long story short other day I was skating first time in long time and I fell down really hard on my left hip, and it still hurts today, it hurts pretty much all the time and more so when I go to move. so today I called my doc up because of the pain and big bruise which is like the size of 3 quarters, and the nice lady on the phone after I told her what happened she said at this point I think u need to be seen by a doctor but the doctor is busy till Monday so I really think u should come here to urgent care and get an xray just to make sure you hip is ok so I am going to go 2morrow and get it looked at. I told some people that I talk to that 2morrow I m going to urgent care to get my bruise looked at and xrayed just to be safe and they started to yell at me for it. they said why the heck are you going to urgent care? they said it is just a bruise it will heal on its own no use in going to urgent care it is not needed for a simple bruise like u have and I said well I called my doc to get some help and they told me to go to urgent care and get it xrayed I said my docs office told me to go so I am going to go, and the one person said the only told u to go to urgent care because u called them a yesterday and today to complain to them about hurting and I said no I only called today to say I fell and am still hurting and they said go to urgent care cause doc is busy till next week. I said they were concerned about it since they said go to urgent care cause doc is booked.