this is SERIOUS!!!!! PLEASE HELP!?
2006-06-13 17:13:49 UTC
okay my sister who is 24,has been taking pain pills to get high...shes been doing this for about 4 years...but thats no the full problem....we just recently found out that shes been doing METH which is actually the worst drug u can do....we have been praying fo her and trying to help her she has a 4 year old son soon to be 5 years and she doesnt have a job....but she does however have an apt. well we are really afraid of what might happen to her if she doesnt quit...i know the addiction is hard to overcome but PLEASE if you have ANY suggestions! my mom is so stressed out and trust me she doesnt need any more to add on....please only SERIOUS answers...thank-you sooo much
29 answers:
2006-06-13 17:17:04 UTC
you can't do anything to help her, until she's ready to get help. Once she is ready to get help, take her to your hospital, and have her evaluated and then they can arrange a treatment program. If your sister doesn't get off meth soon, she is going to die. It only takes a little while of addiction before they start losing their skin, start getting infections in all the open wounds, and their brain deterioates to nothing. I see it every day in the hospital i work at. If you can get some kind of custody of her son, he would be better off getting out of that situation.
2006-06-14 00:25:53 UTC
Well, well. It seems that you guys are facing some serious problems. I would say that the best way to deal with this is to get profetional help. I know that it migh be hard to get your sister to see a doctor, but i think that's what you guys should try to do. But do it soon because if she has been with this problems for 5 or 4 years she might be really affected already, but am sure that she can overcome this. I know people that have been addicted to serious drugs for more then 10 years, and now they have a normal life. So I have faith that your sister is going to be fine.

Good Luck!!
2006-06-14 00:23:47 UTC
sometimes there comes a point in a parents life to cut their child off. It is the hardest thing that your momwould ever have to do. It is called tough love. unless your sister is ready to quit itis pointless to waste time in trying to make her quit. Is her son living with her? If so then why??? I think that your mom should sue her in court fro full custody of him. Maybe that would be a wake up call that she needs to turn things around. I was married to a drug addict he was addicted to meth before I meet him and then chose cocaine We have a 2 yr old together that he barely sees. I tried and tried to get him help. But the problem was that by me staying around I was jeopardizing my self and my children. I was an enabler and co dependant on all of the chaos and trying to fix him. He still uses during our divorce the judge wouldnt even give him a set visitation just when I agreed. I know when he is using. I say fight for that little guy get him the hell out of there and maybe call a drug enforcement team and they can keep her under surviellance. Maybe she could be put in jail if caught. That would get her enough time to detox and get some help while behind bars. The harsh reality is is that your mom did the best she can she did not raise her to be a drug addict your sister is trying to mask the pain of something traumatic that has happened in ehr past good luck
2006-06-14 00:22:10 UTC
Listen, the only way your sister is going to be okay is by pain... I know it sounds terrible, but that's the only way you get off addictions. It's painful the first few weeks, because your body has gotten use to the stuff, but if you want her to be okay, well you have to take her under your wing(or your' mom's wing.) Take her home, and of course take her child too, and keep her there, under your care, for as long as it takes. Find programs to help her out(usually hospitals and other medical places have info about those things). Be nice to her and try to put her back on the right path... Don't worry if she screams and yells at first: that's just part of what the addiction does. But soon enough, she will realise what you're doing and try to go along with it.

Basically, what I'm saying is she can't get thought this alone. You have to support her, and that includes keeping her safe at your place with the kid, making her see professional counceling/help, and love her more than you ever did.

Good luck!
2006-06-14 00:21:36 UTC
I would take the child if possible. care for his well being forst and formost. Then I would consider calling the police. A hard decision it might be but it might help her get clean and save her life. She has to want to get clean to get clean. ya know? You can want her to all you want, but she needs to do the work. Meth is a hard thing to get clean from. I had a friend that was clean for a year and still craved it. I wish this wasn't a problem in the world but its everywhere and people are being so foolish to bring kids in to the world on top of it. The most important thing here is the baby boy! He didn't ask for this. And he needs a clean, safe, and caring invironment! He can't be getting that at home with his mom.

If the child cant live with you or your mom or another family member, call your local child protective services and get him help. Hopefully, you can talk your sister in to getting clean for his sake, unfortunately, thats not very realistic and you may have to resort to calling the police the next time you know she is high or in possession of drugs! I wish you all the best and you are in my prayers also! Good Luck!
2006-06-14 00:29:24 UTC
I am so sorry for all the stress and pain your going through. I know it must be hard to watch a loved one go through something like this. I put my family through the same thing many, many years ago. I was addicted to pain killers (due to legit health problems). I lost control and began using them when I really didn't need them.

To be honest, there is not a lot you can do UNTIL she decides she needs and wants help. If possible, do not help her in any way with any thing (except her little boy, of course). Sadly, when she realizes she has lost everything and everyone, maybe she will change. Don't desert her totally though. She needs to know you will be there for her when she is ready to get help. I do think talking to your Pastor or Preacher would help you very much... What I have suggested is what worked for me. Hopefully, it will work for your sister also..Good Luck and I will say a prayer for you and your family. :)
Miss Miller
2006-06-14 00:24:53 UTC
Well try this, Make a video of her little boy playing around and having fun. Tape is birthday and make sure you get the smallest but the cuties moments and then have a part on that tape where the little boy talks to his mom and tells her that he would like for her to get better so they can be happy, you know something that will pull at her heart strings to make her see shes also hurting that little baby. ok then your gonna get the most family members and friends that are NOT hooked on drugs and have an intervention. If you would like try bring in a drug Counselor in also, that will help alot more. Then make sure that she doesn't know whats going on. You want to maybe let her think its like a family and friend get together. Then your all gonna start in on her, Don't be hostel to her but just tell her why shes here and then this is when you want to show her she sons tape. Hopefully this will help you might wanna talk to others about this and look up info for it.
2006-06-14 00:23:29 UTC
Your sister is in trouble and needs help. It isn't safe for her child. If she's high on drugs she can't care for her son. There are drug rehab programs that will help her. If she doesn't voluntarily go into rehab tell her that you will report her to the authorities. A judge can have her admitted if that's what it takes. Perhaps you and your mom can take care of her son until she gets straightened out. The road she is on now will lead her to her death and she's taking an innocent child with her, but you know that, so help her by being strong enough to do the right thing. Don't wait. Do it right now.
2006-06-14 00:23:57 UTC
I live in a house full of people. One of them used to be addicted to pain killers and heroin. He's clean now but what had to happen was his family (us) were not going to be there for him until he was ready to get help. As terrible as it may seem and feel, don't support her or help her. Try to take her son away and let him live with you or your mom. tell her you'll be there for her when she ready for help but not for anything else. Another good idea might be for you and your mother to go to an Addicts meeting. I know you two aren't hooked on anything but there will be people there that have gone through it and could help tell you what they needed to get better and the tricks they tried to use there family. People at these meetings are very kind and understanding. I hope I've helped. By the way, he's clean now but he can never take a pain pill again. When he gets hurt or ANYTHING he has to stick out. Just part of the after math of breaking the habit.
2006-06-14 00:35:25 UTC
My sister has been going through the same thing with crack. She is clean now, and I hope she stays that way. We threatened to take her son away from her, and that helped some, but the truth is, you cannot help her, she needs to help herself. If she does not want to be helped, she is never going to stop. Threaten to take her to court for custody of her child if she doesn't clean up. Offer to help her in any way you can, if that doesn't help, your hands are tied. Telling her how you feel is the most important thing. Get your whole family together, tell her you all love her very much, but you all agree she has a problem. Support her, be there for her. Unfortunately, there comes a time when you have done all you can do, then it is up to her.
2006-06-14 00:18:47 UTC
I am so sorry for your family. I live with my sister and her family. Her son who is 18 has been doing meth also. He has been in rehab 2x, and just recently started doing it again. He isn't bad yet, but I'm sure he will get that way. He stole money, possessions, and cars from us all during his worst times. He will probably start doing that again if he keeps it up. I am afraid I have no advice to offer, only prayer and support and the knowledge that you are not alone.
2006-06-14 00:18:08 UTC
You and your family need to sit down together with her and have whats called an intervention. A counselor is there also. Your family reads a letter to your sister and explains to her to enter herself into treatment or the whole family will never help her out again for any reason. No phone calls will be accepted, no bailing out of jail, no keeping the son, etc. Its basically an ultimatum to make her go into treatment. Shell be glad she said yes once she gets sober. Its tough love, but if you dont use tough love on her, then your going to keep permissing her drug habit and you dont want that.
2006-06-14 00:23:03 UTC
I am certainly not qualified to answer such a serious question, but I do think you need to get your sister some professional

help, for all of your sakes. This is so stress full, and that makes

it hard to even think. Talk to your family Dr. for advice if you have to. Perhaps he will recommend a social worker to help. They can often start the ball rolling to enter her into rehab etc.

The best to you.
2006-06-14 00:19:52 UTC
Contact a local chapter of Narco-non. It's for family members of addicts...if her son isn't being raised properly and is in the care of a meth addict, GET HIM OUT OF THERE. Call Child Protective Services (annonymously if necessary) or have your Mom or another family member care for your nephew.

Try to get your sister to a rehab center voluntarily and go with her.

Good Luck. My prayers are with you.
2006-06-14 00:26:37 UTC
Talk to her and try to convince her that if she doesn't doing drugs she could end up dead or seriously hurt. Also, take her to a rehab. Tell your sister how much you care and love her. Maybe she doesn't feel loved that's probably why she does the things she does. I hope soon she puts an end to this, so that you and your family could be happy again.
Laurel K
2006-06-14 00:25:33 UTC
I know you or your mother may not want to do this, but maybe it is time for some tough love. Is there a rehab program in your area in which you can enroll your sister? Is she willing to be seen by a doctor who can tell her what kinds of things she's subjecting herself to by doing these things? If she is not willing or ready to sign herself into a program you may have to look into taking her son. Unfortunately, even when addicts don't have money there always seems to be someone who's willing to give someone drugs they don't need, and it may be time to get tough and tell her to either get clean or give up her son. I know it's tough, but the choice has to be hers.
2006-06-14 00:19:54 UTC
This isn't an easy situation, and there are no easy answers. Your sister has a lot of serious issues, but she does have some good things going for her -- YOU. You can help. Focus on the underlying problem that leads to her addiction. Listen to her, support her, and offer her help without judgments.

Here's a great website that offers facts, ideas, and resources:

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers,

2006-06-14 00:17:49 UTC
If she is using meth, all the prayer in the world won't help if she isn't also getting treatment.

It might be hard, but you are going to have to do something to help the kids. Maybe if the kids are not with her, she will get clean to get them back.

You can't force her into treatment, but you can call social services and report that she is doing meth and has kids in the house. You can report anonymously.

Best of luck to you and to your family.
2006-06-14 00:20:02 UTC
I would try to get a hold of one of those intervention programs where she goes and they help her out. I've seen a show call Intervention that has those type of cases. Drug programs. I will be praying for you and your family. seems like yall are going throught a lot of things.

Best of luck
2006-06-14 00:16:21 UTC
The sad truth is, you can only do so much until she wants to help herself. You and your mom both should talk to a professional who can help you deal with the stress and emotions that you are feeling, and may be able to advise how to help your sister. Good luck!
crazy lazy
2006-06-14 01:16:39 UTC
I`m sad and sorry for you.

Surely, you will do everything to help but this time its really all up to her.Only she can pull her out from this mess and hopefully she will.Don`t hate her for what "happening" coz she really out control her mind and I do believe she do want to get back but just can`t.

I also believe with the help from GOD, she, you and family will be okay for good.Amin.
2006-06-14 00:19:32 UTC
you should find her a new hobby or at least something she can do to stop taking drugs you can also volunteer to take care of her son

I'm really sorry i really hope everything turns out OK
2006-06-14 00:18:25 UTC
im sorry to hear this i really think you should talk to her about how you feel and try to convince her that what she is doing is wrong show her that her child needs her and that doing drugs can affect the growth or the life of her child show her HOW SERIOUS THIS IS
2006-06-14 00:17:01 UTC
At this point you guys need to do what is best for the little boy..your sister will only stop when she decides to..and she has to do it for herself..she can't do it because you want her to..
2006-06-14 00:17:38 UTC
Take her to a detox clinic to help her overcome her addictions.
2006-06-14 00:16:36 UTC
Try to convince her to go to rehab and have you or another family member watch the child.
2006-06-14 00:17:52 UTC
all i can say is play with her and keep her busy from doing drugs

then she would be more interested in you instead of drugs...

then it would wear out every drugs has its end...even though it is the worst of the worst

im sorry sbout your sister...if it was mine ...i would be crying...
2006-06-14 00:22:08 UTC
Time for an intervention.
2006-06-14 00:16:50 UTC
Take her to counseling or therapy.

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