries and other killer carbohydrates. It's like Oatmeal lowering your cholesterol. If you eat oatmeal for breakfast it will lower your cholesterol.

Ya especially if you've been eating bacon and eggs with cheese on it.

Get it?
2007-10-10 19:34:29 UTC
fruits contain acids and sugars which are good for the system . got some grapes?
dani l
2007-10-10 17:44:44 UTC
first of all most fruits are alkaline. making ur body alkaline by eating fruits make ur body VERY healthy. acidic body tend to get sick easily. acidic foods are meat, dairy, etc.
2007-10-25 17:32:49 UTC
They contain vitamins and minerals. They also have a lot of fibre in.
2007-10-10 20:41:40 UTC
French fries vs an apple,the apple would be the best for your body.
2007-10-10 07:57:11 UTC
eating fruits and veggies will make you:

1. regular

2. healthier (contains vitamins, antioxidants and cancer fighting)

3. feel better
Red Mystic Water
2007-10-10 06:22:29 UTC
they get rid of toxins in your body which is really good. I need to take in more fruits in my body because im a fastfood addict. This question opened my eyes, thank me? no, thank you..
2007-10-10 05:58:34 UTC
did anyone here read this question carefully, im sorry to crash on you but, what the question tries to point out is a table like result


apple - good for cancers

orange - vitamin c - anti aging

got tha point?

sorry if i have misunderstood too

good luck
2007-10-10 01:13:21 UTC
Fruits are nutritious and they improve your digestive system.

They are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals which

makes your body healthier and less prone to illnesses.
2007-10-10 13:51:35 UTC
You get vitamins, natural sugars, fiber, most are low in calories so you can stock up, and antioxidents.
2007-10-10 10:52:34 UTC
it helps by giving u the acids or sugars that u need plus it is a source or vitamins and minerals
Jaime Rose
2007-10-10 00:47:29 UTC
Compare it with fried chicken, which one would you rather to eat, the fruit or the chicken?

Fruits are vitamin and mineral and Fibers, instead of harming the body they are improving the body cells.

chicken are fat and protein. gives you energy and cal. but it store in your body as fat .

Fruit have fat too but the good fat. opposite of butter, cooking oil or fat on the meet or chips and etc. your body still needs those type of fat too.

everything has to have balance.
Two Peas
2007-10-10 20:08:35 UTC
Boost Immune system.
2007-10-09 22:28:57 UTC
it helps a lot your organism because it provides your body with vitamins and minerals!! and also it don`t make you fat!! instead of eating junk foods just eat an apple a day and it also keeps the doctor away
2007-10-09 22:10:15 UTC
of course uncooked/fresh fruits contains more nutritional value.......because when cooked, the vitamins/minerals it cotain will have a chemical reaction causing them to produce some less important chemicals
2007-10-10 10:13:40 UTC
Hey, if God made it it cant be bad! who cares HOW.. just that its better than a greasy hamburger or fries!

You need vitamins.. and antioxidants.. look it up on web md!
Sofia Mylle Anjela M
2007-10-10 02:45:58 UTC
fruits have natural vitamins in their juice which is good for the body. good for the digestion, helps prevent flu. and they taste really nice
jimmy a
2007-10-10 01:35:08 UTC
Eat stones and grass instead of friuts for one month then u will notice the difference in your health.
Yvonne B
2007-10-10 01:24:19 UTC
each type of fruit or berry has it's own health properties such as flushing out bad acids that cause arthritis of varied forms, or those to ease MS, or rid of carbuncles, or prevent esophageal cancer etc.
2007-10-09 22:36:52 UTC
you know the saying: an apple a day keeps the doctor away, unfortunatly it is incorrect... somewhere in China a girl did just that and ended up oveweight and unhealthy. Although fruits are good for you I wouldn't overdue it.
2007-10-10 19:01:53 UTC
eating more fruits improve our health because they are healthy.
2007-10-10 15:18:56 UTC
Wow an advertisement for fruit juice company
2007-10-10 01:32:46 UTC
one word ..fiber..fruits produces more fiber whuch helps your digestive system get rid of all thats alreday there and suffocating inside..excuse the pun..after a good one like borat would say..your system is all cleaned up!!
2007-10-10 15:47:49 UTC
it helps regulate your the fibre in the fruit helps your bowels, the potassium n' calcium obviusly help strengthen your body
Dr. Steve
2007-10-10 12:40:21 UTC
They give you gas, which makes you either fart in public or get lots of stomach cramps

The stomach cramps are unhealthy, the farting makes you shunned by people, which leads to depression, which is unhealthy

Fruit kills
2007-10-10 08:06:56 UTC
They contain vitamins and minerals. They also have a lot of fibre in.

hope this helped:)
2007-10-09 22:09:13 UTC
I like drinking lots of cranberry juice, which is good, because I don't evacuate my bladder as much as I should. It helps out the kidneys.

Oh, and I've heard that rich berries, like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries help with uric acid, which causes gout. My dad likes to eat them whenever his foot's acting up.
2007-10-10 07:32:59 UTC
fruit contain vitamins.

vitamins are good for your health.
2007-10-10 07:22:41 UTC
Better metabolism = better digestion = more energy = happiness and health!
2007-10-10 04:55:11 UTC
its contains of vitamins. benefits is like good digestion feet body
2007-10-09 21:37:25 UTC
a person who eats lots of fruits hardly ever gets a cold are flu.eaten with other foods fruits makes foods digest better,with all the enzymes and amino acids in fruits.and a person will live longer
2007-10-10 05:49:03 UTC
Other than nutrients, they are also a good source of fiber in the diet.
2007-10-10 02:26:23 UTC
Won't eating too much fruit rot your teeth???
2007-10-10 14:34:51 UTC
First of all, fruit is tasty tasty.

Second of all, you won't get scurvy!

Third of all, you won't have to kill yourself trying to poo!

Fruit rules.
2007-10-10 11:57:42 UTC
the answer is simple

Fiber, fiber, fiber!!! for your digestive system.

plus vitamins, carbs, minerals as nutrients.

they are what we need to feel and look great.
2007-10-10 11:41:55 UTC
your best bet for health is pure honey buy it right from the bee keeper
2007-10-10 22:41:12 UTC
Fruits taste good and are good for you!
2007-10-10 14:34:10 UTC
They are healthy for you!

Please choose em as best answer
2007-10-10 13:23:04 UTC
fruit is a kind of carbohydrate, and we need carbohydrates to burn fat and give us energy. and fruit also has vitamins.
2007-10-10 05:03:08 UTC
an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
2007-10-10 07:11:47 UTC
vitamins, and fiber! :) and fruits with high water content can help keep you hydrated
2007-10-10 00:03:24 UTC
Fruit is great and all but vegetables are far more important.
2007-10-09 23:17:38 UTC
some fruits give us vitamine,that really need for our body
2007-10-10 13:40:47 UTC
fruits contain fibers that is good for our digestive system..
2007-10-10 20:00:06 UTC
certain fruits have things that save you from scurvy
2007-10-10 12:28:30 UTC
of course, it is full fo vitamins and has a really good amounts of fiber.
2007-10-10 11:39:14 UTC
Eat less meat
madhu s
2007-10-10 06:45:49 UTC
fruits are natural and having more food value and less fat, easy to digest,luxative, pure.
2007-10-09 22:47:12 UTC
It could reduce the risk of stroke

it could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

It could reduce certain types of cancer

It could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease

Fruits high in potassium could reduce kidney stones and bone loss

It could also help reduce calorie intake.

Fruit is naturally low in fat and sodium


EXCERPT from link below

Fruits are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).

Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Fruit sources of potassium include bananas, prunes and prune juice, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and orange juice.

Dietary fiber from fruits, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis.

Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.

Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume adequate folate, including folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.


Researchers at Tufts University declair Blueberries were rated highest in their capacity to destroy free radicals.

US scientists have shown that the antioxidants contained in Blueberries help to slow th ageing process and reduce the risk of cancer.


The miracle fruit


There are just too MANY benefits from eating fresh fruit to ignore them.
Candi Apples
2007-10-09 21:53:40 UTC
Blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants.
2007-10-09 21:24:44 UTC
No one will ever know the full benefit of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially if grown as near to organic (without artificial fertilizers) or organic, if possible.

My guess is that the Vitamin C, fiber, and other known benefits from fresh strawberries is just the tip of the iceberg, because we simply don't know all the things that are in there. In contrast, artificial or prepared foods are much more easily defined, as the more prep, the less pep, as they say.
2007-10-10 11:23:30 UTC
it gives you body minerals and vitamins that help give you energy and strength better looknig skin.
Alyson C
2007-10-10 10:15:01 UTC
pinapple burns a ton of fat! but don't eat it all the time because its not all that great for you and besides you'd probably just get sick of it.! :)
2007-10-10 18:28:56 UTC
i eat fruits allllll day long. blueberries are good for your memory.
2007-10-10 17:48:07 UTC
antioxidants, and keep you regular, thus preventing constipation, gas, and unecessary extra pounds in your colon. also, they have vitamins, are low in fat, and you can make smoothies with them.
Dana I
2007-10-10 14:57:20 UTC
cause its healthy and when u eat healthy stuff it help ur stomach grow so u can be very healthy just like milk lol
Buff Me
2007-10-10 07:26:22 UTC
for example Banana's make your legs stronger and raisens are good for iron
2007-10-10 17:54:31 UTC
it builds your metabolism and gives you vitamins and minerals that you need in your daily life
2007-10-10 09:59:54 UTC
they help with your digestive system ... and they give you the right vitamins which are essential to live
2007-10-27 21:03:46 UTC
it helps you release any bad food that you don't want in u
The Great Sphinx
2007-10-10 21:19:34 UTC
Helps to fight all the disease that comes from consuming animal flesh (meat) and cow's breast milk (dairy).
2007-10-10 00:28:02 UTC
when people see you eating fruits they think you're smart. you know because of the math stuff
2007-10-10 19:43:29 UTC
eating fruits prevent scurvy.
2007-10-10 06:03:18 UTC
they have vitamins and minerals wich keep you fit healthy strong and stop you from getting colds
2007-10-12 04:02:45 UTC
improves the immune system
yeller at your gril
2007-10-10 20:20:08 UTC
Because it give the cerium that you need
2007-10-10 17:01:11 UTC
they have vitamins, and vitamins are good for sight, teeth, and muscles, they also are good for the digestive system
2007-10-18 18:37:28 UTC
Eating fruit provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.

Health benefits

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases.

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for type 2 diabetes.

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain cancers, such as mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum cancer.

Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Eating fruits and vegetables rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and may help to decrease bone loss.

Eating foods such as fruits that are low in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake.

Click here for more information about preventing cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer.


Food sources of the nutrients in bold can be found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Click on the nutrient name to link to the food sources table.

Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol.

Fruits are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).

Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Fruit sources of potassium include bananas, prunes and prune juice, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and orange juice.

Dietary fiber from fruits, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as fruits help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories. Whole or cut-up fruits are sources of dietary fiber; fruit juices contain little or no fiber.

Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.

Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume adequate folate, including folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.

Potential health benefits of eating fruit...

potential for weight control

more energy for exercising

reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases

reduced risk of developing cancers

lower blood pressure

potential to lower cholesterol

reduced change of developing type 2 diabetes

potential to slow down age process

Gaining the benefits by eating more fruit

It can be quite easy to slip 5 pieces of fruit into the diet. Here are some tips..

Add dried fruit to breakfast cereal

Prepare fruit salads to last few days

Eat apple before leaving for work

Eat small piece 30 minutes before / after light workout

Drink more fruit juices

Find recipes that contain fruit

Always have a bowl of fruit in or near T.V
2007-10-29 17:25:20 UTC
It will definitely keep you flowing.
rick y
2007-10-10 16:19:51 UTC
BHH [Bustin' Ho's Heads]
2007-10-10 06:19:46 UTC
It provides you with the vitamins and minerals you need!!!
2007-10-10 02:38:49 UTC
i'm not sure but they make your teeth whiter.

different coloured veg have different properties and health benefits
2007-10-09 22:58:46 UTC
it contains vitamin minerals etc which keeps your body fit
2007-10-09 21:50:04 UTC
Vitamins, antioxidants, lower calories, less red meat in your colon. Which incidentally means you do poop regularly......
2007-10-10 17:12:13 UTC
yes it can improve your body
2007-10-10 17:05:04 UTC
They're better for you than what you probably eat.
2007-10-10 12:04:36 UTC
fruits have powerful antioxidants like blueberries and cranberries............ Oranges provide Vitamin C to prevent colds and immune system..................................
2007-10-10 09:11:06 UTC

Candy is dandy, but fruit makes you poop! :D
2007-10-10 01:46:24 UTC
Stawberries have more vitamin c than oranges.
2007-10-10 10:35:45 UTC
they have minerals that are good for you. helping your teeth and hair look and feel stronger.
2007-10-10 08:04:12 UTC
It helps with your elimination.
2007-10-10 01:50:21 UTC
FRUITS maybe regarded as Healthy only with a balanced fruit intake, balance certainly helps improve health.

Anything in excess OR scanty to the Human body results into damage in a visible & invisible state.


A MANs body accounts for about 60% of water and a WOMANs body for 50%.

The body loses 1.5 litres of water daily.

An average diet may provide 600 ml of free water and the remaining must be drunk. The kidney must form atleast 600 ml of urine to get rid of poisonous matter.

About 500 ml water evaporates from skin, 300 ml from Lungs and 100 ml from faeces.

Fruits are life saving too. Most of the fruits contain 70% water and more.During dehydration(loss of water in body) fruits act valuable role as ORS.(oral substitute).


'Phytotherapy' or treatment with fruit and vegetable extracts as 'Nutriceuticals' an umbrella term for dietary supplements and provide alternative herbal cures, these act as health tonics to supply vim, vigour and vitality.

Fruits act as scavengers in our body and drive away toxins.

It contains pure water, sugar, vitamins, minerals, alkali, organic acids, proteins, fat, fibre and some aromatic compounds which give sweet smell.

By eating fruits we take the already digested sugar.

It decreases acidity in blood, thereby reducing the workload of Lungs, Liver and kidney etc.

It contains less protein and fat making digestion easier.

Fibre cleanses the stomach. It acts as anti oxidants.


1- The leaves are mildly astringent and diuretic.

DIURETIC - Increases the secretion and dischrge of urine.

ASTRINGENT - Arrests secretion or bleeding.

2- As strawberry contains vitamin C more than lemon and orange, it can be used used against scurvy.

3- It is a refreshing tonic.


Botanical Name:Fragaria chiloensis

Family Name:Rosaceae

English Name:Strawberry

Hindi Name:Rasbhari


Refreshing, nutritive, tonic, astringent, diuretic.

FOOD VALUE:(100 gms)(Strawberry)

Moisture -87.8%, Protein -0.7%, Mineral matter -0.4%, Fat -0.2%, Fibre -1.1%, Carbohydrate -9.8%, Calcium -0.3mg, Phosphorus -0.03mg, Iron -1.8mg, Vitamin C -52mg, Nicotinic acid -0.2mg, Thiamine (Vitamin B1) -0.5mg, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) -0.08mg,

It contains pectin (as calcium pectate), 0.154% and organic acids (citric and malic), -0.7 -to-1.6%

Copper -0.02mg, Iodine -0.1-to-0.03 mg

The flavour of the fruit is attributed to the presence of volatile esters.


If simple drinking WATER could prove to be Disastrous and Beneficial for the Health, Imagine the role of FRUIT Juices with all of the Proteins, Minerals, Vitamins etc

***It is estimated that DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) causes more deaths in the world comparing to AIDS & Cancer.

***Most of the DVTs are caused by dehydration (fluid loss in body)


CASE STUDIES reveal miraculous recoveries and treatments with a simple water therapy of balanced pH water intake for long duration, restores natural body health,

***The baby will remain alkaline while breast feeding, but will begin to reduce in alkalinity and increases with acidic, once put on infant cereals.


Irregular pH balances of plain drinking water has been found to be the major cause for ACIDOSIS, acidic properties in blood & whole body resulting (in the long run) into degenerative changes of the body leading towards failure/dysfunction of organs, a weak immune system and a weak body finally leading to irreparable damages causing Obesity, Diabetese, Cancer, Heart disorders, Arthritis, Renal failure etc...


"The excess intake of CARROTS for long duration, a glass full etc for months together, forms Vitamin-A in Liver excessively, Liver is store house for Vitamin-A and it gets damaged with extra Vitamin-A"


"Extra amounts of Vitamin-C makes the bones lose some stuff say: CALCIUM etc thus making the bones weaker in the long long run"


"There is a different reaction of the juices in digestion process if consumed before meals OR after meals" &... many more examples ...

A correct justified ANSWER to your QUESTION may end up as a BOOK. As, I believe I answered your question with less than 1% of the info needed on this page,( whole content ) specifically for FRUITS, unfortunately I could talk about only Strawberry briefly, Pls write to me for more info, links/source etc, .. to endorse the above facts & statistical reports.

Sincere Thanks to Y-Q&A
2007-10-09 22:44:16 UTC
vitamins, water content, fiber, antioxidants, flavinoids, etc.

the list goes on and on
2007-10-10 11:02:56 UTC
fibre and antioxidants......I dont like fruit...where I live its already cold, so eating fruits just makes it worse.
2007-10-10 00:55:10 UTC
it might be a worthy experience to be a fruitarian. much knowledge is needed though.

read this and see what you think.
^_^ Scruffy
2007-10-09 21:22:07 UTC
Fruit contains many vitamins which is good for your immune system and for your general health. Fruit also has a good source of fiber which is helpful when you gotta go. Fruit is also part of a balanced diet, so go on, and eat some good fruit!
2007-10-10 20:14:55 UTC
They sure are better than chocolate candies.
2007-10-10 18:35:03 UTC
boost your immune system, less fat, less cholesterol so low risk of heart related diseases.
Action Bastard
2007-10-10 14:07:47 UTC
pooping is helpful because if u dont poop u will be more heavy and get used to it
2007-10-10 04:29:37 UTC
i think the foods are just better for you
CaRiE nYc
2007-10-10 02:38:08 UTC
fiber and carbs vitamins and minerals
2007-10-09 21:27:08 UTC
the fruits are not just sources of minerals and vitamins and enzymes needed by the body for normal body functions but also a buffer system that enable the body to combat the negative effects of acidic foods since ruits are most alkaline in nature.they also detoxyfy the body systems resulting to good health status of the body.
2007-10-10 13:08:03 UTC
something about digestion and energy but other than that i really dont know

kenneth w
2007-10-10 12:39:26 UTC
because its gives you the pips
2007-10-10 14:38:47 UTC
they're filled with vitamin c
2007-10-10 11:20:58 UTC
because it fulls of anti-oxidant
2007-10-10 08:39:58 UTC
how the hell should i know. i just want 2 points.
2007-10-10 14:31:23 UTC
more antioxidants in friuts
Olga O
2007-10-10 10:33:24 UTC
strawberries make you prettier
2007-10-09 21:12:06 UTC
Well fruits and vegetables contain alot of the minerals your body needs to convert calories into energy and to run the rest of your body for example Vitamin A a very easy vitamin to get helps promote normal bone growth, hair, skin and so forth. Strawberries provide alot of Vitamin C which helps your body heal after injury, The diff vitamin b's, their are 8 different types, help your body break down carbs and fat into energy. Then it also supplys larger amounts of fiber, fiber helps absorb water, it prevents high blood cholesterol and can help clean out our arteries of excess fats and cholesterols. Alot of people also don't realize fruits and vegetables also are very low in calories so if you have bad eating habits such as eating out of boredom, eating before bed, eating while you work... or so on which you all probably have don't worry I do too xD, they can help you fill your habits without adding extreme amounts of daily calorie intake.
2007-10-10 14:41:34 UTC
heard it makes you lose weight
2007-10-10 03:56:45 UTC
Well, it is mooshy, and so is the insde of your body.
2007-10-09 21:16:32 UTC
Fruits are nutrient dense containing a lot of vitamins and minerals. Most fruits are very high in antioxidants and other phytochemicals that may contribute to good health. Antioxidants are believed to neutralize free radicals which damage our cells. Plus fruits are high in fiber which is also good for us.
2007-10-09 21:02:11 UTC
Well, in addition to the vitamins they contain, a lot of fruits have antioxidants in them as well... so they help keep your body healthy by protecting body cells from free radicals. But I guess it depends on the fruit as to what particular benefits you'll get. The potassium in bananas is good for thwarting muscle cramps, the fiber in apples is good for digestion, the vitamin C in oranges is good for your immune system... Plus, they're yummy and relatively low in calories, so you can eat a lot of them. I reckon.
2007-10-10 18:42:38 UTC
a lot of wyas
2007-10-10 07:37:19 UTC
you will get more vitems and nutrents
Que Chido
2007-10-10 10:39:39 UTC
I believe it does.
2007-10-10 05:29:04 UTC
better intake
2007-10-10 18:51:28 UTC
Yeah, what they said.
Makes Sense
2007-10-09 21:00:40 UTC
Antioxidants. Nutrients. Minerals. Water content helps fulfill 8-10 glass per day consumption. Builds immune system.
2007-10-10 09:26:01 UTC

2007-10-10 09:26:29 UTC
buy it
2007-10-10 18:40:20 UTC
i dunno. Every time I eat fresh fruit, I get the runs.
2007-10-10 16:37:56 UTC
2007-10-09 21:22:04 UTC
Because they contain vitamins, minerals and definitely lots of fiber in them.
2007-10-09 21:03:55 UTC
the vitamins help many things such as skin and immune system
2007-10-09 20:48:48 UTC
fruit has vitamens in it which you need, otherwise you get sick. also without fruit you get constapation. dont eat too much fruit though, 5 full handfuls of fruit a day :) if i say fivepeices of fruit a day you might cheat and eat five grapes! vitamins are essencail for strong healthy hair and strong nails. also for glowing eyes and skin.
jon s
2007-10-10 15:10:46 UTC
It can't.
2007-10-10 00:00:59 UTC
Qu'est ce que tu penses?
2007-10-09 21:28:13 UTC
Fruit doesn't necessarily mean that it's 100% healthy. Fruits are simply nature's desserts. You should only eat so much as if it were a bowl of ice cream. It does contain many vitamins and minerals (depending on which fruit you are eating), but most of the nutritional material in fruit is natural sugar. You should only eat the recommended serving needed per day and your good to go.
2007-10-09 20:50:26 UTC
Plants naturally absorb the sun's energy so that gets passed on to us. When we eat a chicken that ate the plant we aren't absorbing as much energy available to do biological work. Then there are vitamins and minerals we need.
♥ lani s
2007-10-11 19:39:33 UTC
Fruits generally are nutritious and are good sources of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients and substances that are important for good health. They are natural sources of energy that can give the body many nutrients you need to keep going. They also contain other naturally occurring substances that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Their fibers content also play a great task in everyone’s health.

The antioxidants in fruits also became a great attraction to many as they are proven to play a major role in keeping the whole system healthy plus their great role in cancer prevention. Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals which can damage cells and cause mutations and may cause cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Eating more generous amounts of fruits as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. In conclusion, eating more fruits could tremendously improve your health.

How?.... The following are some of the details of how eating more fruits can improve your health….

A. Fruits provide vitamins and minerals, which improves health and prevent diseases.

>>Vitamin A (beta-carotene) and vitamins E and C which are essential vitamins and antioxidants which protect the body from damage caused by oxygen free radicals and lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.

>> Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division and differentiation. It helps regulate the immune system. Lemon, apple, apricots, cantaloupe melon, and mango are some of the good fruit sources.

>>Vitamin C helps to heal cuts and wounds and keep teeth and gums healthy. It can prevent and may cure a wide range of diseases such as the common cold and heart disease. The main form of oxidized Vitamin C in the body may also reduce neurological deficits and mortality following stroke. There are lots of potential benefits a Vitamin C could give which most of them are still on the process of finding stronger grounds of evidences. Some good sources of Vitamin C include guava, kiwi fruits, papaya, citrus fruits, mango, strawberries and many more.

>>Vitamin E – considered as the most biological antioxidant in humans protecting cells against the effects of free radicals. It also plays a role in immune function, in DNA repair, and other metabolic processes. Though it still needs stronger evidences, it is believed that it could possibly contribute in the treatment of some forms of heart diseases, cancer, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Fruit sources include sea buckthorn berries, kiwi fruit, raw mango and tomatoes.

>> Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain a healthy blood pressure. Bananas and oranges are good fruit sources.

>> Folate and Folic Acid (vitamin B9 or B complex) can help reduce the risk of development of megaloblastic anemia and certain serious and common birth defects. Healthful diets with adequate folate may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord defect. Adequate folate intake can also slow down the mental health decline. Citrus fruits are good sources of folate.

>> Vitamin B6 is needed by enzymes involved in protein metabolism and is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. It is needed to make hemoglobin and also helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin. Banana, tomatoes, and avocado are good fruit sources.

>>There are lots more of vitamins and minerals fruit can give. Every fruit has their special contents. For example bananas contain chemicals that stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that can regulate moods and prevent depression. Bananas also contain some elements that can give you a colorful skin.

>>The essential elements in fruits such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats are good contributors in having a good health as well.

B. Eating more fruits can provide antioxidants that can prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

>>Quercetin - can help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer. It is a flavonol naturally-occurring in large amounts in APPLES and onions.

>> Ellagitannins (ET) - antioxidants that break down to metabolites known as urolithins - inhibits the growth of human prostate cancer cells. It can decrease the systolic blood pressure by 21 percent and significantly improve blood flow to the hearts. It can possibly prevent neurodegeneration as well which leads to Alzheimer’s disease. It is abundant in pomegranate juice.

>>Anthocyanins reportedly slow the growth of colon cancer cells by 50 to 80% and also killed roughly 20 per cent of the cancer cells while having little effect on healthy cells. The compounds responsible for the rich dark colors of grapes, radishes, purple carrots and bilberries are rich sources.

>> Lycopene fights prostate cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Guava, tomato and all tomato products (tomato sauce, paste and ketchup), watermelon and pink grapefruit and all fruits with reddish color are rich in lycopene.

>> Neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids are particularly effective at combating the superoxide anion radical thought to be one of the primary causes of cancer. Dried plums or prunes are good sources.

>> Antioxidants in black raspberries prevent the formation of blood vessels that feed developing cancers by reducing the production of growth factors for the cells that make up the blood vessels.

C. Eating more fruits provide antioxidants that can prevent illness and diseases.

>> Flavonoids have strong antioxidant properties with various beneficial effects on health, due to their antiviral, anti-allergic, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antioxidant activities.Good fruit sources include citrus fruits, apples and berries.

>>Glutathione and cryptoxanthin improve men fertility and may help prevent damage to sperm that causes them to become sluggish and lose the ability to fertilize an egg. Papaya, oranges, watermelon, avocadoes, and grapefruit are good sources.

>>The flavonoids and athocyanins in tart cherry juice has the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which relieve muscle pains.

>>Pectin and antioxidant flavonoid content of apples help lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

>>Group of tannins called proanthocyanidins can help fight bladder infections and other bacterial infections by altering the potentially pathogenic bacteria. They are found primarily in cranberries.

D. Eating more fruits provide adequate fibers which can provide many health benefits including controlling your weight.

>> Diets naturally high in fiber can improve the gastrointestinal health and the glucose tolerance and the insulin response, reduce hyperlipidemia, hypertension and other coronary heart disease risk factors, and reduce the risk of developing some cancers.

>> Good intake of fermentable fiber from berries and other fresh fruits reduce risk of obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and GI disorders like constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, and colon cancer.

>> Most fruits are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling thus eating fruits makes a person feel full on fewer calories because fruits are lower in calories and higher in fiber than most other foods. The water and fiber in fruits add volume to your dishes, so you can eat the same amount of food with fewer calories and would help in controlling your weight.(Fruits baked in a pie or dripping in butter,avocados, coconut and olives, contain high fats.)

E. Eating more fruits give lots of fun and allow good time spent with family and friends.

>>Such bring healthy impacts brought about by strengthened relationship with significant others while enjoying the different tastes of fruits.

Well, there are still lots of ways fruits can improve your body health. Along with fruits, vegetables work with them side by side thus both should always be considered in having a great healthy meal. Eat a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Different colors provide a wider rage of valuable nutrients like fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamins A and C and many other natural substances that help protect against chronic diseases.
x music lover x
2007-10-10 17:31:53 UTC
idk about strawberries but carrots help our eye site
2007-10-10 16:27:28 UTC
because everybody poops =\


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2007-10-10 16:23:49 UTC
!!!!!! CRANBERRYS !!!!!
2007-10-09 21:08:29 UTC
You are what you eat. You eat fresh alive fruits,

vegetables, you feel fresh.

You eat meat from dead animals, you feel depressed, slow,sluggish, heavy.
2007-10-09 21:08:21 UTC
Many hundreds of fruits, including fleshy fruits like apple, peach, pear, kiwifruit, watermelon and mango are commercially valuable as human food, eaten both fresh and as jams, marmalade and other preserves. Fruits are also found commonly in such manufactured foods as cookies, muffins, yoghurt, ice cream, cakes, and many more. Many fruits are used to make beverages, such as fruit juices (orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, etc) or alcoholic beverages, such as wine or brandy.

Many vegetables are botanical fruits, including tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, okra, squash, pumpkin, green bean, cucumber and zucchini. Olive fruit is pressed for olive oil. Apples are often used to make vinegar. Spices like vanilla, paprika, allspice and black pepper are derived from berries.[25]

Nutritional value

Fruits are generally high in fiber and vitamin C.

Nonfood uses

Because fruits have been such a major part of the human diet, different cultures have developed many different uses for various fruits that they do not depend on as being edible. Many dry fruits are used as decorations or in dried flower arrangements, such as unicorn plant, lotus, wheat, annual honesty and milkweed. Ornamental trees and shrubs are often cultivated for their colorful fruits, including holly, pyracantha, viburnum, skimmia, beautyberry and cotoneaster.

Fruits of opium poppy are the source of the drugs opium and morphine. Osage orange fruits are used to repel cockroaches. Bayberry fruits provide a wax often used to make candles. Many fruits provide natural dyes, e.g. walnut, sumac, cherry and mulberry.[30] Dried gourds are used as decorations, water jugs, bird houses, musical instruments, cups and dishes. Pumpkins are carved into Jack-o'-lanterns for Halloween. The spiny fruit of burdock or cocklebur were the inspiration for the invention of Velcro.

Coir is a fiber from the fruit of coconut that is used for doormats, brushes, mattresses, floortiles, sacking, insulation and as a growing medium for container plants. The shell of the coconut fruit is used to make souvenir heads, cups, bowls, musical instruments and bird houses.

above all i like to eat / feed fruits.
taif s
2007-10-09 21:06:52 UTC
well...if you believe they will make you healthier, you will be healthier
2007-10-09 21:01:47 UTC fart more....farting makes people smile/laugh....hence....longer life...?
2007-10-09 20:59:32 UTC
binds free radicals
2007-10-09 20:48:25 UTC
Their low in calories and have next to no fat which means you can eat a lot of them and not gain any weight or have to worry about your heart.
2007-10-09 20:42:23 UTC
eating millions of peaches will make you poop blood for weeks and your hair full of body and shine !
2007-10-09 13:57:36 UTC
I like eating brightly colored berries so that I can have colorful poo.

It makes me happy, which is good for my heart.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.