I need desperately need help?
2006-05-06 18:06:53 UTC
I used to self harm around the tome that I was using antidepressants. One of my teachers found out and told the counciler and they told my parents.At a regular medical check-up, my doctor told my mom that I seriously need psycological help. My mom did nothing. She didn't schedual an appointment for me to see someone after several reminders. Now I'm really freaked out because I stopped taking the antidepressants but there are still some left in the bottle. I just can't stop thinking about how it would be easy to swallow the rest of the pills and it might kill me. I've honestly just wanted to die lately. The only problem is if I try to get help, I'm afraid people will just think I'm trying to get attention, when that is NOT what I'm trying to do. I already my suicide note planned out, but like I said, it my suicide isn't complete, people will just think I'm looking for attention by the attempt. How am I supposed to get help? Will someone please give me some much needed advice?
24 answers:
2006-05-06 18:17:41 UTC
It is very common for people to feel guilty for asking for help. Many people feel like they are just trying to 'act sick for attention' or whatever. I believe that you want help and think you need it. You are not acting and not just seeking attention even if that is what part of you might be whispering. I don't know you, but it sounds like you are having a very awful time right now and I really do believe that you are of great importance to those around you even if that doesn't remotely seem true. Heck, I happy to even have you here to be typing to you. Death is just too final. You are taking antidepressants so perhaps these feelings of suicide are coming from the mood disorder you are suffering from. It is nothing to be ashamed of! many many people suffer from things like this. Believe me that it can and will get better! This is just one phase of your life and you have so much more joy to confront as you continue to move through life. Seek help. Call up a help hotline, they can be very helpful.

Help is out there. I hope i have done a bit to help you. It is not much, but I don't want you to keep the world from having someone as special as you.

Also, I don't know how old you are, but younger adolescents sometimes react poorly to antidepressants and it can make them suicidal. Call up your doctor. Find the number and just call him yourself if you don't think your mom will help. This may or may not be the case, but something to ask your doctor about.

I will hope and pray that you will come to know how much of a joy you are to the world and that you will get past this and find out that this was a rough patch.... very rough.. but has passed. It will pass. Find help and believe you can get past this.
Michael F
2006-05-07 01:19:39 UTC
Even if you were talking suicide to get attention, it speaks volumes to your present state of mind. I am sorry that you are in so much pain. I really hope that you don't try to commit suicide. Please hold on for a bit longer. Long enough for you to get the proper help. If your mom won't get motivated to get you an appointment, you need to go back to your school councelor or the school nurse or back to your regular doctor and explain your situation. If your Dad or even a grandparent or adult that you trust is around, you might want to talk with them also. My heart breaks for you hon because I know how badly you must feel to think of taking your own life. My wife went through similar feelings and through medication (Zoloft) she has been able to work through the pain. Please also understand that medicine isn't a cure all and sometimes takes a few days to start working. Do not stop your antidepressants and get the prescription refilled or ask your doc if maybe there is something better that you could be taking. You will definately need some therapy too. Therapy doesn't mean your crazy. I have been through it myself. It's just being able to talk out your problems with someone who won't come down on you for feeling what you feel. It will help. Please hang in there. God loves you so much. If you believe, sit down in a quiet room with no disturbances and really let it all out to God. Sometimes we don't hear His answers right away, but if you keep praying, eventually His love will lessen the pain. God Bless you my child.
2006-05-07 01:14:35 UTC
I feel ya. I say go to someone else at school. If there is no one else, go to a church. Pick one that just says "Christian" not "Baptist" or "Catholic" or any other with a label. The non-descript churches will be there for you to talk to someone and won't push religion down your throat. Don't mention the suicide stuff at first (so you don't act like you need attention). Whatever you do, don't eat all those pills. It probably won't work, and you'll be left screwed up and humiliated. Good luck and best wishes. You can get past it, even if it's not for a long, long time. But then, hey, it's totally worth it.
2006-05-07 01:15:42 UTC
I am sorry you feel the way you feel. What is so bad in your life to make you want to die? Trust me we all get down and want to disapear, but when you are at your lowest just remember that it can't get that much worse. If you really want to talk to a doctor tell your mother that you need help. You have to ask for help and want help before anyone can help you. It is okay to be vulnerable sometimes. Please if you need someone to talk you through your problems feel free to email me. I am going to college and I am studying to be a therapist. I am not yet trained, but I can help you by lending an ear. Just remember also that sometimes people need a little attention so don't feel bad about that.
2006-05-07 01:12:04 UTC
Make an app't with your doctor immediately and tell them your mom is doing nothing to help you. He/she will take the necessary steps to get you help without your moms involvement. They will probably send you to the hospital immediately and then your mom will have no choice but to become involved. Don't give up hope and DO NOT take those pills. Until then, call your friend/friends parent, an aunt, a clergyperson, a cop - anyone who will support you until you can get into the dr.
2006-05-07 01:16:52 UTC
I'm sorry this has happened to you. people wont think your just trying to get attention. if they do then you just remember that they are wrong. throw those pills away if they still bother you. tell your mom again if she does nothing then find a place that can help you in your community. a church may help you ask never be afraid to ask. go back to your doctor and have him schedule an appointment. you can make it through this.
2006-05-07 01:15:26 UTC
If your dead, you wont be around to see them read the note.

You need to speak to your doctor and parents or something to see what can be done.

Coming off the anti-depressants may have something to do with it.

You may need to change the anti-depressants your on as they can give people suicidal feelings.

Think about this before making this one-way decision to kill your self.

You really could do with some friends and peopel to help.

Talk to someone about hwo you feel too and what you may be leaving behind.

PS - Dying that way is very painful as your liver packs up first and it is very unpleasent.

Here is a website for you

I hope you luck!
2006-05-07 01:13:49 UTC
Coming fromsomeone who had an ex-girlfriend try to commit. the best thing you can do is go seek help yourself don't kill yourself it won't be easier on anyone life is a beautiful thing that your parents and God gave you it isn't you job to take it away find your local doctor and find help please i don't know you personnally but i care for you enough to respond just think of how many others love you and don't want to be without you also talk to friends mayeb they can help if you are still in High school contact your Counselor Please
2006-05-07 01:13:03 UTC
Don't worry what other people think, just get help and don't take the pills. Just think of all the good things in life that you have to live for. Killing yourself isn't the answer.
2006-05-07 01:14:19 UTC
On Monday, go back into the school councilor's office and tell him/her everything that you've just written. If you can't wait that long, call 1-800-784-2433 for help. Good luck, keep away from the pills, and know that it DOES get better.
2006-05-07 01:10:54 UTC
go to school and tell them what you just told us and they can get you some help. tell someone else if you have to if your mom won't listen tell your aunt or uncle or friend or your friend's parents tell someone who can get you help and don't stop until you get help. show them the suicide note and let them know that you desperately want help and good luck. do not

do not give up, there is hope.
2006-05-07 01:10:46 UTC
If you truly need help, you will seek help and not worry about what other people think. Don't feel bad; I've been told the same thing, and it's pretty much true. Although I still haven't gotten help, I've toughed it out so far. I wish you luck.
2006-05-07 01:12:25 UTC
tell your mother this. she should have the sense to take you to a specialist. if not, tell your counselor. in the meantime, stay away from those pills, and do something that'll keep your mind off of things.

if you ever wanna talk about something email me:

i will listen an am willing to be there for you
Physics Major
2006-05-07 01:11:17 UTC
i'm glad you realize you need help, but the internet really isnt going to help very much. you need to talk to a real professional - a teacher, a doctor, your parents. they can give you some advice, but it sounds like you should also see a therapist. any of these people i suggested can help you find a therapist.
2006-05-07 01:11:05 UTC
Sorry your parent is not showing any concern. You can just a helpline or go to the emergency and tell them what you are feeling they could call a counselor to help you out.
2006-05-07 01:11:23 UTC
Do a search for the suicide hotline. It's answered by people who have tried to commit suicide.
2006-05-07 01:10:40 UTC
it sounds like your parent is in denial about you having a problem so you need to take you doctor NOW and let him know what you are can receive medical help in this life threatening situation without parental help or call someone to take you to an ER or call 911..please though..get help!!
2006-05-07 01:09:59 UTC
Seek help from someone who can help you like your Mom or Dad, pastor, teacher. Someone real. Not imaginary friends on yahoo.
2006-05-07 01:22:03 UTC
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Just remember that and please get help for ur depression right away! Don't put it off!
2006-05-07 01:15:44 UTC
2006-05-07 01:16:02 UTC
Hon you need first to take this to God .then you sound smart enough to help yourself and smart enough not pay any attention to what other people think,
2006-05-07 01:12:15 UTC
you need some spiritual guidance, you need to get a hold of God and pray and ske him to help you through this. and you shouldn't have quit taking you ned if they are helping you. i wish you the best, if you need a friend email me
don s
2006-05-07 01:13:52 UTC
Please call a help number and they can refer you to a person who has training in this area. Many people have the same problem,,,
2006-05-07 01:11:23 UTC

sweet_nicegemini is my yahoo id

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